Mueller turns up the heat on impeachment


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Quibbling is a subjective and I'd argue (given your sentiment) self-serving estimation that isn't actually an accurate complaint. Rather, genocide practiced by a form of government is far different than mass killing by the state, which may not be aimed at any particular group, but at an activity (see: Kent State), which is very different from individuals within a society choosing abortion without the government sponsoring or mandating it.

Who said anything about the government being the one doing the killing?

Stripe certainly didn't, that I recall.

The first two mistakes Stripe made were ascribing the deaths to the government instead of the individuals.

Quote please.

That plus the unfounded and problematic notion that democracy inevitably leads to genocide, which by nature of being open ended can be asserted without proof.

See below.

No, it doesn't. Get a better dictionary.

Genocide is: "the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group." Merriam-Webster

Fair point.

However, the number of babies killed in abortions is disproportionately black.

So what happened in Nazi Germany was an attempt at genocide, the extinction of the Jewish people, where what has been happening in poor neighborhoods in Chicago over the past few years, isn't, though a great many people have died violently there. It also isn't state sponsored and performed. A long, long way from a quibble. To quibble is to avoid the point of an argument by cavailing about the word choice. I've actually taken on each declaration using the word while noting, when you attempt to actually connect it, it doesn't work.

If the trend has continued it should be fairly close to half a million now. At what point, absent legal action, it stops falling is anyone's guess.

The average over time is not the number being killed "every year" as Stripe set out. And if you'd read me you'd know I noted the actual statistics and likelier answer in relation to what is happening here now. I also noted that the numbers that allow for that average attended the Baby Boomers, as did dramatically higher murder rates. As they've aged both homicide rates and abortion rates and numbers have decline steadily.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
My ongoing declaration is democracies lead to horror.
Even with that modification it's so general and subjective that without particulars it's impossible to discuss meaningfully.

My ongoing reasoning is that the US — a modified democracy — kills about a million kids a year.
Rather, about half that number are occurring each year, a number steadily declining over the years that in the 90s was at and even above a million. How low the number will drop is impossible to say, absent legal action to ban some or all of what remains from that Baby Boom sponsored inflation you proffer as though it was ongoing.

Your counter is that the US government is not doing the killing and my number might be a little too high.
Actually, I said that there's no inherent linkage between abortion and our government, as there have been and may yet be times when abortion was illegal under it. So your first declaration, that democracy ends in genocide, was just stuff and nonsense.

Your objections do nothing to diminish my assertion, while they make light of the actual problem.
Making light of the quality of your method is not in any part making light of the actual problem. So you're wrong, again.

What do you think is more reasonable: To protest a form of government that allows abortion at the rate the US does or to oppose the guy saying that?
The first part is flawed in premise, as I've noted. The second is just self-serving.

You're serious?
Yes. Your argument is as mistaken as believing that a single die is more likely to roll a six than several. Rather, it's better to have power shared among a wide range of people, many of whom are philosophically opposed to the other, where compromise is required and checks on the exercise of that power exist.

Linking it to a group of people paints the people in a poor light, whether you mean it or not.
I didn't say that it didn't. In fact, I'd agree that it does. The Baby Boomers time in the generational limelight was remarkably violent on any number of levels. The why of that may be complicated, but the numbers are straight forward, as are the rates.

The violence data, for example, are almost certainly due to demographics, not "a generation dying off."
Relating to the structure of populations? Of course it is. How are you relating it in a way that would counter any particular observation I've made?

The abortion rate will have everything to do with the proliferation of at-home murder kits and young people giving up sex and nothing to do with an improvement in morality.
It might be impacted by the morning after pills, or by a proliferation of information coupled with readily available contraceptives. Or it could be there was something screwy going on with a generation that ran head on into a cultural revolution and the fallout. It's worth exploring, to be sure.

Generations following are not doing any better.
Demonstrably untrue. Murder rates and abortion rates have declined.

The decline in both might be trouble for my ideas, but your narrative sans proper analysis does not do it.
Proper is another subjective term you throw out without connecting to specifics that would make it meaningful.

You certainly don't offer anything that stands up to a minute's thought.
Were that the case it would be easy to do what you've yet to do, challenge and defeat a point of it. But you do this (declaration in lieu) to beat the band.

Of course I did. I told Koban: "A million a year or thereabouts" when he asked how many have been murdered since Roe.
I've quoted you directly and responded directly. At no point did your qualify your remarks when challenged on the point, instead going back to previously rebutted problems.

And quibbling about a few hundred thousand is stupid at best. So drop it. :thumb:
Dealt with in my response to JR. Anything else?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Who said anything about the government being the one doing the killing?
Stripe said our form of government led to genocide, then mass killing.

Quote please.
I quoted him every time I addressed a point he made. If you're interested, it's easy enough to find, but I've done my part. It's there. Go back to the beginning. I've already done that at least once, later in our ongoing. I'm not interested in doing it again because you've come in late or don't recall it. Not being indifferent to your interest, only the effort. If you want to know it's there.

Fair point. However, the number of babies killed in abortions is disproportionately black.
True of violent crime too. Blacks are disproportionately poor. Violence of one form or another attends that disproportionate to any other economic group. The Guttmacher Institute looked at data relating to the reasons women gave for having an abortion. The inability to afford a baby was first or second across the decades. LINK


Well-known member
[MENTION=7640]Town Heretic[/MENTION] likes taxes....part of some compact I had signed over 200 years ago...:sigh:


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Quibbling is a subjective and I'd argue (given your sentiment) self-serving estimation that isn't actually an accurate complaint.

Now you're quibbling about quibbling. :rolleyes:

It's quibbling Inception.

"Don't be afraid to dream a little bigger."

Stripe ... ascribing the deaths to the government instead of the individuals.

Non-issue. They're dead and dying. I don't care who's to blame compared with how good it would be to see it ended.

The unfounded and problematic notion that democracy inevitably leads to genocide, which by nature of being open ended can be asserted without proof.

The assertion is that democracies lead to mass killing.

You live in a democracy.

It practices mass killing of babies at a rate of a million per year.

You quibble about the numbers and my choice of adjective, and you quibble about who is to blame, but you aren't doing anything to address the central claim.

I have adjusted my statement to eliminate your quibbles, but you just wave your hands and say "nothing to see here" and moan to management that I'm saying things again.

Get a better dictionary.

Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group. Your nation — the people in it, you know: the basis of a democracy — practices the systematic killing of the weakest group at a scale unheard of in the worst regimes.

But you'll even quibble over that, as if Nazi Germany was somehow worse.

To quibble is to avoid the point of an argument. The point of my argument is to say that democracy is bad.

The average over time is not the number being killed "every year" as Stripe set out.

Context, sunshine. I was specific in my initial posts on the matter that the rate was a long-term average.

But I guess if you didn't have this to quibble about, you'd have very little at all. :rolleyes:

As they've aged both homicide rates and abortion rates and numbers have decline steadily.

And you continue to imply a falsehood even after correction. Now it's animus.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Even with that modification it's so general and subjective that without particulars it's impossible to discuss meaningfully.

Actually, I said that there's no inherent linkage between abortion and our government, as there have been and may yet be times when abortion was illegal under it. So your first declaration, that democracy ends in genocide, was just stuff and nonsense.
So your contention is that because a democracy once did not allow abortions, but now it does, that means it is wrong to say democracies produce an abortion epidemic?

Sounds like a severe case of denial. :plain:

The first part is flawed in premise, as I've noted. The second is just self-serving.
Yet you won't answer a simple question. :think:

Your argument is as mistaken as believing that a single die is more likely to roll a six than several.

:AMR: It's far more likely to roll a single six than many.

You should stay right away from numbers from now on; you're going to hurt someone.

I didn't say that it didn't. In fact, I'd agree that it does. The Baby Boomers time in the generational limelight was remarkably violent on any number of levels. The why of that may be complicated, but the numbers are straight forward, as are the rates.

A classic case of conflating correlation with causation.

Relating to the structure of populations? Of course it is. How are you relating it in a way that would counter any particular observation I've made?
I didn't. I gave reasons for the correlation that are far more likely than your latent animus.

Demonstrably untrue. Murder rates and abortion rates have declined.
Stamping your feet and demanding that things must be as you say they are is not a compelling argument.

Proper is another subjective term you throw out without connecting to specifics that would make it meaningful.
I connected it to specific reasons that would explain the numbers far better than your hatred of a previous generation.

You quote in piecemeal form and ignore the discussion.

I've quoted you directly and responded directly. At no point did your qualify your remarks when challenged on the point, instead going back to previously rebutted problems.

Anything else?

Plenty. When you get over yourself, perhaps we can move on. :up:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Now you're quibbling about quibbling.
Repeating a charge without support in reason when met with reason is no answer.

It's not a non-issue because you want it to be anymore than your declaration is an argument.

I don't care who's to blame compared with how good it would be to see it ended.
You created the issue, I only answered on your errors.

The assertion is that democracies lead to mass killing.
First it was genocide, then mass killing. And you said it ends in that. I've answered on each particular point and pointed out the uselessness of the claim that can't be tested. You're just repeating your latest alteration.

You live in a democracy.
A form of it. I set that out too.

It practices mass killing of babies at a rate of a million per year.
No, it doesn't. I set out the error in your thinking on that point already.

You quibble about the numbers and my choice of adjective
That's one way to describe setting out error in premise and conclusion, but it's equally mistaken.

Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.
As I set out with appropriate attribution to authority. Right.

Your nation — the people in it, you know: the basis of a democracy — practices the systematic killing of the weakest group at a scale unheard of in the worst regimes.
Rather, some people in our country do and your scale comment is without any supportive data to establish it. Do you know how many people there are in my country? Nearly three hundred and thirty million. How many of those, what percent of our citizens have an abortion? If one in 300 people in your country were Democrats and the rest Republicans would it be reasonable to describe your nation as a bunch of Democrats?

But you'll even quibble over that, as if Nazi Germany was somehow worse.
You continue to get quibble wrong, echoing JR's error, but I used Germany to distinguish between a state actively pursuing a course of genocide, and what we're actually talking about, which I suppose is why you switched to mass killing, and now an abortion epidemic. Who knows what you'll change it to next...

The point of my argument is to say that democracy is bad.
Not a point lost on anyone, and not a point sustainable in relation to our form of it as you set out the charge/illustration to make your point.

Context, sunshine. I was specific in my initial posts on the matter that the rate was a long-term average.
I quoted you verbitem when I answered.

But I guess if you didn't have this to quibble about, you'd have very little at all.
All quotable evidence to the contrary, which is why you don't attempt to offer any.

And you continue to imply a falsehood even after correction. Now it's animus.
Nothing I noted was the least bit false. Both the rates and numbers that you abused to make a more immediate statement were largely created by a generation that is in decline, along with their impact.
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well, you're substantively consistent. Can't take that away from you.

So your contention is that because a democracy once did not allow abortions, but now it does, that means it is wrong to say democracies produce an abortion epidemic?
Rather, I've noted that your initial contention that democracies end in genocide, or mass killings, or now abortion epidemics, whatever you finally settle on that is remotely similar in scope, is mistaken, is logically countered by the indisputable fact that a democracy needn't favor or allow abortion at all, that in our history there is evidence of that very thing.

A classic case of conflating correlation with causation.
No, it wasn't. I even specifically said that I don't know the why of it, but that the generation produced higher, dramatically higher rates of violence and abortion than what followed it. That's empirically true.

I gave reasons for the correlation that are far more likely than your latent animus.
You proffered a vague speculation without much particular. A guess with a term of art thrown in isn't much. And I don't have an animus. That's another of your inventions you'll likely repeat for flavor, but it's no more true than most of your declarations, which are largely indicative of what you're willing to believe and little else.

You quote in piecemeal form and ignore the discussion.
Everyone quotes piecemeal, a bit at at time. I take contentions, thoughts and address them. I leave a lot of the personal nonsense on the vine, because it's little more than a distraction.

Speaking of...

When you get over yourself, perhaps we can move on.
This is only about me to you, you know.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Statisticians, a term that doesn't describe [me]

Repeating a charge without support in reason when met with reason is no answer. It's not a non-issue because you want it to be anymore than your declaration is an argument.You created the issue, I only answered on your error.First it was genocide, then mass killing. And you said it ends in that. I've answered on each particular point. You're just repeating your latest alteration.A form of it. I set that out too.No, it doesn't. I set out the error in your thinking on that point already. That's one way to describe setting out error in premise and conclusion, but it's equally mistaken.Not even once.Also untrue.When someone points out that your numbers are wrong and your assertion is wrong it's appropriate to try again.


You will not and cannot name a specific point I failed to answer you on.


Yes. You respond to everything.

Rather, some people in our country do. Do you know how many people there are in my country? Nearly three hundred and thirty million. There were around half a million abortions last year. So fewer than one in 300 people are the basis for your branding the rest.
My problem is with a form of government. You declare your governmental system to be absolved of the murder done on its watch because it's a democracy of the people and then you excuse the people saying they're in the minority.

Meanwhile, a million babies a year are murdered.

That's a peculiar sort of logic.

You continue to quibble.

I used Germany to distinguish between a state actively pursuing a course of genocide, and what we're actually talking about, which I suppose is why you switched to mass killing.

I use all such terms interchangeably. It really doesn't matter what words we use to describe the murder of thousands of kids every week — none of them will do it justice.

It's nice that you have this to quibble about though, otherwise you'd have nothing to say.

A little more, but close enough. And not a thing that can rationally be set at my feet. Not a point lost on anyone, and not a point sustainable in relation to our form of it as you set out the charge/illustration to make your point.

I quoted you verbitem when I answered.
And your answers ignore the point. :idunno:

All quotable evidence to the contrary, which is why you don't attempt to offer any in your declaration-fest.

Nothing I noted was the least bit false.

That's the thing with conflating correlation with causation. It isn't wrong to note that ice cream sales and drownings are correlated.

And nothing you proffered established another point.


Try the factors I presented that you quoted that make a whole lot more sense than your latent animus.

Rates, unlike raw numbers, illustrate propensity, for whatever reason. Both the rates and numbers that you abused to make a more immediate statement were largely created by a generation that is in decline, along with their impact.


This is like trying to teach a two-year-old not to wander onto the road. You can explain things all you like, but at the end it requires a good spanking.

Remember, you're a self-confessed amateur when it comes to statistics, while I know what I'm talking about. The correlation-causation warning is one of the first things we are taught in a stats class, but you just chase it like a ball hit into traffic.

*gets paddle*

You are not justified *whack* in implying a *whack* link between Boomers and the decline in violent *whack* crime. The drop is far more likely *whack* attributable to demographics, *whack* attitudes toward sex *whack* and the availability of at-home murder kits.


"Now let that be a lesson to you."
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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
My problem is with a form of government.
Bully for you. I addressed that as you expressed it.

You declare your governmental system to be absolved of the murder done on its watch because it's a democracy of the people and then you excuse the people saying they're in the minority.
Rather, I've rejected your declarations about democracy leading inevitably to genocide, then mass killing, and now an epidemic of abortion, unless you mean it can for a time, but not for all time in which case you should try saying that. It would have some reasonable legs under it.

Meanwhile, a million babies a year are murdered.
Here it's about half that number, for a variety of reasons, the largest being a form of birth control. It's tragic at one.

I use all such terms interchangeably.
A lazy and imprecise use of language tends to issue from lazy and imprecise thinking.

It really doesn't matter what words we use to describe the murder of thousands of kids every week
It really does. Especially when you're using them to issue a judgment on a nation.

And your answers ignore the point.
Not unless you forgot to set it out.

Remember, you're a self-confessed amateur when it comes to statistics
No, you declared that a number of times and now appear to confuse it with the truth.

while I know what I'm talking about.
Everyone thinks that, but proving it is another matter.

You are not justified *whack* in implying a *whack* link between Boomers and the decline in violent *whack* crime. The drop is far more likely *whack* attributable to demographics, *whack* attitudes toward sex *whack* and the availability of at-home murder kits.
You actually can't attribute without data that supports it, so that's funny right there. But I said I don't know why you find the extraordinary levels/rates of violence and abortion within that generation, but you do. So whatever the variable or variables that are producing it, and whether they were unique in combination or singularity within that generation, or the next generations are simply better at impulse control is beyond our immediate ken.

"Now let that be a lesson to you."
Careful, your slip is showing.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
@Town Heretic likes taxes....part of some compact I had signed over 200 years ago...:sigh:
I agree with taxation. No one likes to part with money they've earned, but I enjoy interstates and any number of institutions my tax dollars support. That I don't agree or like all of them is about as surprising as rain in April.

Meanwhile, it will be interesting to see what Muller has to say and how the White House responds to it.


Well-known member
I agree with taxation. No one likes to part with money they've earned, but I enjoy interstates and any number of institutions my tax dollars support. That I don't agree or like all of them is about as surprising as rain in April.

Meanwhile, it will be interesting to see what Muller has to say and how the White House responds to it.
I know you agree, which is what I said.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I know you agree, which is what I said.
If you'd just quoted me and had a conversation about that I'd be fine with it. But you didn't. Here's what you did instead.

@Town Heretic likes taxes....part of some compact I had signed over 200 years ago...:sigh:
Two assertions, three if you count the inference.

1. That I like taxes. I said I agree with taxation and that no one (which would include me) likes it, BUT I (and by extension most people) like the benefits those taxes bring with them, which is why I agree to remain and pay my share.

2. The compact nonsense/signature. In point of fact you're free to opt out of the experiment the moment you reach your majority, but if you're going to ride the rides and stay in the park that's the toll.

3. That there's something unreasonable about my position. You paint toward that by misstating me (1), inferring that I asserted a thing I never did (2).

Why you're doing that or what it has to do with anything I've been talking about here is anyone's guess.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
That’s the story you like to tell yourself I know. But that’s not really the truth is it? “Your“ side is willfully blind to the damage Trump and his administration are doing to our constitutional rights that “your” side claims to love and defend. The truth will out in the end, and I know now that rights mean nothing to “your” side if it means that someone else’s rights that don’t mirror “your” side’s might be equally defended.

What constitutional rights has trump damaged?

What rights has trump taken away from you? Be specific...

[MENTION=10029]annabenedetti[/MENTION] ?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Day 889 of the Donald Trump Presidency

Day 959 of leftist promises to impeach Donald Trump

Number of impeachment attempts: 0