But IF you decided to do
any of the above for a religious purpose, that would be wrong......
If you put a flag up declaring that "God is good"....and we will now meditate on that phrase every third Tuesday of every third month:
That's a violation of Body Hope
If you put up a green shamrock as part of your christmas "thankfulness":
That's now a violation of Body Hope
If you decided that putting out a pumpkin to advertise candy because God will honor that more so then NOT putting out a pumpkin to generate business:
You've now violated Body Hope
If you put up a tree to decorate to keep the kids busy....as part of the christmas observances, :
You've violated Body Hope
.......and for the record, you are really stretching this saying it keeps the kids busy....what do you do in the summer ? Getting the tree out then? ARe your kids that needy to be entertained? What about when the kids are gone, are you going to forget about the tree?
So, anyway, maybe you get the idea now...it isn't the object or the symbol...it is the making it a religious observance that is wrong.
Lon, I use those pretty "christmas" lights throughout the year, to decorate for birthdays. Why? Because it is not the
lights from christmas that are wrong, it's the observance of the day.

lain: Why do people think that if one doesn't do christmas, their children are giftless, toyless neglected children?