The Trinity

The Trinity

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New member
What, you want me to usurp the place of the Holy Spirit? Was I born with the power to convince anyone of anything?
What are you talking about?

It's really obvious you are clueless to why I posted what I did.

None told you to oust the Holy Spirit which doesn't even make sense.

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New member
I have no power to convince anyone of anything. It matters not how much I can write here.

My prayer to you is that God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) breaks through your indoctrination as only God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) can break through the darkness of your indoctrination.
Since you are without a clue.

We aren't to make a show of praying or do it for the sight of man.

And prayer is work, which you claim none are to do. It is based on belief which you consider ineffectual.

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New member
If you cannot comprehend that the Bible is not talking about physical eyes (neither am I), no wonder you are on gt's gravy train.
I promise you I am very capable of discerning the words of the Bible and the motives of man.

What you said wasn't accurate.

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New member
Another example that you have plucked your eyes off as popsthebuilder was defending you.
Uhm.... She didn't direct that at me.

Tell me, how does one pluck off a thing that isn't on them but in them.

To be clear; we are told to remove our sinning members.

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Active member
Could I ask you when you pray for me you do it to the Father, by the name of Jesus, asking the help of the Holy Spirit, otherwise, your prayer has no power, that is what Jesus said.

Of course.

I gave you the information from the Bible. YOU, reject what the Bible clearly displays. That is something only you can see. No one can force you to see Father, Son, Holy Spirit as God Almighty.

You gave me verse from the bible. Verses alone are not enough to understand the truth of God, they need explanations. You fail to give any type of explanation, thus you have shown me nothing.

(Acts 8:27-31) "..E·thi·oʹpi·an eunuch...He had gone to Jerusalem to worship, 28 and he was returning and was sitting in his chariot, reading aloud the prophet Isaiah... Philip ran alongside and heard him reading aloud Isaiah the prophet, and he said: “Do you actually know what you are reading?” 31 He said: “Really, how can I, unless someone explains it to me?” So he urged Philip to get on and sit down with him.."


Well-known member
Since you are without a clue.

We aren't to make a show of praying or do it for the sight of man.
Not necessarily in conjunction with your post, but 'showing' or rather 'showy' is operative. We are called to corporate prayer. The problem isn't prayer, but the heart. The prayer closet is for one's own relationship with God. It is about who you 'really' are, not just on Sunday's kind of thing, thus "not like the hypocrites." A few would tell us otherwise regarding prayer in public at all. They are wrong. Same with doing good works. "Why" you did them is important. If for dubious gain, power, infamy, it is all the reward one will get. If because of love? The result for that one too, is all they had hoped for, already.

And prayer is work, which you claim none are to do. It is based on belief which you consider ineffectual.
:think: To me, like saying 'talking to my wife' is work on our marriage. I suppose so, from another's perspective. From mine? :nono: View attachment 25823 It is rather who I am, thus it is 'no work at all.' I think often, 'works' is in the eye of the beholder. Do's and Don'ts generally are coercive whereas what I do or don't do is from my nature. If I have a new-nature, the produce is new-natured things or new-natured "work." Philippians 2:13 Ephesians 2:10


New member
Seemed pertinent. Since it's in the Bible and refers to GOD, Man, and the Son of Man.


Didn't go actively looking for this, by the way.

Numbers: 23. 19. God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?

does it then follow that all times Jesus refered to Himself as the son of man, He was saying He as a man wasn't the fullness of the One Creator GOD?

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God's Truth

New member
I have no power to convince anyone of anything. It matters not how much I can write here.

My prayer to you is that God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) breaks through your indoctrination as only God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) can break through the darkness of your indoctrination.
God tells us what we have to do to enter.
We have to repent.
Try repenting of your beliefs and see what happens. Repent aloud to God through Jesus and see what happens. What do you have to lose? What do you have to be afraid of?

God's Truth

New member
Not necessarily in conjunction with your post, but 'showing' or rather 'showy' is operative. We are called to corporate prayer. The problem isn't prayer, but the heart. The prayer closet is for one's own relationship with God. It is about who you 'really' are, not just on Sunday's kind of thing, thus "not like the hypocrites." A few would tell us otherwise regarding prayer in public at all. They are wrong. Same with doing good works. "Why" you did them is important. If for dubious gain, power, infamy, it is all the reward one will get. If because of love? The result for that one too, is all they had hoped for, already.

:think: To me, like saying 'talking to my wife' is work on our marriage. I suppose so, from another's perspective. From mine? :nono: View attachment 25823 It is rather who I am, thus it is 'no work at all.' I think often, 'works' is in the eye of the beholder. Do's and Don'ts generally are coercive whereas what I do or don't do is from my nature. If I have a new-nature, the produce is new-natured things or new-natured "work." Philippians 2:13 Ephesians 2:10

God tells us to pray in private and you change what He says.


Well-known member
God tells us what we have to do to enter.
We have to repent.
Try repenting of your beliefs and see what happens. Repent aloud to God through Jesus and see what happens. What do you have to lose? What do you have to be afraid of?

"Repent of your beliefs"? You've added to your "repent of sins" doctrine? :rolleyes:

Have you ever heard of someone who contradicts themselves as much as you do?