
New member
Behold a storm of YAH VEH is gone forth in fury, even a whirling storm: it shall whirl upon the head of the wicked. The wrath of YAH VEH shall not return until He hath worked and until He hath raised the intrigue of His heart:​


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
You must be one of the open view idiots.

Because I believe in a God that is actually just and who acts righteously in a world where the words 'justice' and 'righteous' mean something specific?

Or were you so astute as to have read my signature line?


New member
I had it coming as well, but I was saved from the wrath to come.

You mock the need for pious behaviour and in doing so reveal the spirit of the elohim of this world working in you.

You still have it coming unbeliever. I'm not trying to scare you but the Lord will bring terrible trials and tribulations into your life if you cling to the heretical Reformed gospel where Jesus is turned into a bigot and a partisan. Satan has done the same thing with the gospel that he did with the Jews in the first century. The Arminians/Dispy are the Pharisees who trust in their works and the Calvinists are the Saducees who trust in their philosophy of predestination. Genuine faith is found in the Lutheran gospel.


New member
You still have it coming unbeliever. I'm not trying to scare you but the Lord will bring terrible trials and tribulations into your life if you cling to the heretical Reformed gospel where Jesus is turned into a bigot and a partisan. Satan has done the same thing with the gospel that he did with the Jews in the first century. The Arminians/Dispy are the Pharisees who trust in their works and the Calvinists are the Saducees who trust in their philosophy of predestination. Genuine faith is found in the Lutheran gospel.

Denominational creeds do not and have never saved a single person. They don't possess the power to convert or regenerate.

Greg Jennings

New member
I had it coming as well, but I was saved from the wrath to come.

You mock the need for pious behaviour and in doing so reveal the spirit of the elohim of this world working in you.

They are CHILDREN. One girl killed was 8 for crying out loud. What sin could she have committed that was so egregious? Is being alive sinful?

Have you no heart?


New member
Ok. By that logic, every single person alive deserves to be blown up though. Including yourself, yes?

I don't understand what is so special about a group of people who were destroyed. Every second 1.8 people die. "The wages of sin is death" and 1.8 people pick you their wages every second.

That's 108 people die per minute
6,400 per hour.

So what is the big fuss over these people in Manchester?

108 minus 22= 86 other people dying in the same minute. What about them?

Greg Jennings

New member
I don't understand what is so special about a group of people who were destroyed. Every second 1.8 people die. "The wages of sin is death" and 1.8 people pick you their wages every second.

That's 108 people die per minute
6,400 per hour.

So what is the big fuss over these people in Manchester?

108 minus 22= 86 other people dying in the same minute. What about them?

They weren't little girls targeted by Islamic radicals at a concert that they went to in their home country with no expectation of violence ever crossing their minds. It's one of the most brilliant TERROR attacks I can think of. Nothing is more evil than murdering children, the inarguably most innocent among us.

Now, if you would, please answer me earlier question


New member
They weren't little girls targeted by Islamic radicals at a concert that they went to in their home country with no expectation of violence ever crossing their minds. It's one of the most brilliant TERROR attacks I can think of. Nothing is more evil than murdering children, the inarguably most innocent among us.

Now, if you would, please answer me earlier question

Which question would that be?

Greg Jennings

New member
Which question would that be?

If all people are sinners and sinners deserve what is coming to them, as you put it in slightly different language, then does that mean that all people on Earth deserve to die violently?

We are all sinners. Why are the little girls who died more sinful than you or I?


New member
If all people are sinners and sinners deserve what is coming to them, as you put it in slightly different language, then does that mean that all people on Earth deserve to die violently?

We are all sinners. Why are the little girls who died more sinful than you or I?

Most people will be destroyed and then go to judgement and then be cast into the Lake of Fire. I deserve to be at the front of the line, but on July 17th 1999 at 10:30 am I was taken out of the line.

Not all people die violently, but all will suffer eternal violence unless they repent and trust.

patrick jane

Most people will be destroyed and then go to judgement and then be cast into the Lake of Fire. I deserve to be at the front of the line, but on July 17th 1999 at 10:30 am I was taken out of the line.

Not all people die violently, but all will suffer eternal violence unless they repent and trust.
Do you repent everyday?

patrick jane

A saved soul does not joke about salvation. You make light of salvation you make light of the Saviour. There is nothing that can excite the Father's wrath like belittling His Son.
Whenever you get offended you say ridiculous things like that. You are are so "sincere"