I don't see a problem with it.I need a blindfold
help me Heir
you gotta stop that thing
Christ is our standard now, not the Law to which the believer has died in Him.We obey it (God's law) because now we love God's holy standards.
I don't see a problem with it.
I think he absolutely would have. If nothing else, Paul surely would have told the elders to share the Gospel with the offender -- such was the chief ambassador's heart for the lost. That's why I refuse the common interpretation that the guy fornicating his mother was unsaved, as many legalists assume he just HAD to have been.
However, do I think Paul wondered if that guy (and possibly others) was a believer? Yes, I do. Such is the nature of salvation by grace through faith without works as definite proof we're saved, or lack of works as definite proof we're not (again, legalist interpretations notwithstanding).
So had Paul KNOWN he was lost, imo there is NO WAY he would have prescribed the severe remedy he did, in the hopes of restoring the man. You can't restore someone who is lost. They need saved first.
I wouldn't disagree with that. I'm just talking room to doubt, which I don't know if any of us can avoid doing in such a situation.
Still, our response is to be the same no matter what: no fellowship as long as the behavior continues.
Beautifully stated. You made my day. Is there still time to get this in for Post of the Year?Our belief and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. I don't tell my unsaved neighbor I'm better than he is. I tell him that all men come short of the glory of God. He can see that for himself....it's why the world hates those "holier than thou" people who claim to be better than they are. You, for one, Nang.
There ya go!!!!!Say a person gets 70 years, how many works would be needed to show that their faith is alive?
She should put up a tuna fishing boat.put your face back please please please
Christ is our standard now,
not the Law to which the believer has died in Him.
I agree Christ is our moral standard of righteousness.
Three questions:
If the Law is not the moral standard of God, why was the Son of God sent Incarnate to fulfill all that Law?
Where does the bible say the Law "died in Him?"
And lastly, how do you think the moral character of Jesus Christ differs from His own moral Law? What differentiation is there between Christ and His Word?
Our belief and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. I don't tell my unsaved neighbor I'm better than he is. I tell him that all men come short of the glory of God. He can see that for himself....it's why the world hates those "holier than thou" people who claim to be better than they are. You, for one, Nang.
Doom, what is that avatar? I can't make it out.
If Christ fulfilled the Law on our behalf, why did He die? What was there left for Him to die for?
You've got that 180° backwards. The believer has died to the Law.
I know only what the Bible says: the Law was given to damn us, to TELL us we're damned, and point us to Christ. That was its sole purpose, and once one is "in Christ," and has died with and in Him, the Law has no more place in their new life.
It is a photo by Peter Lik