ECT Questions for Roman Catholics

Old man

New member
Who receives the most numerous recognition in the repetitive ring around the rosary, Mary, Christ or the Father?

The catholics so-called queen of heaven, "holy" Mary receives many more accolades than does the one and only true God.

Which of the two has the most statues (idols) and pic's in yards and homes to bow before in prayer (both being against Scripture)?

Which of the two do catholics pray to the most?

There is no doubt that Mary is the main and foremost Deity within the RCC behind the so-called "holy father" pope. (maybe?)

Why is the pope who is said to be the vicar of Christ the Son of the Father then called the "holy father"??? (a split personality?)


New member
Who receives the most numerous recognition in the repetitive ring around the rosary, Mary, Christ or the Father?
Jesus Christ.

The Catholics so-called queen of heaven, "holy" Mary receives many more accolades than does the one and only true God.
Once again, you merely demonstrate that you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Just more ravings of the ignorant.

Which of the two do Catholics pray to the most?
God the Father.

There is no doubt that Mary is the main and foremost Deity...
Already categorically refuted elsewhere.

Why is the pope who is said to be the vicar of Christ the Son of the Father then called the "holy father"???
Answered here.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Virgin Mary Worship, the idolatry of the Catholic Church.
Given that this baseless anti-Catholic claim has already been decisively refuted in Post #322 above, your repeating of it here must now be considered a straightforward lie on your part (Prov. 19:5). May God help you in your clearly willful ignorance.

Gaudium de veritate,


Old man

New member
Given that this baseless anti-Catholic claim has already been decisively refuted in Post #322 above, your repeating of it here must now be considered a straightforward lie on your part (Prov. 19:5). May God help you in your clearly willful ignorance.

Gaudium de veritate,


You must come to understand a very important fact Cruciform, you are not some sort of a god or even close and just because YOU say something is decisively refuted, that by no means whatsoever makes it the truth or fact.

I realize you are very vain and arrogant and think most highly of yourself but you might as well come down off your high horse, you are only a legend in your own mind and have no such standing outside of your own little world.

If you want to check out what kind of impression you make, take a bucket of water, stick your arm down in it, pull your arm out and see how much of impression you just made on it, get the point?


New member
You must come to understand a very important fact Cruciform, you are not some sort of a god or even close and just because YOU say something is decisively refuted, that by no means whatsoever makes it the truth or fact.
I don't need to be omniscient to state that your ill-informed anti-Catholic claims are false. All I need to do is point out that you have thus far been utterly unable to disprove my posted statements, nor have you been able to provide any substantiated proof whatsoever for your wholly unsubstantiated assertions. Therefore, your claims have indeed been decisively answered, and will remain so until you actually prove your anti-catholic claims and/or disprove my posted position. So much for your empty complaint above.

I realize you are very vain and arrogant and think most highly of yourself but you might as well come down off your high horse, you are only a legend in your own mind and have no such standing outside of your own little world.
Now go ahead and Google "Ad Hominem Fallacy." That's the logical error you're engaged in here. Try again.

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
One reads in your "Here" in post #330, "True, the Assumption and Coronation of Mary are not explicitly stated in the Bible...."
Not explicitly, but certainly implicitly.

I would ask, do you Catholics use or follow ANYTHING stated in the Bible????
Catholics could ask you the very same question, seeing that you also hold to various ideas which are "not explicitly stated in the Bible."

Gaudium de veritate,



New member
Yes, bowing in worship to something other than God is "idolatry." Mere bowing, however, is not. (Unless bowing to Queen Elizabeth II equates to "worshiping" her...?)

NOTE: Where there is no WORSHIP, there is no "IDOLATRY."

Gaudium de veritate,


That is not what God says.

"You shall not bow down to them or worship them." - Holy Spirit

The thesaurus gives these synonyms for worship: adulate, honor, glorify, edify, deify. The Greek word most often translated "worship" is proskuneo, meaning "to kiss, make obeisance, reverence." Strong's defines it as "to fawn or crouch to, i.e. (literally or figuratively) prostrate oneself in homage (do reverence to, adore)." The picture of being prostrate or bowed down is often associated with worship.

In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for "worship" is shachah, defined as "to depress, i.e. prostrate (especially reflexive, in homage to royalty or God)." This word is also translated in the Authorized Version as "bow down, crouch, fall down, humbly beseech, do obeisance, do reverence, make to stoop, worship."


New member
For instance?
A few that come to mind immediately are the Trinity, the Incarnation of Christ, and the content of the biblical Canon. If you're a Christian, you hold to all three, yet none is found explicitly in the Bible. In fact, the canon of Scripture is contained nowhere in the Bible itself.