New Low From Trump


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
You forget to mention something rocketman:

You're still voting for the sleazy misogynist.

There are no other choices...I don't like the man, he was not my choice but, I will never vote for a felon.

Congratulations to the powers that be who are responsible for getting the moral degenerate Donald Trump the Republican nomination for President.

In this day and age, if you're running for political office you're vetted from the day you were born, i.e. all of this information was known by the people who were backing him.

The purpose behind Donald Trump as a Republican Presidential nominee wasn't because he's so called "anti establishment", we've seen that he isn't through his various liberal policies and his constant flip flopping on numerous issues that are considered conservative. The purpose was to DESTROY the Republican Party. After this latest embarrassment, if Trump isn't ousted (and it's speculated that he can't be), kiss the Presidency goodbye and the control of the House and Senate. Heck, if you're running for Dog Catcher as a republican you won't win.


Well-known member
having a change of heart after learning some new fact is quite different than deliberately lying to the public on what you will have done if you are elected, which is what Hillary willingly admitted to in front of rich donors
It's impossible to know if a politician is lying about their actions in the future. All we can do is look at their actions in the past.

I don't trust Clinton. Her husband was a liar and he sold the American people out, big time, in the end. She has never repudiated him for that. Now she's talking about how she's on our side against the exploitation of big business, but all the while she's taking their money hand over fist. And her track record favors them, too. So I think she's lying, and will do their bidding just as her husband did.

But this thread is not about Hillary Clinton. It's about the absolute absurdity of electing Donald Trump president. And the fools who are going to vote for him no matter how vile his behavior, his speech, or his lies. They will find a way to excuse and justify him, no mater what.

Jose Fly

New member
Christians voting for Donald Trump discredit themselves and are an embarrassment to Christianity in general.

Oh no doubt. If articles like THIS ONE out today continue on, Trump stays in the race, and the election numbers show that it was almost exclusively evangelical Christians who voted for him?

If you think Christianity in the US is declining now, you ain't seen nothing yet.


If the GOP were smart and Donald had a decent bone in his body he would step aside and let Pence run against Hillary. I think he might beat her.

From what I've heard x-rays have shown that Donald Trump doesn't have a decent bone in his body. Because of that GOP lawyers are currently working on ways to oust the pervert.

I wonder how much the Demonics paid the person who sold the tape. Of Course we all know that the Demonic Potty has shelled out millions requesting muckrakers to find crappola on the Republicans...

One doesn't have to look far in order to come up with sleazy comments Donald Trump has said about women.
Take for instance this one just days after the death of Princess Diana.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Now that is rich...anyone that can vote for a known felon, who has defended her husband's rape & abuse of women for years, as well as being directly at fault for the death of four Americans (that we know about) says now that people who support Trump have no political integrity? That is laughable...:chuckle: Here in California we are being asked to vote on this ballot whether porn stars get employer supplied condoms & health exams and I should be somehow moved that Donald Trump said something lewd? Personally if every porn star in California caught a sexually transmitted disease and died I could care less...good riddance to them all! It is just nonsense at this point from both sides but, I will vote without remorse for Trump all day long & twice on Sunday before I would support a corrupt lying felon like Hillary Clinton, in the end they are both horrible people and America deserves the likes of either for their apathy to what really matters, liberty, constitution, jobs, security, & economy now we will have none of them....America is done.

Really? Are you so much better than them? This is what really gets me about far right 'Christianity', it's the callousness more than anything. Such a loving attitude you have towards your fellow man and woman there RM. You'd fit right in with the crowd wanting to lob stones at the adulteress and no mistake...


You also have the option not to vote for either Hilary or Trump. Frankly, if you wish that sort of fate on pornstars then why would you even vote for a guy who's probably been with some of them (let's be realistic here...)



Bill Clinton literally raped women with his wife's full knowledge. His wife then attacked and silenced them.

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If Donald Trump were running as a democrat (which he should be doing), his Party would look the other way.

But since Trump is running on a Party ticket that embraces traditional family values, those who truly are Republicans hold their candidates to higher standards.




Well-known member
Yes Aaron, I have something called "integrity".

the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness:

'Integrity and honesty' is not about pretending 'integrity' according to the ideas of others.

'Integrity and honesty' is about showing and being oneself in unison, both privately and publicly.

This is new to people in the U.S.A.

The people of the U.S.A. are used to being pampered. They are used to being told what they like and expect to hear. This is the old system as represented by Clinton.

Trump represents the off the cuff truth of who he is. This is the new (now ruling) reality. This is the new current consciousness that is ruling on earth. Its time has reached.

The question is how much of the U.S.A. population are ready to face and accept the truth.

Both U.S.A. leaders represent the general fabric of their society. How else would they be leaders under a legitimate democratic process of selection.

With respect to morality, there can be no absolute positions. Morality legitimately varies from person to person, family to family, religion to religion, political party to political party, country to country, etc.:

Romans: 14 King James Version (KJV)
14 I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.

Integrity and honesty should not be confused with morality.

Integrity and honesty is to present oneself 'truth to one's own ideas and beliefs', at all times. Morality is what an individual person perceive to be right and wrong according to his/her own experiences, I.Q. and wisdom.

The idea of absolute concepts of morality (as exemplified by the ten commandments) was long recognized, to be flawed, by Jesus. Such ideas were done away with, by Jesus, 2000 odd years ago. A new approach was introduce. This new approach has finally come home to earth, to rule.

There is ever increasing opposition to the old status quo. This will continue to grow exponentially. If per chance, Clinton wins, she will not rule. That is she will not please much of the population.

Also, if Trump wins he too will not rule. He too will not please much of the population.

None of them are suited to the needs of the New Age in Christ. Clinton is totally outdated. She represents the Old that must die to give way to the New.

Trump is simply expedient for transition.

It is quite possible that many of Trump's supporters are not actually supporting him and what he projects. They are simply supporting change. They are against the Old status quo, as represented by Clinton. The quantum of these people will only continue to grow exponentially, even after the election.

In fact, apart from the people who are in Trump's camp and so against the old status quo as represented by Clinton. There is another big lobby who have not committed to Trump but are against the old status quo as represented by Clinton.

Together, these two sets of people are far more than those who are supporting Clinton. And so of Clinton supporters do not actually approve of Clinton. This means that Clinton does not have a signification support base.

It is quite possible that a leader though democratically elected may not have the moral authority to rule. Sometimes such a leader will believe that he/she have the right to use force on his or her population.

Fact is, this upcoming election cannot and will not give any emerging democratic/political leader, an ethical, honest or moral right to lead. And he or she will totally feel and have to face, the brunt of this fact. This is a serious testing time for the beloved, U.S.A.

Fact is, the Jews and other O.T. (oriented) people contaminated the U.S.A.. The original U.S.A. (as originally established by the founding fathers), was the closest thing to a Christian, N.T. civilization on earth.

The U.S.A. is going back to its original moorings, any which way.
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New member
If Donald Trump were running as a democrat (which he should be doing), his Party would look the other way.

But since Trump is running on a Party ticket that embraces traditional family values, those who truly are Republicans hold their candidates to higher standards.
nailed it, liberals are the biggest hypocrites if they use this against trump. They completely embrace the casual sex cultute by which trump is a part of, Obama personally hangs out with Jay-z who has made millions saying much more vulgar comments on women.


Well-known member
Didn't read the article so don't know the names, but a headline said "evangelical leaders" are standing by Trump despite his fornicational crudeness. Apparently they realize even if he's an out and out fraud, Clinton will be the final nail in the coffin of the nation as we've known it.

Question is, will Catholics bail on Trump the way more of them voted for Obama the second time around than the first.


New member
From what I've heard x-rays have shown that Donald Trump doesn't have a decent bone in his body. Because of that GOP lawyers are currently working on ways to oust the pervert.

Nothing will happen to Trump, most Republican are not fazed by his comments, as long he opposes Hillary they will vote for him.
Poll: Voters Want The GOP To Stand With Trump
A new Politico/Morning Consult poll, conducted after Donald Trump's lewd comments went public, finds that rank-and-file Republicans are standing by the party's presidential candidate.

Nearly three-quarters of Republican voters, 74 percent, surveyed on Saturday said party officials should continue to support Trump. Only 13 percent think the party shouldn’t back him.

Politico reports that all poll respondents were showed the video in which Trump converses off-camera with then-“Access Hollywood” anchor Billy Bush. Respondents were then asked to describe how they felt about the clip, on a scale from zero (very negative) to 10 (very positive), with 5 defined as “neutral.”

While 74-percent majority of all voters had a negative reaction to the video, 61 percent said it makes them feel either somewhat or much less favorable toward Trump, but 28 percent said it doesn’t affect their view of Trump; 8 percent said it makes them feel more favorably toward Trump.

Only 48 percent of GOP voters said it makes them feel less favorably toward Trump, and 36 percent said it doesn’t affect their opinions of Trump. That compares to 69 percent of Democrat voters said they had a very negative impression after watching it.

According to Politico, not only do three-quarters of Republican voters want the party to stand behind Trump, fewer than a third of voters are willing to give greater consideration to a candidate who un-endorses Trump.


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New member
I wonder how many democrats asked Bill Clinton to resign after he used his position as president to engage in adultery, I know Hillary didn't.


New member
Hall of Fame
So what do all of you Trump supporters think of his recent disgusting comments about groping women?

How are you all going to spin this in your minds so that you can continue to support this disgusting loser?

How far into the realm of absurdity and lies will you go to blame this on Hillary and Obama?

Because I know that you will not change your mind about Trump, no matter what he says or does. So you will have to find some way to rationalize away this most recent spate of grotesque comments. And, of course, some of you will agree with his attitude, so these comments won't present you with any difficulty.

So, let's go, I'm ready … spew the bile!

The only rationalization they need is that he's still not Clinton and that Clinton does bad stuff too. :plain:


New member
Hall of Fame
but that is not even close to a reasonable interpretation of what she said, she makes it clear to rich donors that her private beliefs are used for political responsibilities despite whatever lie she tells the public
I agree. It seems clear her comments weren't about private opinions vs political opinions. It's the views she takes in public vs the views she takes in backroom discussions. What does she need to tell the public and then what does she tell everyone else. She says what she needs to get things done.