ECT Q for those who believe in salvation by grace thru faith in Christ w/o works

Q for those who believe in salvation by grace thru faith in Christ w/o works

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Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
They heard the message about forgiveness of sins and then they were water baptized. Water baptism is about repenting of sins. It is about dying to the sins of the world. It is about dying to Jesus and then living for him.

Before someone could be baptized with water they had to believe first. So by the time they were water baptized they were already saved. Do you agree with that?


Well-known member
Look, be honest, you were drawing comradeship with some that at least believe in the man made creeds to hurt someone who is knowledgeable and tried to correct you.

To be honest I was not thinking about you at all. I have my own beliefs which I express in my own way. I was aware you would rather that I had used different words (i.e., your words) but, until now, I did not know you regarded yourself as more knowledgeable and believed that, because of that, I should be willing submit to your "correction." I submit that you cannot correct anyone unless you carefully consider and really understand what they are saying - which you seem reluctant to do.


That does not answer my question:

What do you think the word "believing" is speaking about other than faith?
I believe I have an arm. I don't just say, yes, I will receive my arm. I observed that I have two arms. I observed that I believe in Jesus. Both were already planted there. Let's say I was a week old and I learned I can hit my face with something attached to me. Same thing with belief. I have been watched by Jesus before I could even think of anything. You guys are so dumb ! My belief was already there. Don't tell me I must believe I have arms.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
You guys are so dumb ! My belief was already there. Don't tell me I must believe I have arms.

Again, why do you refuse to answer my simple question?:

What do you think the word "believing" is speaking about other than faith?

And then you have the nerve to call others dumb!

God's Truth

New member
To be honest I was not thinking about you at all. I have my own beliefs which I express in my own way.

We were just discussing, so don't know how you weren't thinking about what we were discussing. I have my own beliefs too and can discuss them. However, my beliefs are from scripture, unlike your false beliefs about creeds and other such things.

In addition, it does not matter if you were thinking about me, this is a public site and we can comment on what a poster says.

I was aware you would rather that I had used different words (i.e., your words)

We are discussing the Bible and those are the words I would like used.

but, until now, I did not know you regarded yourself as more knowledgeable and believed that, because of that, I should be willing submit to your "correction." I submit that you cannot correct anyone unless you carefully consider and really understand what they are saying - which you seem reluctant to do.

That is just more of your worthless opinions.
Don't be a hypocrite. You said so yourself that I should know your beliefs by now. Why shouldn't you know mine and how I am not a trinitarian and how I do not believe in faith alone? My beliefs go against creeds and your brothers in Christ while they condemn me for my beliefs.

Regardless, creeds are manmade and are not the brotherhood of Christianity, not according to the Word of God anyways.

I can comment on what you say and also tell you what I think and why I do not agree with you---according to the Bible and not just with worthless opinion, as you give.

God's Truth

New member
Before someone could be baptized with water they had to believe first. So by the time they were water baptized they were already saved. Do you agree with that?

In the New Testament times, the people heard the truth right from the apostles themselves, and then the people were usually baptized right then and there. The message that saves is about repentance of sins and forgiveness. I don't know how you get that they would not agree to that before they are saved and as a condition to be saved. The water baptism is a sign to us that they made a pledge to God to die to the sins of the world, to die to Christ and then live a new life by obeying him.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
The water baptism is a sign to us that they made a pledge to God to die to the sins of the world, to die to Christ and then live a new life by obeying him.

We do know that before a person could be baptized with water that person must first believe, as witnessed by the following exchange between Philip and the eunuch:

"And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God"
(Acts 8:36-37).​

Before the eunuch was baptized with water he was already "born of God" because he believed that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God:

"Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God..For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?"
(1 Jn.5:1,4-5).​

There can be no doubt that the eunuch received eternal life and was "born of God" before he was baptized with water. Therefore he was saved before he even had a chance to live a new life by obeying the Lord Jesus.

God's Truth

New member
We do know that before a person could be baptized with water that person must first believe, as witnessed by the following exchange between Philip and the eunuch:

"And as they went on their way, they came unto a certain water: and the eunuch said, See, here is water; what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God"
(Acts 8:36-37).​

Before the eunuch was baptized with water he was already "born of God" because he believed that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God:

"Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God..For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?"
(1 Jn.5:1,4-5).​

There can be no doubt that the eunuch received eternal life and was "born of God" before he was baptized with water. Therefore he was saved before he even had a chance to live a new life by obeying the Lord Jesus.

Water baptism is a promise from us, an understanding, a pledge to God that we will die to the sins of the world and live doing what Jesus says to do.


Well-known member
We were just discussing, so don't know how you weren't thinking about what we were discussing. I have my own beliefs too and can discuss them. However, my beliefs are from scripture, unlike your false beliefs about creeds and other such things.

In addition, it does not matter if you were thinking about me, this is a public site and we can comment on what a poster says.

We are discussing the Bible and those are the words I would like used.

That is just more of your worthless opinions.
Don't be a hypocrite. You said so yourself that I should know your beliefs by now. Why shouldn't you know mine and how I am not a trinitarian and how I do not believe in faith alone? My beliefs go against creeds and your brothers in Christ while they condemn me for my beliefs.

Regardless, creeds are manmade and are not the brotherhood of Christianity, not according to the Word of God anyways.

I can comment on what you say and also tell you what I think and why I do not agree with you---according to the Bible and not just with worthless opinion, as you give.

I did not know you were not a Trinitarian. So that is why you reacted in such a hostile way when I mentioned the Creeds. My position about faith is that faith, love and obedience are all one. Despite our agreement on that point it appears you are one of those people who are impossible to get along with for very long. Very well. Now I understand how things are. BTW I was not trying to establish any kind of Alliance with Danoh. I had no idea what Danoh thought about the creeds when I made that statement

God's Truth

New member
I did not know you were not a Trinitarian. So that is why you reacted in such a hostile way when I mentioned the Creeds. My position about faith is that faith, love and obedience are all one. Despite our agreement on that point it appears you are one of those people who are impossible to get along with for very long. Very well. Now I understand how things are. BTW I was not trying to establish any kind of Alliance with Danoh. I had no idea what Danoh thought about the creeds when I made that statement

I do not believe you because you are a false judge and instigator. I am not hostile and you are the one who is.

Creeds are not from God, and a person can have faith and obedience without love.

patrick jane

Isn't obvious - he is an extremist.

To such an individual or individuals as a collective drawn to one another due to their shared bigotry; a thing is either THEIR black or THEIR white...alone.

Given its' resulting bigotry; some extremists cannot but play such baiting games.

For such, there is ever a game of one sort or another to have to win at other's expense.
It's They're, dano