Obama says racism is genetic


New member
You have no clue what you're talking about.

If we want to talk about real, actual racists, let's tackle the slaveowners who were presidents. Or that vile scumbag Woodrow Wilson. Or Andrew Jackson, perpetrator of genocide. Or any number of men who actually were racists and who didn't have the temerity of offending delicate white folk by pointing out this country has a real problem with race relations.

Calling Obama a "racist" is so clueless, so utterly out of touch with reality, that it comes close to self-parody.

...and to ignore his obvious racist behavior is to continue in La-La Land! He has poured out unctuous sympathy to black victims and their families whilst virtually ignoring victims of other hues.


New member
Hall of Fame
...and to ignore his obvious racist behavior is to continue in La-La Land! He has poured out unctuous sympathy to black victims and their families whilst virtually ignoring victims of other hues.

Again: Calling this man a "racist" is a sign of disconnection from reality.

The Barbarian

Obama is the most racist president we have ever had, everything is about race to him,

I notice that his campaigns have played down race, and he went out of his way to avoid the issue of a black president. A smart move, given that a lot of people in this country still don't like blacks very much.

He pretty much outwitted them in that respect, for which racists are still angry. Hence the accusations.

But if he never admitted to being part black, or ever discussed civil rights, racists would still be accusing him of racism. It's what they do.

he forgot about all the guilty white people who voted him into office.

(for a racist, race trumps everything, even political beliefs)

Not a realistic way to view the world, I think.

The Barbarian

Amtrack crash:
“I offer my prayers for those who grieve," Obama said. "A speedy recovery for the many who were injured as they work to recover. And we will cooperate, obviously, at every level of government to make sure that we get answers in terms of precisely what happened.”

He signed a book of condolences for the victims of the attack shortly after returning from a trip to Arizona for a speech previewing his State of the Union address.

"On behalf of all Americans, I extend our deepest sympathy and solidarity to the people of France following the terrible terrorist attack in Paris," the President wrote.

"As allies across the centuries, we stand united with our French brothers to ensure that justice is done and our way of life is defended. We go forward together knowing that terror is no match for freedom and ideals we stand for -- ideals that light the world.


Decorated NYPD Officer Brian Moore died Monday with his stricken family at his hospital bedside — leaving an entire city awash in grief.
President Obama, speaking at Lehman College, declared “New York’s Finest lost one of its own today,” and that Moore came from a family of police officers who “deserve our gratitude and our prayers not just today but every day. They’ve got a tough job.”


President Barack Obama took a moment during an event honoring 2014 NASCAR Sprint Cup champion Kevin Harvick to remember the life of Byrnes, who passed away at the age of 56 on Tuesday.

"I want to offer my condolences to everyone in the NASCAR community on the passing of a legendary reporter and broadcaster, Steve Byrnes," Obama said. "I know a lot of fans' thoughts and prayers today are with his wife, Karen, and his son, Bryson."


Actually, I don't know if Byrnes was white or not, but it is NASCAR.


New member
Social behavior is not genetic... according to science.

And we better pray and hope that the two are never definitively connected or be prepared to have all our future screened for undesirable behavior traits.

The Barbarian

Social behavior is not genetic... according to science.

I have some bad news for you:


Using this data for direct control by the state is a somewhat more distant threat than the hiring of neuroscientists to screen focus groups via brain scans.

And yes, we need to be concerned. The only loose end I see, is whether brain structure influences political leanings or political leanings influence brain structure.

Either are quite possible.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
...and to ignore his obvious racist behavior is to continue in La-La Land! He has poured out unctuous sympathy to black victims and their families whilst virtually ignoring victims of other hues.
That is true. But I don't think it's racist in the sense of being bigoted. I think it's only racist in the sense that he's reacting to the suffering of people he identifies more closely with. The same way women tend to identify with and react to the suffering of other woman.


New member
That is true. But I don't think it's racist in the sense of being bigoted. I think it's only racist in the sense that he's reacting to the suffering of people he identifies more closely with. The same way women tend to identify with and react to the suffering of other woman.

However, he is President of us all.


Well-known member
I have some bad news for you:


Using this data for direct control by the state is a somewhat more distant threat than the hiring of neuroscientists to screen focus groups via brain scans.

And yes, we need to be concerned. The only loose end I see, is whether brain structure influences political leanings or political leanings influence brain structure.

Either are quite possible.

Only someone from the loony left would seriously believe such nonsense. :rotfl:

The Barbarian

Only someone from the loony left would seriously believe such nonsense.

The evidence is there. Not just one study. Over 20 of them. One can accept facts, or decline to accept them. But they won't go away in any case.

Doesn't mean conservatives are dumb; that's not what the studies show. It just shows that the brains of conservatives and the brains of liberals work differently, even when they come up with the same conclusions.

What we don't know, is whether the differences in brains influences political outlook, or whether one's political outlook changes brain function. That remains to be seen.

But the facts remain.


New member
Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

So anyone who votes is insane.


This thread's topic is a little bit like what FOX "News" does. Because Obama says "in our DNA" the GOP is justified in taking him literally and continuing to discredit and condemn him.

Like when Obama is talking about the Middle East and does not say the word "terrorism." And that somehow means that he is not serious about defending this nation.

Immature and ignorant, in my opinion.


New member
Hall of Fame
Racist in what way? How do you quantify it? How do the other presidents rank? Evidence?

The Daily News?

You have no clue what you're talking about.

If we want to talk about real, actual racists, let's tackle the slaveowners who were presidents. Or that vile scumbag Woodrow Wilson. Or Andrew Jackson, perpetrator of genocide. Or any number of men who actually were racists and who didn't have the temerity of offending delicate white folk by pointing out this country has a real problem with race relations.

Calling Obama a "racist" is so clueless, so utterly out of touch with reality, that it comes close to self-parody.

...and to ignore his obvious racist behavior is to continue in La-La Land! He has poured out unctuous sympathy to black victims and their families whilst virtually ignoring victims of other hues.

:thumb: already answered by bybee. He inserts himself into racially charged issues where he ignores similar issues, you know like the funerals of victims of black muslim attacks - and calls them something else like "workplace" violence. Thats just one example of many.


Well-known member
Temp Banned
However, he is President of us all.
Would you expect the president to feel the same for the loss of one of his daughters as he would feel for the loss of some citizen he'd never met?

Of course not.

Being president does not mean that he must think, feel, and act exactly the same about every citizen in the country. That would be absurd. Any human being will feel more empathy for some people's suffering than for others. And the president is no different from any other human being in that way.

Frankly, I think it's very low-brow of you to use these normal feelings of empathy as an excuse to accuse him of racial bigotry. Because I have never seen or heard anything in Obama, ever, that would indicate to me that he is a racial bigot. In fact, I think he goes to great lengths to avoid applying racial distinctions to his words and/or actions. He's very carefully avoiding being America's "black" president, to the extent that he is able.


New member
Hall of Fame
The criticism boils down to this: "Obama's black; makes him a racist."

He's always walked a pretty fine line, I do give him credit for that.


New member
Would you expect the president to feel the same for the loss of one of his daughters as he would feel for the loss of some citizen he'd never met?

Of course not.

Being president does not mean that he must think, feel, and act exactly the same about every citizen in the country. That would be absurd. Any human being will feel more empathy for some people's suffering than for others. And the president is no different from any other human being in that way.

Frankly, I think it's very low-brow of you to use these normal feelings of empathy as an excuse to accuse him of racial bigotry. Because I have never seen or heard anything in Obama, ever, that would indicate to me that he is a racial bigot. In fact, I think he goes to great lengths to avoid applying racial distinctions to his words and/or actions. He's very carefully avoiding being America's "black" president, to the extent that he is able.

I believe my statement was that he is president for all American's?
He may or may not be a racial bigot. I don't know. He is a very wealthy man and he is president of the United States of America. His skin color is not important to most American's. I do not presume to judge his personal feelings.
Perhaps I am low brow.


New member
Hall of Fame
I believe my statement was that he is president for all American's?

Even the Americans who crossed their arms and said "Well he's not my president" after he was elected?

He may or may not be a racial bigot. I don't know.

He may also be a reptilian shapeshifter.

He is a very wealthy man

What's his wealth got to do with...anything?