Reminder: nearly everyone on TOL could care less what the ub says.
It's a waste of space except for comedy.
48:4.15 When we are tempted to magnify our self-importance, if we stop to contemplate the infinity of the greatness and grandeur of our Makers, our own self-glorification becomes sublimely ridiculous, even verging on the humorous. One of the functions of humor is to help all of us take ourselves less seriously. Humor is the divine antidote for exaltation of ego.
Reminder: nearly everyone on TOL could care less what the ub says. It's a waste of space except for comedy.
B]the cosmos[/B].
Most scholars see 2 Peter as pseudographical, meaning it was not written by Peter, this is insubstantial proof that Peter esteemed Paul's letters in such a way. Deeper research by those committed to the subject have found Paul's gospel gravitating more and more away from what Jesus and the original disciples taught, - don't forget that Paul's rebuke at Peter in Galatia, was just the tip of the iceberg of more conflicts between Paul and the Jerusalem Church, as he became more 'anti-law' and 'anti-Jewish customs' alienating himself further from the original group, going to the Gentiles who more easily accepted his teaching.
We still disagree on this one, Paul's epistles and teachings were sanitized, some ghost written by the Roman cult to teach the historic version from my research into the time period, the rift was most likely wider than even the Galatians letters confrontation exposed concerning the earthly Adams ritualistic religion manufactured He-brewed up out of Romes religious machine to control the illiterate with exoteric fear propaganda still in use today.
The Logos of John was the result of plagiarism from prior proverbs and Psalms gleaned from other cultures beliefs as well so to pit Paul against Jesus is a phantoms gone wild movie.
Luke 17:20-21 matches Paul's inner Christ quit well and shows the Gnostic foundation the Roman cult couldn't stomach.
Which to me the Urantia is just another attempt to push a historic Jesus at the expense of the Gnostic mystic Christ called a heretic motif by bloody Rome.
The ub is NOT a source or authority for truth, so it makes no difference what the ub says.
I've never met a Christian who worships the Apostle Paul. It is true that Paul's writings revealed exactly what Jesus Christ wanted - the Gospel of the Grace of God. In other words, why did Jesus Christ willingly go to the cross and what changed at the cross? This wasn't a message intended just for the Jews like so many messages given by the Apostles to the Circumcision (Jews). The CROSS is the biggest and most precious event in the Holy Bible.
I could care less that the ub disagrees with this stance. The stance of the ub is not material because it's FICTION. The real and TRUE story is in the Holy Bible.
freelight;4333985]Hi zeke,
My point stands however concerning pseudographs.....if Peter himself did not endorse Paul's writings....the claim is merely 'assumed'. The likely dating for the 2 epistles of Peter is still decades after his death, and much evidence for being pseudographical. They are therefore the product of religious writers of their time....containing the doctrinal reflections of the writers.
In other Pauline studies I share a more Jewish based Jesus, which does conflict with Paul's anti-law teaching, so the differences between Jesus and Paul's teaching is evident comparing the gospels with his letters.
Now as to universal gnostic spiritual teaching.....both are recorded as holding to the 'kingdom within, the 'indwelling Spirit', the 'inner light', the principle of 'faith', the law of love fulfilling all, etc. These universal truths, laws and principles ever hold.
We've already covered the UB on Paul, and its comparisons with Jesus teaching and its criticisms. One isnt pitted against another, it is simply recognized that Jesus came to show souls how to practice true religion, by men living the religion of Jesus, while Paul's gospel was more a religion about Jesus where he also added his own ideas, concepts and personal revelations into the mix.
The UB wholly affirms a historical Jesus who bestowed himself upon earth, who came to reveal God to man, and win his title back as planetary Prince rectifying the damage done by the Lucifer Rebellion. All this is in the book![]()
Otherwise as I've shared elsewhere....I have no major problem with Paul, but only when I see excessive worship of his person and ministry, taken out of context from the view of truth that is universal and cosmic. Jesus ought to have a more appropriate worship and veneration if he is truly God incarnate, so there is something to our consideration of he being 'historical' or mere 'mythology' however thats interpreted.
I would also prescribe to the harmony being a product of pseudographical writings, the rift between them was not as cordial as it is portrayed by the historic version.
Keep winding paper saint GM, someday it might start. Historical phantom followers![]()
Since being Christian means having been washed in The Blood of The Lamb, the Urantia demonic doctrine has NOTHING to do with Christianity, since it tosses Jesus' Blood out the window. Jesus came to shed His Blood. Without the shedding of blood there is no remission for sins. Only Jesus' Blood can cleanse one and make one spotless. The Urantia nonsense is diametrically opposed to Christianity, no matter how you slice it.
John 12:24We've been over the concept of 'blood-atonement' many times before. There are good reasons to challenge, question and re-consider its validity.
Again,....there is no reason or logic to believe that man's way back to God is ONLY thru a 'blood-sacrifice' of his divine Son, since we've questioned/challenged this concept and its principle many times before. Jesus giving his soul-life on the cross, is indeed an eternal symbol of his loving devotion and service to man, showing the power of love to endure and transcend all suffering, no matter how much man rejects the divine love. Love is more powerful than death. The UB and most all other spiritualist teachings accept these essential and universal truths, about the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man, and that man comes to God thru repentance, turning to him, and is transformed thereby live a religion of loving service to God and others. This is the fundamental law upon which every other law is upheld, the way of the kingdom.
Since it's pivotal, necessary and the one central theme of Christianity, Christians cannot help but keep the subject front-and-center, especially when it's attacked and slighted by another cult.We've been over the concept of 'blood-atonement' many times before.
The 'goodness' is what I question. Why attack the one thing that Jesus came to do? His Blood is the only way that we can defeat Satan. Obviously, demons are going to attack this Truth. It's central to every demonic doctrine.There are good reasons to challenge, question and re-consider its validity.
Pretending to adhere to His Teachings but tossing out The Blood isn't adherence, it's the opposite.As far as what the term 'Christian' means, that's debatable...but generally it refers to someone who believes in Christ and his teachings.
Actually, Christianity IS limited to being centered on Christ's Blood and 'we' are NOT children of God without The Blood of The Lamb.It it not necessarily limited to strict definition of having to believe he came to DIE as a blood-sacrifice, and focusing on this as the main or only reason that he came, as this is only one point of view, and is unnecessary, since Jesus from a UB perspective bestowed himself on this planet to reveal 'God' to us mortals, proclaim the kingdom of heaven (which centers upon the truth that God is our Father, and we are children of this One God), and in this spiritual recognition, we are born from above (of the Spirit) and can thereby live as citizens in God's kingdom, in a universal brotherhood.
What you describe isn't Christianity, it's 'another' gospel and perfectly illustrates demonic doctrine.Note that in this understanding of the 'good news'....there is no necessity or requirement for bloodshed, neither a 'blood-atonement' to buy men back to God, since God is already our loving Heavenly Father, and does not need to be bribed or have his love 'purchased' in any way.
While God DOES love every soul, that doesn't make them acceptable in His Sight. To be accepted, one must apply The Blood of The Lamb.God's love shines on all, good and wicked alike. This is Jesus teaching.
Your questions are welcome but your challenges are invalid.Again,....there is no reason or logic to believe that man's way back to God is ONLY thru a 'blood-sacrifice' of his divine Son, since we've questioned/challenged this concept and its principle many times before.
His Blood was shed as a ransom for many (the believers) just as He said.Jesus giving his soul-life on the cross, is indeed an eternal symbol of his loving devotion and service to man, showing the power of love to endure and transcend all suffering, no matter how much man rejects the divine love.
While true, it isn't axiomatic nor a valid principle. Love is greater than hate. Life is greater than death. These are axiomatic. These are valid principles. Death is a spirit and an enemy of God who will one day be placed at Jesus' Feet. He defeated Death at the cross, but it takes a Blood-washed believer to place that spirit under subjection to the authority that Christ gave us through faith in His Name and His Blood. The Life Eternal that is in Christ is what defeated Death. The perfect faithfulness of God's Only Begotten Son overcame the rebellion of Satan and all his followers. Now our job, as The Body of Christ, is to place all those rebellious enemies of God at His Feet.Love is more powerful than death.
No. There is no 'brotherhood' of man without The Blood. All have gone their own way and sought their own pleasure. Only by having our sins washed away by The Blood can men be acceptable in God's Sight. All the tearful repentance in the world cannot erase anything. Christ's Blood cleanses from sin. Completely. Inside and out.The UB and most all other spiritualist teachings accept these essential and universal truths, about the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of Man, and that man comes to God thru repentance, turning to him, and is transformed thereby live a religion of loving service to God and others. This is the fundamental law upon which every other law is upheld, the way of the kingdom.
John 12:24
24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
You've lost your mind, best to go look for it?