the church


Yes, Jesus said 'I will build my church'. The Bible is also provided for study.
2 Timothy 3:16,17
Correct, though I do remind you that 2nd Timothy was addressed to a bishop. That's not to say we non-bishops ought not read it of course, I'm just putting the epistle in its historical and ecclesiastical context.


New member
Correct, though I do remind you that 2nd Timothy was addressed to a bishop. That's not to say we non-bishops ought not read it of course, I'm just putting the epistle in its historical and ecclesiastical context.

I don't see Timothy described as a bishop in the Bible.


Well-known member
Then we should pay more attention to the Blessed Virgin.

John: 14 King James Version (KJV)
6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

How does Jesus' physical mother come into this but by grand deception?

2 Corinthians: 3 King James Version (KJV)
17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

The Spirit of the Lord is the Spirit of Jesus/Spirit of Truth. Not the mother of Jesus.

Please wake up to truth.



New member
The Catholic church is a haunt for demons, and you think we are surprised it says we are not saved?
I never said you weren't "saved," rather that you fail to qualify as a "Christian" due to your outright rejection of certain central and defining Christian teachings, most notably, the doctrines of the Trinity and Incarnation, which largely define what a "Christian" even IS. Sorry for your confusion.


I know it is something common to those who practice idolatry and Mary worship.
If you go by the Scriptures you have no popes, no Cardinals, no archbishops, no priests, no monks, no nuns, no queen of heaven, no immaculate conception, no rosary, no venial or mortal sins, no purgatory, no rosaries, no scapulars, no indulgences, no icons, no relics, no private confessions, no vestments. And the list could go on & on.


The Catholic church is a haunt for demons, and you think we are surprised it says we are not saved?
Nothing has changed in the Roman Catholic Church, they still hold that: the Roman Catholic church is the one true Church of Christ. Transubstantiation(Trans-Vatican-Baloney) is the true view of the Eucharist. The priesthood is only for males (that are Celibate). Prayers are said to the saints in heaven, to Mary, and prayers for the dead. The main prayer of the rosary is “Hail Mary.” Sacred tradition and Scripture should be received equal reverence. Purgatory not heaven is the destination of Christians, Mary was born without original sin, was a perpetual virgin and assumed bodily into heaven.

The Pope said his heart was consecrated to Mary not to Jesus Christ- he called himself the vicar of Christ as all popes do, (pontifex maximus) yet modernized evangelicals ignored the continued policy of the Vatican. Among his other titles are Successor to the Prince of the Apostles; Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church. What kind of a Christian leader accepts this, or commends other spiritual practices – saying we can learn from other religions and unites with them in the most intimate way possible, by prayer and fellowship. Whose example is he following? Did Jesus commend the Pharisees; did he try to unite everyone in Israel, or those outside Israel? They certainly were closer than the religions are today. But close is not good enough when it comes to spiritual matters like these.


New member
If you go by the Scriptures you have no popes, no Cardinals, no archbishops, no priests, no monks, no nuns, no queen of heaven, no immaculate conception, no rosary, no venial or mortal sins, no purgatory, no rosaries, no scapulars, no indulgences, no icons, no relics, no private confessions, no vestments. And the list could go on & on.


God's Truth

New member
Nothing has changed in the Roman Catholic Church, they still hold that: the Roman Catholic church is the one true Church of Christ. Transubstantiation(Trans-Vatican-Baloney) is the true view of the Eucharist. The priesthood is only for males (that are Celibate). Prayers are said to the saints in heaven, to Mary, and prayers for the dead. The main prayer of the rosary is “Hail Mary.” Sacred tradition and Scripture should be received equal reverence. Purgatory not heaven is the destination of Christians, Mary was born without original sin, was a perpetual virgin and assumed bodily into heaven.

The Pope said his heart was consecrated to Mary not to Jesus Christ- he called himself the vicar of Christ as all popes do, (pontifex maximus) yet modernized evangelicals ignored the continued policy of the Vatican. Among his other titles are Successor to the Prince of the Apostles; Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church. What kind of a Christian leader accepts this, or commends other spiritual practices – saying we can learn from other religions and unites with them in the most intimate way possible, by prayer and fellowship. Whose example is he following? Did Jesus commend the Pharisees; did he try to unite everyone in Israel, or those outside Israel? They certainly were closer than the religions are today. But close is not good enough when it comes to spiritual matters like these.

Excellent exposing of the Catholic church. Now take offense at what I am going to say, but do not be so offended that you do not listen...the Calvinist doctrines are also false. Think about this harder, God does not save unbelievers while they are still unbelievers.

After Jesus saved me, the Calvinist doctrines were argued to me. I struggled with this strange doctrine. I could barely eat and drink for weeks. I prayed and searched what I was told according to the Calvinists, but God revealed to me it was not true. I am not saying you are not saved, I just want you to see more clearly God's Truth and know Him better.

God's Truth

New member
Next time you go to mass look for the idols they are in every RCC !

If he goes to Mass, as EVERY Catholic is SUPPOSED to do, or it is a sin against God according to the Catholic's teachings, then he would know that before he sits in the pew, he must look to the images at the altar, bow, and make the sign of the cross before sitting down.

He bows before the statues, and that is not just my making something out of nothing. I am speaking the truth of what the Catholics teach, but what Catholics fight against admitting.

God's Truth

New member
The Catholic religion is a haunt for demons. If you are a good Catholic, you will be superstitious and have a nervous type of person, and or fearful personality. If you are a better Catholic, you will have stronger nervous problems such as anorexia nervosa and OCD type mental problems, problems based on fear. Not too much unlike the Mormon denomination, whose religion is a religion of demons. It is noted that there are people trying to leave that religion end up trying to commit suicide.