The long nightmare has ended. Trump leaves the White House


Staff member
Super Moderator
My concern is that we'll have a repeat of this in 4 years. Not Trump again- but somebody like him.

Donald Trump's success was partly a reaction to the Obama years. Biden's election victory is a reaction to Trump. Biden is likely to be too left wing, and may trigger another Trump-type reaction.

My hope is that the reaction to Biden will lead to a more reasonable Republican candidate, and this cycle of extremes will be broken.
Oh boy, another Mitt Romney. Just shoot me now.

Gary K

New member
I'll make it easy for you ex. Tell me plainly and simply - how many illegal Mexican immigrants are you willing to accept this year?

0 - 100
100 - 1000
1000 - 10,000
10,000 - 100,000
100,000 - 1,000,000
1,000,000 - 10,000,000
Well, we already know that socialist rules are written so that from their side of the fence the rules are as follows: Rules for thee and not for me.


Well-known member
Awesome! No more coddling of the rioting red-hatters who attacked the Capital and intentionally killed a cop.
A regular old Satan-worshipping moron.

First, the cop was a Trump supporter. Second, the rioters didn't kill him - he died from a pre-existing condition. Third, his family asked that his not be politicized. How nice of you to spit on his grieving family.

People were rioting all summer and you did not care. Now you suddenly care? No, you're just cashing in on the suffering of others.

Gary K

New member
A regular old Satan-worshipping moron.

First, the cop was a Trump supporter. Second, the rioters didn't kill him - he died from a pre-existing condition. Third, his family asked that his not be politicized. How nice of you to spit on his grieving family.

People were rioting all summer and you did not care. Now you suddenly care? No, you're just cashing in on the suffering of others.
What else can we expect from Rusha who says she is highly moral and her ideology is highly moral. That is Rusha being highly moral in her own eyes.

The Berean

Well-known member

Whatchootalking about?

Cuomo is still in office. Newsom is still in office. Whitmer is still in office.
Ironic that soooo many leftists attack Trump for his mishandling of the pandemic yet say NOTHING about Gavin Newson's complete incompetence is dealing with the pandemic in California. There's a petition to recall Newsom. It requires 1.8 million signatures to get a recall election on the November ballot. The petition already has over a million signatures.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Chris Wallace on Joe Biden's swearing in:

"I've been listening to these inaugural addresses since 1961... this was the best inaugural address I ever heard':
Well, Chris Wallace just got fired for saying the best previous inaugural address (given of course by Obama) has just been bested by some old white guy. What a racist that Chris Wallace is.
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Well-known member
Same goes for you British tards (yes @eider , that means you) - willing to take several million brown people a year into your homes?
Now don't be a racist moron, doser. The people that we can take can be any race, creed, colour etc.
That's like me asking you why you let hundreds of thousands of babies starve to death in India every year...... the ones that you use from time to time to get some impact in to a post, you patronising wimp.

Look, you're just embarrassed that you stupidly supported a crazy idea to build a blooming great wall, ocean to ocean, to divide Mexico from the USA and you were idiot enough to actually believe that your leader could make Mexico pay for it. How dumb you were/are.

Now just look at it!
So don't take it out on us because you were daft enough to actually believe that it was really going to happen, and all paid for you.


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Now don't be a racist moron, doser. The people that we can take can be any race, creed, colour etc.
That's like me asking you why you let hundreds of thousands of babies starve to death in India every year...... the ones that you use from time to time to get some impact in to a post, you patronising wimp.

Look, you're just embarrassed that you stupidly supported a crazy idea to build a blooming great wall, ocean to ocean, to divide Mexico from the USA and you were idiot enough to actually believe that your leader could make Mexico pay for it. How dumb you were/are.

Now just look at it!
So don't take it out on us because you were daft enough to actually believe that it was really going to happen, and all paid for you.

Looks like I struck a nerve lol

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I'll make it easy for you ex. Tell me plainly and simply - how many illegal Mexican immigrants are you willing to accept this year?

0 - 100
100 - 1000
1000 - 10,000
10,000 - 100,000
100,000 - 1,000,000
1,000,000 - 10,000,000
Same question to you, @eider


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Delusional stupidity on Trump's part, yes. And on those who expected Pence to do just that, and when he didn't, chanted "Hang Mike Pence!" and brought a gallows to the Capitol on January 6.
Gullible moron!

There is no such thing as a real Trump supporter that would say or do anything of the sort. The right wants to persuade you by engaging your mind. They aren't interested in forcing you to act as if they're right and their instinct is the opposite of hanging their political rivals. That's the sort of stuff that the left does, not the right.
What you present as hard fact is actually an open question. A question that some people tried to get the Supreme Court to answer but were refused a hearing. There are descent arguments on both sides of the question of whether the V.P is required to accept electoral votes when the elections that produced them are being actively disputed but once the question was clearly not going to be answered by the courts, there wasn't any doubt about the fact the Pence wasn't going to try to force the issue. Trump picked the wrong guy if he wanted someone who was willing to go that hard against the grain.



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Did no one tell him how Nixonian it would look?

Leaving the White House instead of post-inauguration from the Capitol?
Is part of the nightmare the composition of the Supreme Court? Cos it looks to me like it's still 6-3 in favor of Republican nominees.


Well-known member
Why do you keep referring to yourself that way?
I am not the one who sees a devil under every doily.

Let's be clear: a bizarre and pernicious brand of magical thinking is entrenched in American society. Thus we get people like you conjuring up notions of the rest of the world possessed by the devil.

That sort of "thinking" is, frankly, absurd. And if it were not for the fact that this forum is a place for fringe-y types to safely backslap each other about their wild imaginings, you would be, quite rightly, subject to excoriating public ridicule for believing such piffle.

Not to mention the utter lunacy of QAnon.....


Well-known member
Can you explain, ex, why Canada didn't offer asylum to all the brown people stacked up at OUR southern border?
Your claim, you need to provide a reference and then I will look into it.

Even though, this is obvious "whataboutism" - the fact that Canada may be infected with some measure of xenophobia is, of course, irrelevant to the matter of whether American policy is likewise infected.