Pops refutes the biblical concept of the Trinity

Bright Raven

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Hall of Fame
I asked for scripture friend. Not the definition of a term that isn't in scripture used by man to describe a doctrine made by man.

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Philippians 2:5-11 New Living Translation (NLT)
5 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

6 Though he was God,[a]
he did not think of equality with God
as something to cling to.
7 Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
he took the humble position of a slave[c]
and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form,[d]
8 he humbled himself in obedience to God
and died a criminal’s death on a cross.

9 Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor
and gave him the name above all other names,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.


New member
Philippians 2:5-11 New Living Translation (NLT)
5 You must have the same attitude that Christ Jesus had.

6 Though he was God,[a]
he did not think of equality with God
as something to cling to.
7 Instead, he gave up his divine privileges;
he took the humble position of a slave[c]
and was born as a human being.
When he appeared in human form,[d]
8 he humbled himself in obedience to God
and died a criminal’s death on a cross.

9 Therefore, God elevated him to the place of highest honor
and gave him the name above all other names,
10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,
in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
11 and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.
I guess that just doesn't say the same thing to me as it does to you.

Do you think belief in the trinitarian perspective or view of GOD must be believed in order for one to be saved?

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New member
I guess that just doesn't say the same thing to me as it does to you.
It is very obvious that you are incapable of understanding that Jesus very clearly speaks of Himself as being God.
It is clear that you cannot accept that Paul confirms Jesus is God in Philippians.
Do you think belief in the trinitarian perspective or view of GOD must be believed in order for one to be saved?
Why is it important that God should give Himself as the atoning sacrifice for sin and not a human?
Can a mere human live a sinless life? No. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." But, Jesus is perfect and holy. He fulfilled the law. No mere human could do this. Only God could do this. So, when Jesus declares Himself to be God, He makes a way for there to be an acceptable atonement for our sin.
When Jesus arose from the dead, He displayed that He is God and the payment for sin is complete.
To deny God the Son is to deny God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. This is because God is one being and three distinct persons who are equally the one being known as God.
Add to this that you are incapable of recognizing the Quran as a document from hell and it is very clear that you have not yet been chosen, adopted, redeemed, justified or sanctified by God. You are dead in your trespasses and sins.
I pray that someday God breaks through your darkness and makes you alive in Christ. God has done it for very wicked people, slave traders and terrorists. God can give you life. I pray that one day God redeems you. This is true for all the persons who are posting in this thread, yet are not made alive in Christ.


New member
It is very obvious that you are incapable of understanding that Jesus very clearly speaks of Himself as being God.
It is clear that you cannot accept that Paul confirms Jesus is God in Philippians.

Why is it important that God should give Himself as the atoning sacrifice for sin and not a human?
Can a mere human live a sinless life? No. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." But, Jesus is perfect and holy. He fulfilled the law. No mere human could do this. Only God could do this. So, when Jesus declares Himself to be God, He makes a way for there to be an acceptable atonement for our sin.
When Jesus arose from the dead, He displayed that He is God and the payment for sin is complete.
To deny God the Son is to deny God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. This is because God is one being and three distinct persons who are equally the one being known as God.
Add to this that you are incapable of recognizing the Quran as a document from hell and it is very clear that you have not yet been chosen, adopted, redeemed, justified or sanctified by God. You are dead in your trespasses and sins.
I pray that someday God breaks through your darkness and makes you alive in Christ. God has done it for very wicked people, slave traders and terrorists. God can give you life. I pray that one day God redeems you. This is true for all the persons who are posting in this thread, yet are not made alive in Christ.
It is very clear that you decide what you want me to believe before you espouse it as my stance, which has zero to do with my actual belief.

Christ is GOD.

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New member
It is very obvious that you are incapable of understanding that Jesus very clearly speaks of Himself as being God.
It is clear that you cannot accept that Paul confirms Jesus is God in Philippians.

Why is it important that God should give Himself as the atoning sacrifice for sin and not a human?
Can a mere human live a sinless life? No. "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." But, Jesus is perfect and holy. He fulfilled the law. No mere human could do this. Only God could do this. So, when Jesus declares Himself to be God, He makes a way for there to be an acceptable atonement for our sin.
When Jesus arose from the dead, He displayed that He is God and the payment for sin is complete.
To deny God the Son is to deny God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. This is because God is one being and three distinct persons who are equally the one being known as God.
Add to this that you are incapable of recognizing the Quran as a document from hell and it is very clear that you have not yet been chosen, adopted, redeemed, justified or sanctified by God. You are dead in your trespasses and sins.
I pray that someday God breaks through your darkness and makes you alive in Christ. God has done it for very wicked people, slave traders and terrorists. God can give you life. I pray that one day God redeems you. This is true for all the persons who are posting in this thread, yet are not made alive in Christ.
I hope our Lord takes your pride along with your shades.

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New member
It is very clear that you decide what you want me to believe before you espouse it as my stance, which has zero to do with my actual belief.

Christ is GOD.

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Such deception.
Jesus is the Messiah (Christ) so therefore Jesus is God.
But, you constantly reject the truth that Jesus is God.
May God open your blind eyes, pops.


New member
I hope our Lord takes your pride along with your shades.

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Indeed, we all harbor pride. Since God is Sovereign and is sanctifying His chosen children, He is faithfully working out my pride.
However, this isn't an issue of my pride as much as it's an issue of my standing up against your false teaching. Paul warns the adopted children that wolves are among them and we should watch out. You are a wolf, pops. You presently have no part in the flock. May God break you and then remake you before the day of judgment.

God's Truth

New member
Indeed, we all harbor pride. Since God is Sovereign and is sanctifying His chosen children, He is faithfully working out my pride.
However, this isn't an issue of my pride as much as it's an issue of my standing up against your false teaching. Paul warns the adopted children that wolves are among them and we should watch out. You are a wolf, pops. You presently have no part in the flock. May God break you and then remake you before the day of judgment.

No, we all don't have pride.

God says the humble get saved and receive the Holy Spirit.

So you need to clarify when you say all have pride, it is not accurate.

Maybe you are the wolf that the children are warned about?


Well-known member
Such deception.
Jesus is the Messiah (Christ) so therefore Jesus is God.
But, you constantly reject the truth that Jesus is God.
May God open your blind eyes, pops.
Maybe you should find out what the Messiah, Christ really are.
Hint the Christ of God is not God.
The Messiah is a man sent from God, a prophet.

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New member
No, we all don't have pride.

God says the humble get saved and receive the Holy Spirit.

So you need to clarify when you say all have pride, it is not accurate.

Maybe you are the wolf that the children are warned about?

Sure we all have pride. We will have pride in us until we die and receive our new bodies.
Humility is given by God and worked out by God's sanctification. We cannot make ourselves humble by our own effort. You sound like the guy who pridefully tells people how humble he is. It's pitifully funny.
CS Lewis wrote a chapter on pride in Mere Christianity entitled "The Great Sin." We all have this sin. God is working it out of us via sanctification.


New member
Maybe you should find out what the Messiah, Christ really are.
Hint the Christ of God is not God.
The Messiah is a man sent from God, a prophet.

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Ha! That's what the Jews believed and that's why they picked up stones to kill Jesus when He told them he is God.
You have no spot at the table with God, keypurr. You are dead in your trespasses and sins. May God radically change your mind and open your eyes before it is too late. I hate to think you'll be in hell.

God's Truth

New member
Sure we all have pride. We will have pride in us until we die and receive our new bodies.

You are not speaking according to scripture which says we are new creatures.
Humility is given by God and worked out by God's sanctification.
No, humiliation is commanded by God and obeyed by those who want to please Him.

We cannot make ourselves humble by our own effort.
Of course humans can and those who don't will suffer rejection of the Word of God.

You sound like the guy who pridefully tells people how humble he is.
Satan is the accuser. Do you really want to start accusing?
It's pitifully funny.
CS Lewis wrote a chapter on pride in Mere Christianity entitled "The Great Sin." We all have this sin. God is working it out of us via sanctification.

I believe that CS Lewis and you have the sin of pride, just like you claim you both do.


New member
You are not speaking according to scripture which says we are new creatures.
Those whom God makes alive are new creations as far as our position is concerned. Paul shows how that is not presently how we live, however. Read Romans 7 where Paul bemoans the fact he doesn't do what he wants to do and cries out with the question of who will deliver him from this body of sin. The answer is Jesus, God Himself.
This means we have a position with God already, but we are not made perfect yet. God is still sanctifying us.
Somehow you cannot comprehend this truth.
No, humiliation is commanded by God and obeyed by those who want to please Him.
Nobody pleases God in their flesh. We are all sinners. Only...in Christ...are we made righteous. It's all God, none of us.

Of course humans can and those who don't will suffer rejection of the Word of God.
No human can, which is why, apart from being...in Christ...you WILL be rejected.

Satan is the accuser. Do you really want to start accusing?
Satan is the accuser of the saints. You are not a saint. You are dead in your trespasses and sins. May God make you alive...in Christ.

I believe that CS Lewis and you have the sin of pride, just like you claim you both do.
Of course we do. All humans do, which includes you. You delude yourself to think otherwise.

God's Truth

New member
Those whom God makes alive are new creations as far as our position is concerned. Paul shows how that is not presently how we live, however. Read Romans 7 where Paul bemoans the fact he doesn't do what he wants to do and cries out with the question of who will deliver him from this body of sin. The answer is Jesus, God Himself.
Jesus delivered Paul when Paul believed and repented of his sins.
This means we have a position with God already, but we are not made perfect yet. God is still sanctifying us.
Somehow you cannot comprehend this truth.
We have to obey. How is it you go against obeying?
Nobody pleases God in their flesh.
Those who obey please God.

We are all sinners. Only...in Christ...are we made righteous. It's all God, none of us.

No human can, which is why, apart from being...in Christ...you WILL be rejected.

Satan is the accuser of the saints. You are not a saint. You are dead in your trespasses and sins. May God make you alive...in Christ.

Of course we do. All humans do, which includes you. You delude yourself to think otherwise.

Just try to make sense of these last comments from you, they don't make sense because they contradict each other.


New member
Indeed, we all harbor pride. Since God is Sovereign and is sanctifying His chosen children, He is faithfully working out my pride.
However, this isn't an issue of my pride as much as it's an issue of my standing up against your false teaching. Paul warns the adopted children that wolves are among them and we should watch out. You are a wolf, pops. You presently have no part in the flock. May God break you and then remake you before the day of judgment.
HE already did friend.

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New member
Jesus delivered Paul when Paul believed and repented of his sins.
That is NOT what the Bible tells us. You are projecting your false teaching upon Paul's conversion.
We have to obey. How is it you go against obeying?
No, we don’t "have " to. We obey out of the love which God has given to us. We are no longer bound under the law. We are children of the King.
Those who obey please God.
Sure. That has nothing to do with our adoption as sons and daughters of God. Dead people don't obey.
Just try to make sense of these last comments from you, they don't make sense because they contradict each other.
You cannot understand. You are not a child of the King. The Gospel is foolishness to you. This is why we pray that God would make you alive in Christ before you die in your sins.