Jesus, during His earthly ministry taught the law to ISRAEL.
After Jesus' ascension He taught Paul the message of grace.
He sent His twelve disciples (minus Judas, plus Matthias) to preach to the whole world (Matthew 28:18-20). So they did. Many people believed (Acts 1-7). But a year later, Israel still had not, as a whole, believed, and eventually Stephen was martyred for his beliefs (Acts 7:54-60).
This is when Israel cut off Israel for their unbelief.
That's when Saul (who consented to Stephen's death (Acts 8:1)), who would later become Paul, is introduced. He was then confronted by Jesus Himself on the road to Damascus, Soon after, and for much of the rest of his life, Jesus taught him the message of grace. It was so different from the law that multiple times in the Bible it records Paul in conflict with Peter and James, and not just simple discussions, but Paul even gets in Peter's face at one point (Event recorded in Galatians 2:11). After that, Paul and the twelve come to an agreement, that they will go to the twelve tribes of Israel (thus removing themselves from the responsibility given to them in Matthew 28:19-20) and that Paul will go to the rest of the world.
You should read 1+2 Corinthians.