They are uncreated, and yet we have communication and movement within creation.
Yes, God acts and communicates with His creation.
What does that have to with created time?
The "move" and the "speech" are events ("Let Us"). God has moved and spoke outside this creation.
So you believe God acts and communicates within a measure of time in eternity, just like He does in this creation?
Where does the bible affirm this to your thinking?
There is time outside this creation, it's just not measured by those things created.
So how do you define this uncreated time? What is its purpose? What need does eternal God have of time?
Does not mean there is no time outside that which we observe within creation.
Doesn't mean there is time outside of creation. It is pure speculation, IMO.
"God is waiting..." Heb 10:13
Time was created and established in this creation, for the purpose of working salvation and reconciling God with His creatures through Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 10:13 speaks of the measure of time until all salvation is completed, and man is raised to glory in the kingdom of heaven with Christ.
Companion passage relating to Hebrews 10:13 are I Corinthians 15:20-58, and II Peter 3:1-14
(Please note the absence of our earthly measurement of time, with the Lord in II Peter 3:8)