The Intolerance of 'Tolerance', the Inequality of 'Equality' and Left Wing Hypocrisy

Jose Fly

New member
Thankfully in my current job working for a Christian ministry which campaigns against many of the things the 'tolerant' left love, I won't be forced to go through any of that politically correct claptrap! :D
IOW, you've been commenting on something that you have no experience with or knowledge of.


Well-known member
IOW, you've been commenting on something that you have no experience with or knowledge of.

On the contrary, I do know people who have been through mandatory 'diversity training'. My mum has just had to go through that with her job. So it's not true to say I have no knowledge of it. I'm just thankful I don't have to go through it. It's politically correct rubbish. It wasn't needed 50 years ago, it's not needed now.


Well-known member
What are you rambling on about...this makes no sense. Take your meds and give it another try.
Take yours. :dizzy:

Organic opposed to a non-organic family? You're a hoot Lon! :thumb:
:plain: Any little thing you can pick at with no point? It is a mundane childish attempt. The conveyance was clear. Good bye Quip.


New member
The Christian owners of the bakery refused to bake a cake with the slogan 'Support Gay Marriage'. As a result of refusing to write this political slogan on a cake, the bakery are now being prosecuted
Individual instances of unjust prosecutions or even convictions no more negate the overall legitimacy of a law than wrongful murder convictions negate the legitimacy of criminalising murder. I haven't read most of the thread but just wanted to point that out.


Well-known member
Individual instances of unjust prosecutions or even convictions no more negate the overall legitimacy of a law than wrongful murder convictions negate the legitimacy of criminalising murder. I haven't read most of the thread but just wanted to point that out.

Would you like to be forced to write something which is in effect a political slogan which you disagree with, against your will? Would that be just or right?

Murder is always wrong and is no comparison to what we are talking about which is the policing of thoughts, morals and conscience.


Well-known member
At work I'm very pleasant, as my employer has instructed all of us to be.

And out of work?

It seems that 'tolerant' employers are trying to infringe on their employees rights at home too, you know?

In this case the employer decided that writing something on your personal Facebook account in your own time is 'gross misconduct'. While he may have won his case in court, his life was ruined and he has never got back what he lost.

This is a great example of liberal 'tolerance' and the policing of thoughts.

Jose Fly

New member
And out of work?
Depends on the situation.

It seems that 'tolerant' employers are trying to infringe on their employees rights at home too, you know?

In this case the employer decided that writing something on your personal Facebook account in your own time is 'gross misconduct'. While he may have won his case in court, his life was ruined and he has never got back what he lost.
My employer has a very clear policy about Facebook. If you identify yourself on FB as one of their employees, then what you post on FB cannot be anything that would make them look bad. If you want to post controversial material on FB, you can. You just have to not identify them as your employer.

I think that's fair.


apparently it's not hypocrisy if you can accuse the other guy of racism
The only way you can point out racism in others is that you have to be aware and accountable for your own racism.

We cannot recognize any truth in another person unless we are intimately familiar with how that truth is manifested in our own hearts first.


New member
...My employer has a very clear policy about Facebook. If you identify yourself on FB as one of their employees, then what you post on FB cannot be anything that would make them look bad. If you want to post controversial material on FB, you can. You just have to not identify them as your employer.

I think that's fair.
That is hilarious. The whole thing; that your employer does that, and that you "think that's fair."

What a joke.