The tares resist the blowing of the wind (Mt 13:30).
Hi and you are adding to Matt 13:30 are you NOT ??
The tares resist the blowing of the wind (Mt 13:30).
Hi and you are adding to Matt 13:30 are you NOT ??
:chuckle: SerpentDove was listening to the Classic Rock group, America, when he posted that bit about the blowing of the wind...
Kansas, "Dust in the Wind" or Peter, Paul and Mary "Blowing in the Wind."
I was thinking the sense of America's "Horse With No Name" the rider had also been like dust in the wind.
Good catch :thumb:
Maybe, '...alligator lizards in the air, in the air, doo, doo, doo, doo....' _"Ventura Highway"- America
Had one tell me tongues IS the Gospel.
Have you ever met a fly with a buzz?
Came out of the house one winter's day to find geese making a mess on my porch.
They were Canadian but when they saw me they immediately began to hiss and speak Porch-a-geese.
I know.....lame! :noid:
Hi and MAYBE he did not have an Interpreter , and will think up some thing !!
I grew up as a Pentecostal and it scared me as a kid !!
dan p
I cannot believe that some of you guys are still in the 'dream thingy' freeway. It boggles the mind. At least it boggles my mind that you guys are still in the 'speaking in tongues thingy' freeway.
I have a headache. Can you prove I have a headache?
I don't know...
For they were hangin around on your porch; that'd make em Porch Monkeys - in which case; monkey see, monkey doo :chuckle:
Went to church once with my best friend Wayne when we were about 9 or 10. Remember seeing his mom gone out of her head talking tongues.
Still is.The term "Porch Monkey" was most commonly used as a derogatory term against Blacks.
Still is.
Why was Pentecost in the Spring but the Day of Atonement in the Fall?