pacifism for true Jesus' followers.


Banned that the best you can do?

John was a contemporary of Jesus. Jesus died in 30AD. How old would John have been in 98AD (68 years later)?

According to most "scholars" the average lifespan of a male in the first century was 30 - 35 years.

Wait... you are defending the Gospel of John. Do you believe that Jesus is God?


Well-known member
If one is unwilling to be part of the solution... they are rapidly part of the problem. Everyone can blame those with burden of leadership... but few press on... bloodied and determined to help others.

Teddy R said it best...

"It is not the critic who counts. ... The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by the dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly ... who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly; so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat."

Those born of God are not of this world, and we are to fight a spiritual warfare and not be involved in the wars of the world. The world will take care of itself, we are to put God first and the only weapon that we need is the sword of the Spirit.


Those born of God are not of this world, and we are to fight a spiritual warfare and not be involved in the wars of the world. The world will take care of itself, we are to put God first and the only weapon that we need is the sword of the Spirit.

They have no idea what Jesus is talking about.

That's why they don't even know they are misrepresenting Jesus to the world.

It is deliberate disobedience and wicked and grave sin.

They are brainwashed by their organization and blindly believe them.

It is deliberate sin because they have already told by Jesus and don't believe His teachings.


The military is political and it is supported by the majority.

And organization will not go against the majority approved practice to keep their members in their churches. This is the bottom line of their pro-military position.

Their Lord is not Jesus, it is their church and the majority approved doctrines.


Wait... you are defending the Gospel of John.

I was referring to the John who wrote the Revelation.

According to your 98AD theory, John would have had to have been about 100 years old in order to write the book of Revelation in 98AD.

The Apostle Paul tells us exactly when John was given the Revelation:

(2 Cor 12:2-4) I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. 3 And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows— 4 was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell.


It seems that Lon has bow out again.

That's the case every time when I ask him about Jesus' word.

He seem to know Calvinism so well and studied but when it comes to Jesus' teaching, he does not have much to say.

that's how it is for majority churchgoers; they know their church doctrines but not much about Jesus' simple teachings.

It is just weird.


Well-known member
so we should turn our backs on children getting gassed?

if we see a child getting beaten or raped right in front of us, we should shrug our shoulders and say "oh well, the world will take care of itself"?

The killing of any child is devastating, but my point is where does it end, do we then go and send in armies and then more children, and innocents are killed?

I have always said, that I would always defend any child being attacked in front of me. But there's a difference in defending something that is happening there and then in front of you, than going into war and killing many innocent people and destroying families and bringing devastation to many people's lives.

War brings total distruction, and Satan is behind all war, fighting and hatred. Those things are not of God. God is love and there is no darkness in him. War is of this world, and the world will all fight amongst themselves and kill one another. But those born of God have a purpose, and that is to do Gods will, bring his word and love to others through Christ, and glorify God. We should be turning from war and fighting. As i said, those born of God have the sword of the Spirit, and that's our weapon to use.


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Gold Subscriber
The killing of any child is devastating, but my point is where does it end, do we then go and send in armies and then more children, and innocents are killed?

I have always said, that I would always defend any child being attacked in front of me. But there's a difference in defending something that is happening there and then in front of you, than going into war and killing many innocent people and destroying families and bringing devastation to many people's lives.

War brings total distruction, and Satan is behind all war, fighting and hatred. Those things are not of God. God is love and there is no darkness in him. War is of this world, and the world will all fight amongst themselves and kill one another. But those born of God have a purpose, and that is to do Gods will, bring his word and love to others through Christ, and glorify God. We should be turning from war and fighting. As i said, those born of God have the sword of the Spirit, and that's our weapon to use.
Three words in rebuttal:

Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
What do you mean by that? How is that in rebuttal? Thanks
We made the cost of war too high for Japan to continue, so they surrendered, and that was the beginning of the end of the war.


New member
It seems that Lon has bow out again.

That's the case every time when I ask him about Jesus' word.

He seem to know Calvinism so well and studied but when it comes to Jesus' teaching, he does not have much to say.

that's how it is for majority churchgoers; they know their church doctrines but not much about Jesus' simple teachings.

It is just weird.
You are flat out lying about Lon. Go back and read his conversation with you dimwit.


New member
The killing of any child is devastating, but my point is where does it end, do we then go and send in armies and then more children, and innocents are killed?

I have always said, that I would always defend any child being attacked in front of me. But there's a difference in defending something that is happening there and then in front of you, than going into war and killing many innocent people and destroying families and bringing devastation to many people's lives.

War brings total distruction, and Satan is behind all war, fighting and hatred. Those things are not of God. God is love and there is no darkness in him. War is of this world, and the world will all fight amongst themselves and kill one another. But those born of God have a purpose, and that is to do Gods will, bring his word and love to others through Christ, and glorify God. We should be turning from war and fighting. As i said, those born of God have the sword of the Spirit, and that's our weapon to use.

War is purposed for destruction and only the Eternal Almighty has power to destroy. The Pale horse carries a rider who bares the name Death and Hell followed with him.

You just love giving glory to Satan, don't you.