On Rape


Well-known member
The rapist is guilty of the greater sin. Not the seductress.
End of thread

Young fools need to beware, and the "seductress" shouldn't be yelling rape the next day. You just never know where the greater guilt may lay. I've known some gals that realized too late they should have stopped sooner.

Provers 7:21-27
With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him. He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks; Till a dart strike through his liver; as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life. Hearken unto me now therefore, O ye children, and attend to the words of my mouth. Let not thine heart decline to her ways, go not astray in her paths. For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of death.​


Well-known member
I know....women are supposed to have the right to strip naked and do a pole dance at a frat party with a bunch of drunk college men and not get raped, but the fact remains....it would be her fault if she ended up getting raped.

Like when women show their faces or don't wear their burqa. Or walk on a public street without a male escort. ... It would be her fault for getting raped.

What a disgrace to her family that she would bring that upon herself.


Well-known member
Like when women show their faces or don't wear their burqa. Or walk on a public street without a male escort. ... It would be her fault for getting raped.

What a disgrace to her family that she would bring that upon herself.

Nope, I don't know why some of you folks have to jump off the deep end instead of just using the common sense God gave you.

If you don't know the difference between a woman in a burqa (or even a woman in a pair of pants and a tee shirt) and a stripper at a frat party then you are one very sheltered fella.


Well-known member
How is that even comparable to a naked woman alone at a frat party with a bunch of drunk men?

People have been indoctrinated. They know what they're supposed to say....they've had it drilled into their heads by the liberal media. Rape is NEVER the woman's fault no matter what. Women now have all the rights but accept none of the blame.

I can understand the motive behind such thinking, because the victim has been blamed for so long....the pendulum had to swing the other way. It's inevitable that it goes from one extreme to the other. There must come a time, however, when the facts must be taken into consideration, especially considering what goes on today in this sick society we live in.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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I grow weary of the underlying tenor of most discussions that involve some person's apparent loss of mental faculties and somehow driven by some biological force that results in sexual immorality.

Not speaking of rape here, which is the crime of unlawful and willful overpowerment of another culminating in a sexual act, the unstated assumption seems to be that a man or a woman is unable to resist the opposite gender's advances. I wish I could count the number of times someone in a counseling situation has told me he or she was just overcome with emotion that began an extra-marital affair or "one-night stand"; as if they had no choice in the matter. The same goes for those in social situations who are unable to interpret even the most innocuous action or words as nothing more than an invitation to copulate.

We are not animal brutes without conscience and wills. We choose according to our greatest inclinations at the moment we so choose. The point being, "choice", and our actions have consequences. The man or woman seeking to avoid responsibility for immoral acts by laying these choices at the feet of some uncontrollable force beyond their control is simply lying to themselves.

We need to embrace the truth and reject myths:

1. “I lust because I’m human.” No, you lust because you’re a sinner.
2. “I lust because others dress immodestly.” No, you lust because your wicked heart enjoys the immodesty of others.
3. “I lust because I’m not married.” No, you lust because you love sex more than God.
4. “I lust because I desire marriage.” No, you lust because you desire sexual immorality. Desiring sexual immorality is the opposite of desiring marriage. A desire for marriage is a desire for sexual morality within marriage.
5. “I lust because I cannot help it.” No, you lust because you willfully choose sin over holiness. You’ve developed a lustful habit. Repent and turn to Christ habitually. Live out the holiness He requires until new holy habits are formed.
6. “I lust because my spouse is not as interested in sex as I am.” No, you lust because you desire sex more than you desire God.
7. “I lust because my spouse does not appreciate me.” No, you lust because you believe God is too small to meet your needs abundantly.
8. “I lust because I believe God’s image-bearers are beautiful.” No, you lust because you reject God’s creation (Gen. 1:26-27). Those who lust objectify God’s image bearers, reducing His divine image to a mere object of immoral non-consensual one-sided sexual gratification.
9. “I lust because sexuality is pervasive in my godless culture.” No, you lust because you want to be like your godless culture.
10. “If I fulfill my lusts, they will go away.” No, the remedy for lustful desires is for you to deny yourself (starve your lust), pick up your cross, and follow Christ (Luke 9:23).

The only answer for a lustful heart is to believe God rather than man, whether “man” is everyone else or ourselves.

Indeed, God has not been silent on the matter of avoiding sexual immorality, for example, consider the teachings in 1 Thessalonians 4:

You will please God.... v. 1
You will prove that you can take instruction from God.... v. 1
You will respond to the authority of God.... v. 2
You will be in the will of God.... v. 3
God calls you to be holy—literally set apart from the world's thinking....v. 3
God calls you to sexual integrity....v. 3
You will control your own body.... v. 4
God calls you to control your sexual desires....v. 4
God calls you to be holy and honorable....v. 4
You will not display passionate lust.... v. 5
You will not be like the heathen.... v. 5
God condemns your lust....v. 5
You will not wrong another person.... v. 6
You will not take advantage of another.... v. 6
God holds you accountable for your treatment of others....v. 6
God will punish your promiscuity....v. 6
God does not call you to be impure....v. 7
God calls you to live a holy life....v. 7
God sees your involvement in sexual sin as rejection of Him....v. 8

Right now we can live by faith—or we can live by our feelings. :AMR:



New member
We need to embrace the truth and reject myths:

1. “I lust because I’m human.” No, you lust because you’re a sinner.
If we can leave aside the brimstone and fire for a moment the fact is that human beings are sexual beings :shocked: and if humans didn't "lust" then there would simply be no human beings. Sexual desire has nothing to do with sinning but it is about respecting the rights of other people and about not violating them, even if you do "lust".
Rape (not lust) is a "sin"/crime against a human person because we should all know that it is something that violates another person, simply for a personal gratification.
Rape is wrong because it violates another human person's integrity, not because it's being disobedient to a God.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
According to you, it's the woman's fault.

yes it is

but not all her fault

my postion is that the woman bears some responsibility, often on the individual level for putting herself foolishly in a risky situation, and always on the collective level, along with all of us, for allowing this culture to have developed, where a "reasonable" punishment for rape is ending up on a list

i was thinking last night about the case of the amish girls kidnapping and sexual molestation that played out up here a year and a half ago - clearly a case of kidnapping, clearly a case of rape and what did the perps get?


a bunch of years in prison which i suspect will be reduced in my lifetime and lead to their release, considering the liberal bent of my state

there's no reason whatsoever that they shouldn't both be rotting in the ground at this moment


New member
yes it is

but not all her fault

my postion is that the woman bears some responsibility, often on the individual level for putting herself foolishly in a risky situation, and always on the collective level, along with all of us, for allowing this culture to have developed, where a "reasonable" punishment for rape is ending up on a list

i was thinking last night about the case of the amish girls kidnapping and sexual molestation that played out up here a year and a half ago - clearly a case of kidnapping, clearly a case of rape and what did the perps get?


a bunch of years in prison which i suspect will be reduced in my lifetime and lead to their release, considering the liberal bent of my state

there's no reason whatsoever that they shouldn't both be rotting in the ground at this moment
If only those Amish girls were not at the wrong place at the wrong time, they should be put to death too, right? That is clearly their fault according to your logic.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Like when women show their faces or don't wear their burqa. Or walk on a public street without a male escort. ... It would be her fault for getting raped.

What a disgrace to her family that she would bring that upon herself.


zoo made a post that wasn't about correcting jefferson!

way to go dude! :wave2:
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Did they make one for all the female adults who rape boys?

nope - they don't get get nearly as much attention as male on female rape

neither does male on male rape

I've found "you could go to jail" much more impactful than "you probably should be killed, even though we both know you won't be."

even when the law didn't call for it, fathers and brothers used to take it on themselves to implement

rape my sister - expect at the very least a severe beating, perhaps a castration, or maybe you'll just disappear


Hello Ok Doser,

Do you apply this same reasoning to victims of all crime, or only rape?

all crime - if i go down to the ghetto, get drunk, wave a fistful of hundreds around while shouting racial slurs and pass out, why shouldn't i bear some responsibility for the inevitable beating and robbery that occurs?

The rapist is guilty of the greater sin. Not the seductress.
End of thread

and the seductress is guilty of the lesser sin?

Nope, I don't know why some of you folks have to jump off the deep end instead of just using the common sense God gave you.

If you don't know the difference between a woman in a burqa (or even a woman in a pair of pants and a tee shirt) and a stripper at a frat party then you are one very sheltered fella.

now be fair - this is zoo you're talking about :chuckle:

People have been indoctrinated. They know what they're supposed to say....they've had it drilled into their heads by the liberal media. Rape is NEVER the woman's fault no matter what. Women now have all the rights but accept none of the blame.


Rape is wrong because it violates another human person's integrity...

rape is wrong because it is a perversion of the natural purpose of sex, which God gave us, which is procreation, in a marriage

If only those Amish girls were not at the wrong place at the wrong time, they should be put to death too, right? That is clearly their fault according to your logic.

actually, i was thinking about a couple of specific cases when i made my "provocative" statement in the other thread - one of them was the amish girls case (which happened just down the road from me)

as I have said, i don't blame children for situations that they may find themselves in (unless they're being disobedient).

In this case, the Amish father allowed them to be out of sight, with the expectation that they would be interacting with the wicked world that the Amish deliberately separate themselves from.

In my opinion, the father bears some responsibility for the kidnapping and rape