ECT "PISTEUO", the secret of the universe....


John 3: 12

Mistranslated English verse : " If I have told you earthly things and you do not "believe" (apisteuo) , how will you "believe"(pisteuo) if i tell you heavenly things ?

John 3:12

corrected English verse : " If I have told you earthly things and " you do not surrender your life to me " (apisteuo) , how will you " surrender your life to me "(pisteuo) if i tell you heavenly things ?

I took out the mistranslated word "believe" , and replaced it with the Vines Greek dictionarys definition of the Greek word "pisteuo."


In the Greek language there is only moving towards God "pisteuo" , or moving away from God "apisteuo". There is no middle ground or neutral place of only believing .


A reminder that true NT saving Faith , or the application of Faith ( pisteuo ,) is two continuous parts . One, the continual daily surrendering of of our lives to Christ , and two , making all the many decisions through out each day that support the fact we do not see our lives as ours anymore , but His . A half measure avails nothing!

Cross Reference

New member
A reminder that true NT saving Faith , or the application of Faith ( pisteuo ,) is two continuous parts . One, the continual daily surrendering of of our lives to Christ , and two , making all the many decisions through out each day that support the fact we do not see our lives as ours anymore , but His . A half measure avails nothing!

So what you are advancing is the need to enter into a continual 'spiritual seance' 24-7 with a "feel-good" thrill following that will testify to having "been there". I mean, how else would anyone gauge his/her effort?

God's Truth

New member
So what you are advancing is the need to enter into a continual 'spiritual seance' 24-7 with a "feel-good" thrill following that will testify to having "been there". I mean, how else would anyone gauge his/her effort?

That is so disrespectful. You both are disrespectful but it is not excuse for either one of you.


Until pisteuo is fulfilled the first time , a relationship with Christ hasn't yet begun . In other words , if you don't want to surrender your life to Christ , you can't start a relationship with Him . The world is full of "believers" , belief will avail nothing .

God's Truth

New member
Until pisteuo is fulfilled the first time , a relationship with Christ hasn't yet begun . In other words , if you don't want to surrender your life to Christ , you can't start a relationship with Him . The world is full of "believers" , belief will avail nothing .

You have went against me for saying I have LIVING faith. That is faith with obedience.

Faith without right action is dead. I preach that all the time. Yet, you tell me that since I don't change the Bible to say 'surrender' instead of 'faith' that it makes my faith wrong and I am not saved.

You condemn me for believing and obeying.

Cross Reference

New member
Until pisteuo is fulfilled the first time , a relationship with Christ hasn't yet begun . In other words , if you don't want to surrender your life to Christ , you can't start a relationship with Him . The world is full of "believers" , belief will avail nothing .

So wht you are saying is that the first time is believing for redemption by "believing" the account of the cross and resurrection? And then what is to take place, if anything?

"Am I banking in faith on the Eternal Fact of the Atonement? Am I so devoted to my Lord that He is working out His purposes in me? Or am I one of those miserable individuals who is working out his own particular type of religion by himself? We have to measure every type of experience by the Lord Jesus Christ and His Atonement. We must build on the great fact of the Redemption which God has performed through Christ, and continually presuppose that Redemption. If we fail to prosecute our life in Jesus, and build our faith on our experiences only, then the further away we get from our experiences, the dimmer will Jesus Christ become.

Chambers, O. (1965). Our brilliant heritage. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott.
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The Greek word "pisteuo". Probably the most important word that we will ever hear as called out ones. I consider this word to be the "secret of the universe". Because one day, God will reveal the importance of "pisteuo," and everyone will know it was right there in front of us all the time.

I beat this drum of "pisteuo ", because without actively exercising "pisteuo", no one can have the relationship with Christ that the NT talks about. An indwelling Holy Spirit, being in Christ, having Gods nature flowing through us, the word of God being ours to look at like a mirror, the mind of Christ, to be able to have that continual praying without ceasing. Without "pisteuo," none of these things will come to pass.

With those things said, what exactly is "pisteuo?"

"Pisteuo" is the Greek word, a verb, that's corresponds with the Greek word, a noun, "pistis".

When pistis and pisteuo were translated into the English texts, Pistis is where we get our word
"faith", the noun, was no problem. But when the translators tried to find an English word for "pisteuo," there was none. Pisteuo is a verb, An act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. The specific act that the Greek word pisteuo needed to translate to English is, the vines: "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." The Strongs: "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded, to trust, to place confidence in, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence, hence it is translated "commit unto," "commit to ones trust,"Be commited unto".

Pisteuo is the word that describes, encompasses, and teaches us what NT saving Faith is. We should have had the words faither, faithing, and to faithe, for the translators to use when translating pisteuo into English. But only because they had no other choice, they had to go with believer, believing, and to believe. The word pisteuo and it's English mistranslations are used over 250 times in the NT. The words believer, believing, and to believe are only one third of what Nt saving Faith is. And building an understanding on any of these three words is not NT saving Faith.

Mistranslation of the Greek word "pisteuo". John 3:15 : "That whoever ( believes ) in Him should not perish but have everlasting life .

Correct translation of the Greek word "pisteuo." John 3:15 : "That whoever (continually surrenders their lives to Him) should not perish but have everlasting life .

Ask your pastors why their teaching a lie ?

Cross Reference

New member
Until pisteuo is fulfilled the first time , a relationship with Christ hasn't yet begun . In other words , if you don't want to surrender your life to Christ , you can't start a relationship with Him . The world is full of "believers" , belief will avail nothing .

Is that not a result of "counting the cost"? What is the penalty for refusing accociated with that, if any, loss of salvation or loss of relationship? If loss of relationship then does that mean loss of salvation? What then is salvation? Have I been redeemed or not? Speak to that?


Doing what I've presented to you about Faith and faithing are mandatory . Being aware that you are doing bb it , or fulfilling pisteuo is not . A choice has to be made ....


Doing what I've presented to you about Faith and faithing are mandatory . Being aware that you are doing bb it , or fulfilling pisteuo is not . A choice has to be made ....

You don't seem to recognize that CR and I are not arguing about importance of Faith in God and Jesus.

You are making a mountain out of mole hill.

Cross Reference

New member
I hope you will read this intro, Faither and buy the book.

[God's] Ultimate Intention . . . . By Devern Fromke
1974 Introduction


THROUGHOUT THE WORLD today there is the echo and re-echo of revolution. Surely this is evidence of the crisis hour in which we live. A NEW DAY is on the horizon. We are now in the night—a time of political, social, religious and philosophical shaking. Everything that can be shaken is being shaken. We can expect shaking to increase in tempo and momentum until only that which is unshakable remains. But we need not be alarmed, for God has determined to build anew on His SURE FOUNDATION—a foundation which cannot be shaken.

For this reason I believe it is time for a revolutionary note to be sounded in the Church. You will recognize in this Book such a note. Here is a challenge to reconsider some of the basic concepts which presently hold sway in evangelical circles.

Careful observation will disclose that the philosophical appeal of our current evangelistic endeavor is essentially selfish. The Church extends an offer that consists primarily of hope of gain and fear of loss for the individual—this suggests a “get” way of life! The fundamental of our invitation is for man to come to our church and get something for himself. Even our deeper life conferences are usually promoted on a man-centered level which suggests participants may obtain Christian victory and more profound blessings for their own heart satisfaction. It has become difficult for our generation to understand the real meaning of sacrifice, and the poured-out life is considered visionary. The rugged Pauline altar to which the great Apostle called men to come, suffer and die, has been replaced by the invitation to come to the altar and get over suffering. Our twentieth century altars are plush and comfortable. One approaches them to get and not to give.

We are past the point of revival; we have gone beyond the possibility of repair through reformation. Christianity must experience a vital revolution! The only solution to the problem of the Church today is a destruction of the philosophy that is mining it and the introduction of another theme, a true goal, the real touchstone—one that is ultimate and final in every sense. Let me ask, is there a new frontier of truth in the Bible that must be discovered to furnish the supreme challenge to lives of old and young alike? Is there a hitherto unpenetrated spiritual barrier waiting for a breakthrough in our generation? Is there an unveiling of truth with power to bring lives to a dedication to God so as to fulfill His purpose in a measure and to a depth that no existing philosophy, either religious or political, at present is able to do? Let the reader of these pages decide for himself.

This book will unfold God’s Word in a brand-new light. There are keys herein that can unlock the truth and bring divine transformation and power to the inner life. I say can, but I do not guarantee such experience. The great spiritual work in any life is God’s to do, it is His sovereign prerogative.

To the readers, I recommend slow and careful study of the entire text. Evaluate and properly apply the meaning of words newly used in connection with divine relationships. Revolution is neither cheap nor simple. You are in for the ‘‘inner battle of your life.’’ May God give His people grace to apprehend this great truth.

When Galileo’s discovery finally and authentically gave the earth a new center, it caused the greatest scientific revolution that had ever been known. The writings of centuries had to be adjusted in order for this truth to become the basis for mathematical and astronomical fact.

Thus it may be with much in our religious libraries when the facts of this book have gripped human lives.

—Pastor H. J. Stanley, Lovers Lane Church Christian and Missionary Alliance, Akron, Ohio[/FONT]


The Greek word "pisteuo". Probably the most important word that we will ever hear as called out ones. I consider this word to be the "secret of the universe". Because one day, God will reveal the importance of "pisteuo," and everyone will know it was right there in front of us all the time.

I beat this drum of "pisteuo ", because without actively exercising "pisteuo", no one can have the relationship with Christ that the NT talks about. An indwelling Holy Spirit, being in Christ, having Gods nature flowing through us, the word of God being ours to look at like a mirror, the mind of Christ, to be able to have that continual praying without ceasing. Without "pisteuo," none of these things will come to pass.

With those things said, what exactly is "pisteuo?"

"Pisteuo" is the Greek word, a verb, that's corresponds with the Greek word, a noun, "pistis".

When pistis and pisteuo were translated into the English texts, Pistis is where we get our word
"faith", the noun, was no problem. But when the translators tried to find an English word for "pisteuo," there was none. Pisteuo is a verb, An act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. The specific act that the Greek word pisteuo needed to translate to English is, the vines: "A personal surrender to Him, and a life inspired by such surrender." The Strongs: "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded, to trust, to place confidence in, signifies reliance upon, not mere credence, hence it is translated "commit unto," "commit to ones trust,"Be commited unto".

Pisteuo is the word that describes, encompasses, and teaches us what NT saving Faith is. We should have had the words faither, faithing, and to faithe, for the translators to use when translating pisteuo into English. But only because they had no other choice, they had to go with believer, believing, and to believe. The word pisteuo and it's English mistranslations are used over 250 times in the NT. The words believer, believing, and to believe are only one third of what Nt saving Faith is. And building an understanding on any of these three words is not NT saving Faith.

Bumped for cross reference .