

New member
I think the picture is funny. I have no problem with it.

I see nothing offensive with this logo.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I am so glad you posted this, because I am Irish. Actually I am half Irish, and half Italian.

I think the picture is funny. I have no problem with it.

That is how an adult reacts to these things, with a good natured chuckle,
No, it's how someone who can't be identified by the association without inviting it acts about a weak parallel that doesn't begin to do justice to the complaint or the difference between the two that matters.

...Watch a few seasons of Archie Bunker and grow a pair for Pete's sake.
It's remarkable, watching grown men and women trying to transform poor manners and belligerent indifference into a public virtue and good manners and common decency into a vice.

Orwell would love this thread. :poly:


New member
It's remarkable, watching grown men and women trying to transform poor manners and belligerent indifference into a public virtue and good manners and common decency into a vice.
Yes, some people are trying to turn the poor manners and belligerent indifference of the alleged offended parties into a virtue and any opposition to the crass actions of the alleged offended parties into a vice.

Too many people think they have a right to cause trouble when they can claim offense. They become nothing more than terrorists at that point, and this entitlement behavior should be stopped, not encouraged.


New member
Yes, some people are trying to turn the poor manners and belligerent indifference of the alleged offended parties

...who some of us are trying to pretend do not actually exist...

into a virtue and any opposition to the crass actions of the alleged offended parties into a vice.

Too many people think they have a right to cause trouble when they can claim offense. They become nothing more than terrorists at that point, and this entitlement behavior should be stopped, not encouraged.

Oh good. We hadn't had enough ridiculous comparisons yet in this thread. That clearly advances the conversation. The Native Americans are...terrorists and entitled. At least if they don't like the use of a slur against them for the recreation of others.


New member
I have two words:
Frito Bandito

I remember as a child being told that had to go because it was a negative implication about Mexican being bandits - which I never saw or thought but I was young. And I loved the song that went with him!

But what about Chiquita Banana?


Heck I want to be her!
Can't we still sing about her?

Original Lyrics
I'm Chiquita Banana, and I've come to say
Bananas have to ripen in a certain way.
And when they are flecked with brown
and have a golden hue,
Bananas taste the best, and are the best for you.
You can put them in a salad. You can put
them in a pie - aye.
Anyway you want to eat them it's
impossible to beat them.
But bananas like the climate of the very,
very tropical equator.
So you should never put bananas in the refrigerator.

Corporate Logo of the Chiquita Company - Miss Chiquita Banana

So how do we process this rightly, how do we draw lines?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

So how do we process this rightly, how do we draw lines?
Most issues run along a gradient. Let's start with the obviously errant and odious first. No "New York Kikes" by way of, or "Washington Redskins" and take the others, if there are any, on a reasoned case by case.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It hasn't been a slur for the entire 80 years that it was used as the name of a football team.

It isn't a slur now.
It has been argued against for most of that period. The group that came to Washington was comprised of twenty three Native American tribes, with over fifty representative organizations for Native Americans.

About the trade mark hearing:
"In the Washington Redskins trademark litigation, the main issue was the meaning of the term during the period when the trademark registrations were issued, 1967-1990. The linguistic expert for the petitioners, Dr. Geoffrey Nunberg, successfully argued that whatever its origins, "redskins" was a slur at that time based upon the passages from books and newspapers and the movie clips in which the word is inevitably associated with contempt, derision, condescension, or sentimental paeans to the noble savage."​

But more important than that, it's offensive to one in ten of the people it portrays. And why would anyone want to perpetuate that?


Insulting an entire group and saying you're actually complimenting them is beyond asinine.

Nobody can say that the name of the team was meant to be derogatory.
Football is about toughness, and Redskins represents a tough pow wow of Natives.

There is nothing to justify a team losing an age old trademark, sacrificing it's namesake and all the subculture and investment poured into it. That includes a whiny few and trumped up liberals.

The whole thing is stupid, and you all should rather be ashamed- not trying to make these folk look racist or bigoted when they are not.

That's the truth of the matter, and you should see it :wave:

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I'd rather inform those who claim to have meant no offense of the unintended consequences of their actions and see if they're telling the truth.

Leftwing snivelers are the ones who need to be informed, not do the informing. The only thing you can inform us about is how to cry like a little girl over any perceived slight.

I am so glad you posted this, because I am Irish. Actually I am half Irish, and half Italian.

I think the picture is funny. I have no problem with it.
No, it's how someone who can't be identified by the association without inviting it acts about a weak parallel that doesn't begin to do justice to the complaint or the difference between the two that matters.

Excusing whining and dismissing being a mature adult. That's the sort of stupid idiot response I's expect from a lawyer or a leftwinger. Oh, wait a minute.........

Watch a few seasons of Archie Bunker and grow a pair for Pete's sake.
......It's remarkable, watching grown men and women trying to transform poor manners and belligerent indifference into a public virtue and good manners and common decency into a vice..........

Translation: You like to cry and snivel instead of acting like a man. Typical leftist. I get it. Luckily the red man is more of a man than you.

I repeat:

Since when have the Indians been associated with the color green?
I am so glad you posted this, because I am Irish. Actually I am half Irish, and half Italian.

I think the picture is funny. I have no problem with it.

That is how an adult reacts to these things, with a good natured chuckle, not with all the crying and whining and sniveling thats going on with this Redskins nonsense. The liberals and every other sissy-la-la out there act like little girls with their panties in a bunch over every perceived slight. They need to grow up and get a life.

Watch a few seasons of Archie Bunker and grow a pair for Pete's sake.


New member
I'd rather inform those who claim to have meant no offense of the unintended consequences of their actions and see if they're telling the truth.
So, you are intending to reeducate the party that is not offended without dealing with the real problem, idiots taking offense where none was intended?


New member
Yes, it is. It's literally dictionary-defined at this point.
I see from news reports that this was changed this very month.

How happy that must make you to know that your very words are now controlled by the Politically Correct Speech Nazis instead of being protected by the First Amendment.

So, when are you going to change your Location in your profile from "Live free or die" to "Live as slaves and die"?