Mid Acts Disponsationalism

Mid Acts Disponsationalism

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Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
It's entirely logical and they are definitely connected.

Adultery is one of, if not the most common motive for murder.

Adultery is also a major reason why people get divorced.

Divorce breeds all sorts of ill effects on society. Not the least of which is teen pregnancy, teen suicide, drug use, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, etc.

Growing up without a father in the household is the number one indicator as to whether a boy will end up in prison (for whatever reason).

There are virtually no gang members whose father and mother are in the home.

This, of course, is not to say that if you criminalize adultery that there won't be any more gangs or drug use or murder. The point is simply that it has an enormous effect on the whole of society. It effects way more than the people directly involved in the broken relationship. It effects everyone. The ripple effects are seemingly endless!

One single just law transforms an entire society! God is indeed just, righteous and merciful in all His law!

Resting in Him,

Thank God you're not in charge of anything to do with the laws of the land. There would be "wholesale slaughter" everywhere.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Then what was the point of bringing up rebellious children?

You seem to be extremely "bloodthirsty" when it comes
to your ideas of who should be given the death penalty.
Spitting on the sidewalk might be reason for the death
penalty in your type of world? I find that very strange
for a guy who claims to be a "True Believer."

You would have fit in well with the "Witch hunters" of
yesteryear. You sound more like a "hatemonger" than
a "Child of God?" Can you explain why that is?

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I can see if they gave the death penalty to a convicted murderer, however,
you would have a "Drunkard" executed" if you had your way? You already
stated that you would be for that.

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
Evidently Clete, you don't seem to follow the writings of Paul, do you? I would
advise you to read/study Romans through Philemon. I also would advise
you to read/study the entire Bible cover to cover, word for word, name
by name! You're too busy "judging" other people and not looking at
yourself in the mirror. I find you to be obnoxious. I've had trouble with
you for a long time. People with hatred in their heart like you, are scary.

You tend to resort to name calling, which seems rather immature to me.
You called a "child of God" a "FOOL" earlier tonight. Will you apologize?
Doubtful, because of the type of guy you are inside?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
And so I suppose Christians aught not be in the police business, right?

What about when the police decide to enforce laws against Christians because Christianity to intolerant toward (fill in the blank). Which is coming STP. Its coming and its coming to a country near you!

You all think that criminal justice doesn't effect you but it does. It effects you and it effects your family and it effects your freedom to do the things that make your life worth living including the practice of your faith and the way you raise your children.

Judge rightly!

Resting in Him,

If a Christian wants to be a policeman, that's fine, he should be one.

If the time comes where it is a crime to be a Christian, then I will have to suffer the punishment.

I am not worried about it, and I know this world and satan's kingdom is not going to improve. It will only wax worse. You can call it apathy, but I call it biblical realism.

The Body of Christ's only duty is to preach the gospel so that others will be saved, the Body will become "full", and go up.

God will take care of Satan's kingdom after we go up.



Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
Evidently Clete, you don't seem to follow the writings of Paul, do you? I would
advise you to read/study Romans through Philemon. I also would advise
you to read/study the entire Bible cover to cover, word for word, name
by name! You're too busy "judging" other people and not looking at
yourself in the mirror. I find you to be obnoxious. I've had trouble with
you for a long time. People with hatred in their heart like you, are scary.

You tend to resort to name calling, which seems rather immature to me.
You called a "child of God" a "FOOL" earlier tonight. Will you apologize?
Doubtful, because of the type of guy you are inside?
I'm not afraid to call people who are being foolish, fools. It's what the word means.

You're as much a fool as anyone I've called a fool lately! If you want to count me as an enemy because I defend justice and hate those who hate God then I'm proud to count you among my enemies. If you think I'm harsh toward God hating people, you're going to hate Jesus and I mean really hate Him badly.

Luke 19:27 But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me.’”

John 7:24 Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”

Resting in Him,


Truth Smacker
Silver Subscriber
You seem to be extremely "bloodthirsty" when it comes
to your ideas of who should be given the death penalty.
They're not my ideas, idiot! They're GOD'S ideas you fool!

Spitting on the sidewalk might be reason for the death
penalty in your type of world?
It is God your insulting not me, blasphemer!

I find that very strange for a guy who claims to be a "True Believer."
That's because you don't know God from Santa Claus and you wouldn't know what Justice looked like if He walked up and slapped you across the face!

You would have fit in well with the "Witch hunters" of
Nope! That whole segment of society is guilty of murder. Nothing like the Salem which trials is possible in a world governed by an Old Testament style legal justice system. Such social insanity is only possible where people don't read their Bibles and make up their own mind but rather listen dutifully to their pulpit pounder who doesn't know God from a whole in the ground and preaches superstition rather than justice.

You sound more like a "hatemonger" than
a "Child of God?" Can you explain why that is?
Because you don't know what justice sounds like, you don't know the difference between right and wrong, you do not know who God is. That's why.

Psalm 139:21 Do I not hate them, O Lord, who hate You? And do I not loathe those who rise up against You?​

Resting in Him,

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
I'm not afraid to call people who are being foolish, fools. It's what the word means.

You're as much a fool as anyone I've called a fool lately! If you want to count me as an enemy because I defend justice and hate those who hate God then I'm proud to count you among my enemies. If you think I'm harsh toward God hating people, you're going to hate Jesus and I mean really hate Him badly.

Luke 19:27 But bring here those enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, and slay them before me.’”

John 7:24 Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.”

Resting in Him,

Angry, aren't you?