Prostituting TOL

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New member
I am open to hear any Bible passage that suggest receiving money from the sinful and using it for good is forbidden.

it really doesn't matter what we think about it, IMHO, it matters what God says.

Abraham sets the example as father of the faithful.

Genesis 14:21-23


New member
Abraham sets the example as father of the faithful.

Genesis 14:21-23

well ya, that is not a bad reference.

I don't beleive it is the answer to the question I was asking tho.

where it was that God said such a thing should not be done.

We can either follow men, or follow God, chose wisely.

I remember Jesus passing baskets around...remember the loaves?...however I don't remember him telling the disciples not to accept any bread or fish from sinners or atheist, etc...

I understand fully where Nang is coming from...I just would prefer the precedent set by God not men.

I want to know her biblical reasoning here....thanks for trying to help, but she really needs the be the one explaining herself.


New member
I believe Nang is my sister in Christ if she says to me she is.

So now behold - how can believers be wrong?

Because if we see each other rightly we know each of us is wrong about something no matter how confident we feel.


Good grief is someone paying you to be in this position? Is this like a role in a play or something?

Paul said he did not want us taken out of the world.

The forum here should accurately reflect our concurrence with that, yes?

If money is paid by all who use this place it is only like paying a touch of rent
and does that seem wrong to you???

Unbelievers or those not where they should be yet should not pay rent??

I am a believer I have been blessed, I do believe I should pay back for that.

But those who do NOT see it as a blessing but still come here - are they not under a form of responsibility for taking the privilege of being here nevertheless??

Even Confucius said

If I am walking with two other men, each of them will serve as my teacher. I will pick out the good points of the one and imitate them, and the bad points of the other and correct them in myself.


Yet how can anyone do that here if here is not here?

(Point being even Confucius would help support here if he could)


I identify as a Christian
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Hall of Fame
It is prostitution for Knight to take money from a JW, who is nothing but an enemy against the gospel truths of Triune God.

Standing for the Truths of God is more important than TOL existing for another year.

Stop being a pain in the posterior. Anyone who joins this site has the right to buy a paid membership. This is a public forum.


New member
Stop being a pain in the posterior. Anyone who joins this site has the right to buy a paid membership. This is a public forum.

I don't beleive she is being a pain in the butt, she has a valid concern (in her own mind)

now lets reason together and see if it holds water in light of Gods word.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
You are an ungodly anti-trinitarian, who has found a patsy, that will let you spread your false teachings for a price.

What do we have to be afraid of? Her arguments can easily be refuted from scripture. John 1:1 is a clear example.

Is there anything in the Bible that says one should only do business or accept subscriptions from Christians? Honestly want to know.

Mind you, I don't really think most people on this forum are any more Christian than Meshak is. I think open theism is almost always if not always a damnable heresy because I view it as a direct attack on the character of God. I don't know why you'd care that heretics are taking money from other heretics.


New member
Folks Nang belongs here.

Please dont attack her, Meshak.

And Truster- are you really being her friend by supporting her in this?

It seems to me you need to be with those who are not like you more, much more.


New member
I don't beleive she is being a pain in the butt, she has a valid concern (in her own mind)

now lets reason together and see if it holds water in light of Gods word.

Your rational thought with spiritual application won't be appreciated.

Glad to see that not all are running with the herd.....


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
I don't beleive she is being a pain in the butt, she has a valid concern (in her own mind)

now lets reason together and see if it holds water in light of Gods word.
So you are saying, Jerm, certain people should not be allowed to buy memberships from this public board when the rules clearly state all are allowed to participate? :think:


TOL Subscriber
So you are saying, Jerm, certain people should not be allowed to buy memberships from this public board when the rules clearly state all are allowed to participate? :think:

Well, this is the crux of the eventual act of prostitution . . .

Why put up a website with a Christian Statement of Faith, if you are not going to maintain and defend that SofF? As a matter of principle, it should be kept.

That does not mean differing views that generally fall under the protection of a SofF cannot be discussed, and it does not mean that (honest) unbelievers and atheists cannot argue against the sites stated beliefs.

But there is nothing worse than hypocritical Christians, who do not believe in godly foundational Truths, such as the Triune God and the authority of the Holy Scripture. These should not be tolerated in their error. For toleration and accomodation of those who deny the Deity of Jesus Christ, and who take away from the holy and inspired Words of God, interpret that tolerance to mean acceptance and license to continue in their deceits.

Letting them post without censorship leads to them deceiving themselves and others about their Christianity, and it results in the Admin and Mods failing to live up to their stated principles and confession of faith.

Receiving money from deceivers, serves the purposes of the deceivers.

"No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24

What is this site serving? Their Statement of Faith, or false Christians and their money?

Heir posted scriptures
that clearly promise financial provision will come from God to those of faith. There should be no necessity to tolerate false teachings from the enemies of God and His Truth, in order to financially survive. Heir's post is what God says to this matter (although her parting words did not fit well with the body of her post!).

A Christian either rests in God's provisions for necessary monies, or a person turns to their own means to get money, which usually ends with losing one's spiritual principles.

And the consequences can be dire. Read Ezekiel 23:45-48

Those of you in charge have let a hypocrite of the highest order run rampant on this site. You have tolerated her adultery, and now she has made you an adulterer, also, by providing her with a guarantee of not being stopped from her unrepentant false teachings.

You may think your tolerance is righteous, but righteous God will not tolerate her.

Judgment is looming, and Knight has put TOL in league with her, and several members have aligned themselves with her and her sins.

Woe, and woes . . .



Hall of Fame
Folks Nang belongs here.

Please dont attack her, Meshak.

And Truster- are you really being her friend by supporting her in this?

It seems to me you need to be with those who are not like you more, much more.

The thing is ... Nang is the one who believes certain people do not belong here.

The not attacking doesn't apply when it is "attacking back".

How do we know that it was Nang who started with the attack? The subject header says it all: Prostituting TOL

It's an attack on the moderators as well as every single member who contributes monetarily. The ironic part about it is that Knight has made a forum where EVERYONE is allowed to participate ... and the only expectation is that they respect the rules of the forum.

Nang wishes to disallow anyone who does not meet her narrow definition of who is and who is not a Christian to participate ... which tends to be anyone who dares disagree with her.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
The thing is ... Nang is the one who believes certain people do not belong here.

The not attacking doesn't apply when it is "attacking back".

How do we know that it was Nang who started with the attack? The subject header says it all: Prostituting TOL

It's an attack on the moderators as well as every single member who contributes monetarily. The ironic part about it is that Knight has made a forum where EVERYONE is allowed to participate ... and the only expectation is that they respect the rules of the forum.

Nang wishes to disallow anyone who does not meet her narrow definition of who is and who is not a Christian to participate ... which tends to be anyone who dares disagree with her.

I've disagreed with Nang on stuff. She still considers me a Christian.

There are certain disagreements that are of such a grievous nature that they cannot be had among brothers.


TOL Subscriber
The ironic part about it is that Knight has made a forum where EVERYONE is allowed to participate ... and the only expectation is that they respect the rules of the forum.

And meshak has shown no respect for the rules and has trampled upon the SofF of this forum.


Hall of Fame
And meshak has shown no respect for the rules and has trampled upon the SofF of this forum.

Has she or has she not received multiple infractions? Apparently that isn't good enough in regards to those you despise.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Folks Nang belongs here.

Please dont attack her, Meshak.

And Truster- are you really being her friend by supporting her in this?

It seems to me you need to be with those who are not like you more, much more.

good post rainee
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