Michael Cadry is a false prophet and blasphemer

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And he's pumped to get kudos from atheists. Odd, ain't it.

Dear musterion,

If atheists care about me and the messages that the Lord has given me, that is a better reception than what you, a so-called Christian, have given me. So it's not so odd, is it?

May God Be The Salve For Your Brain & Spirit,



Bang like fangs? That ain't no thang.

Dear patrick jane,

Why, oh why, pj?? How can you be for me, and yet against me? Don't you know that all you need to do is love each other and wait upon the Lord for an answer. Do you only give a brother 3 mos. before you disown him? Or do you give him a year or even 4 years??! What did I ever do to you except care about you and love you?? You're my twin brother. What kind of brother can you now be? Nevertheless, I do forgive you and love you still!! Don't be so afraid of Armageddon, pj. Jesus said it must happen before He can return. So don't worry so much about it. Plans can change, you know. You may even still be here tomorrow, but your dreams may not.

As God Is My Witness, Faith Be To My Twin Brother,



New member
Dear Epoisses,

Yes, Saturday is the real Sabbath. Constantinople messed things all up concerning the proper days. I don't know whether you are for or against me, but I like you so far. I don't eat crab legs anymore, but I used to. It just seems that I'm allergic to them now. I do think that eating crab legs used to be a sin. I don't think God quits loving a person for eating them. He didn't for me. Israel deserves ALL of the LAND that God gave to her, which includes the West Bank, and I can't say for sure, but I think the Gaza Strip also. It was all divided up in the Old Testament. God will see to it that it happens. The whole world will know that Israel is God's Treasure.

So you checked out the link to my book. You will find much more in it, including the vision I had about the great fires burning in California, and then there was a Great Earthquake, and after that, a Great Flood. In the vision, I couldn't tell if the land was falling into the ocean, or if water overflowed because of tsunamis or whatever. I have this feeling, though, that part of the land in the San Andreas fault line fell into the ocean. We'll see what happens. That means the end of L.A. and Hollywood.

God is very upset with Hollywood, because they teach the world's cities many bad ways and sins, through their movies and TV shows, and media {books, magazines, etc.}, music, and commercials. Do you know that all of these food commercials have caused the people to get overweight or obese?? It is happening and the U.S. is getting fat! But it's who is inside the person, their spirit within their souls, that is important. So don't get me wrong. But we're not all skinny bean poles any more.

Well, I'll leave you alone. I just get riled up at times.

God Love You Tons & Be With You Very Closely,


You provide a very valuable service in the kingdom. Your message is so dumbed down and devoid of any Spirit power that those who accept it are automatically deemed unworthy of everlasting life. You're a bottom feeder of the lowest quality.


He wishes. He wants people to believe he's a conduit between them and God, and threatens with divine retribution anyone who doubts him. I don't know if he still considers himself homosexual but, if so, that needs factored in as well. Jim Jones had all the same descriptors.

Dear musterion,

I can't answer every person who posts to me, but I had to answer this piece of work. I don't wish. I do have others who believe in me just fine, without doubts. They love me and trust me. And things that I told them would come to pass, did. And so they know I am not a liar. I do my best, musterion.

I don't consider myself to be a 'conduit,' nor do I deal out retribution by God to anyone because they don't believe me. You can believe me or you don't have to. Whatever. And no, I don't consider myself a homosexual. I overcame that, among other things also, like smoking cigarettes. Quitting smoking was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I also am nothing like Jim Jones! He was an antichrist, but not The Antichrist. There's so much I could tell you, but you would not.

False prophets have many followers because the devil is heard by many weak people. True prophets have less followers because the devil fights with those followers hard to keep them from being a believer or loyal. That's why they killed Jesus, Who should have had Tons of followers who would shout His Name to keep Him from being crucified. No, instead, Barabbas got chosen over Him. I have followers who have doubts and I have some followers who have few or no doubts. I reach many people over the whole world and I keep track of them with my website search engine. People from within the U.S. and even in China, and Europe. So, offering my book for Free has its upsides.

Enough for now. I don't ask you to believe me any longer. You don't and I doubt you will until after you see it happen for yourself. Maybe then, you can apologize to me, though I don't want your apology. Just your friendship and brotherhood, and maybe, your love and care for me.

May Jesus Give You Faith And Discernment,



You provide a very valuable service in the kingdom. Your message is so dumbed down and devoid of any Spirit power that those who accept it are automatically deemed unworthy of everlasting life. You're a bottom feeder of the lowest quality.

Dear Epoisses,

Aha, you are the atheist, right? Your response leaves much to be desired. I must have struck some kind of nerve, I think. Oh well, I do still love people who are atheists. They will never change if Christians don't love them too. Jesus loved many who were nonbelievers. Thanks tons for your spiritual comfort and uplifting message! Ha!

May God Visit Upon You & Change Your Heart,



I never 'turned on you'. I have never agreed with your false prophesies and I've never encouraged you in it. When you first came here, I politely challenged your delusion, but when I soon realized that my efforts were futile, I left off and let you go your own way. Neither approach is an unloving thing to do. Sometimes it's to our benefit for others to set a mirror in front of our face to wake us out of our delusion. Sometimes there is nothing that one can do. I hope you come to your senses.

Dear steko,

I considered you a friend when I chatted with you about your going to jail to work there instead of being incarcerated there. It was a joke of course. Still, I chatted with you in the Chat Box some too. It doesn't matter. I still think very well of you and I don't think that will ever change. You are a good friend of Patrick Jane's and I embrace you as a brethren, in Christ, also.

I've already come to my senses, realizing that the Great Historic Fires came to California before Nov. 9th, but the Great Earthquake did not. It will happen though, soon enough. And after that, the Great Flood. I don't know how long it will take after the Great Fires for the Earthquake to take place, and I don't know how long after the Earthquake, will the Great Flood take place. But, mark my words, it is no delusion and it will happen. You'll see, steko, and then you'll know that I wasn't deluded in the slightest.

That's all I have to say. You're one of the best. I know of your works somewhat, and I think that you are a very good soul to volunteer at the jail to give your time there. Pretty dang excellent!! You can consider me a fraud for as long as you like, but in the end, you will change your mind. It's okay, steko. Jesus cares for you very much, and thus, so do I.

Many, Many Good Blessings Come Your Way From The Lord God On High,



This is a threat of divine destruction just like when LA told Grosnick his head would be cut off for disagreeing with him. Cadry needs a long ban for this.

Dear musterion,

This is hardly a thread about divine destruction upon you. This is written in the Bible and is a scripture reference. When I said it belonged to you, I meant it belonged to those who did not believe in the words written in the Bible. It has nothing to do with Grosnick either. It is hardly a fair comparison. Ha!

You will try anything to speak badly about me because you don't seem to like me, but I do care for you and I hope that you quit harping on me all of the time. What is it to you to wait a few more months? You got the Great Fires already. What do you expect of me, dude? You'll get your dang Great Earthquake and afterwards, your Great Flood too, soon enough! Wait for it!! If you don't want to wait, then call me a false prophet, and let those who want to wait, do so. It WILL HAPPEN, musterion, whether you get it six months late, or a month late. What do you want. A flip calendar that has it printed when God shall do everything He says He is going to do??

Enough! Don't wait for anything. No one is twisting your arm.



Anna hates the Gospel of the grace of God, loves Cadry.

That says it all.

It says more truth than you ever will. We'll see, won't we? Anna hates no such thing. You add things like Seth Meyers does about President Trump. You convict someone of something that is untrue. If she loves me, what is that to you? And if she doesn't, it doesn't involve you either, right?

I think she's quite cool and brave enough not to follow the masses or speak her mind. It is not easy to go against the pricks. It also doesn't 'say it all.' Where do you come up with these deductions of yours, musty??


You will know them by their fruit, especially when its bad fruit.

Dear Rob,

I eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. If a Peach has a small rotten spot, I can cut off the mistake, and still enjoy the rest of the peach. In other words, a peach doesn't have to be perfect for me to like it or give the rest of it a chance. I might be off on a detail, like EXACTLY when it is going to take place, but that doesn't make my WHOLE vision an error. Do you understand, or perhaps not?



Well-known member
Dear Epoisses,

Yes, Saturday is the real Sabbath. Constantinople messed things all up concerning the proper days. I don't know whether you are for or against me, but I like you so far. I don't eat crab legs anymore, but I used to. It just seems that I'm allergic to them now. I do think that eating crab legs used to be a sin. I don't think God quits loving a person for eating them. He didn't for me. Israel deserves ALL of the LAND that God gave to her, which includes the West Bank, and I can't say for sure, but I think the Gaza Strip also. It was all divided up in the Old Testament. God will see to it that it happens. The whole world will know that Israel is God's Treasure.

So you checked out the link to my book. You will find much more in it, including the vision I had about the great fires burning in California, and then there was a Great Earthquake, and after that, a Great Flood. In the vision, I couldn't tell if the land was falling into the ocean, or if water overflowed because of tsunamis or whatever. I have this feeling, though, that part of the land in the San Andreas fault line fell into the ocean. We'll see what happens. That means the end of L.A. and Hollywood.

God is very upset with Hollywood, because they teach the world's cities many bad ways and sins, through their movies and TV shows, and media {books, magazines, etc.}, music, and commercials. Do you know that all of these food commercials have caused the people to get overweight or obese?? It is happening and the U.S. is getting fat! But it's who is inside the person, their spirit within their souls, that is important. So don't get me wrong. But we're not all skinny bean poles any more.

Well, I'll leave you alone. I just get riled up at times.

God Love You Tons & Be With You Very Closely,


If we trace the Sabbath using our familiar Gregorian and Julian calendars we get back to Friday 1st of January 45BC but the day before this on the ancient Roman calendar that had been in use for several hundred years was calculated by using an 8 day week. So it's hard to trace the Sabbath using any of these calendars; because of course the Israelite's had been obviously using there own 7 day week calendar for hundreds of year prior to the Roman people even existing. Something for us to ponder no doubt.


musterion is a liar.

That says it all.

Dearest annabenedetti,

You're a breath of fresh air around here! Thanks for your God-given support of my rights. You are such a pleasure to hear from. Yes, musterion is a liar regarding what he said there. Both sentences were not true. So succinctly, he is a liar too! But I don't doubt what he REALLY meant.

Much Love From ME, And If From Me, Then How Much MORE From God?,



Well-known member
Dear Rob,

I didn't initially want to be a prophet and I had no idea what it entailed, or how I would have to suffer so greatly because of it. And God IS my Prophet School, as there are no other prophet schools to go to. You have to just rise to the occasion and muddle through it as best you can. With God's Help, you manage to do the job very well in spite of yourself. God does all of the work. You just tell others the messages He has given you. He's the One Who makes it all come to be.

I know you're not too fond of me. That's a bummer, but someday we'll be cordial and maybe friends, I would guess.

Jesus Cares About Your Soul,


I'm not knocking you but have any of your prophesy's come true because if they haven't then you can't be a prophet.


Well-known member
All dispensationalists are false prophets for rejecting the new covenant promise to the spiritual seed of Abraham.

A religious interpretive system for the Bible. It considers Biblical history as divided deliberately by God into defined periods or ages to each of which God has allotted distinctive administrative principles.

Surely the divide between Old and New Testament is a dispensation in and of it's self. And when Jesus returns for His Millennial reign that would surely be another. Not to mention when God the Father returns at the end of the 1000 years.


Well-known member
He is a false prophet for saying God told him that Los Angeles would be wiped out by a 9.0 earthquake. The time limit for this, which Michael provided, has passed, making him a false prophet according to the biblical test. He is also a blasphemer for repeatedly lying in the name of God, which makes God a liar.

The Bible expressly says not to fear any false prophet. Keep this in mind in any future exchanges with Michael where he subtly threatens God's wrath upon those who disbelieve whatever nonsense he spews here at TOL.

This is all a bit much, sure he has falsely prophesied but it was obvious. He needs our understanding more than anything. The Bible is full of false prophets, and a few like Balaam were actually used by God so you never know.

Prophesy and the setting of dates to any particular future event is a complex discipline and can be a very confusing position for those who sincerely believe they are prophets or called by God to foretell the future.

Being a real prophet is not as simple or straight forward as you may think. It is the most difficult of all the offices in God's Kingdom. Many of the real prophets in the Bible made many mistakes and did things that seemed unholy. Isaiah went around striped naked for some years just to prove a point for example.

This short clip may help you see what I'm talking about.



Then you better get suited up yourself then Musty, cos you've spread your fair share...


Dear Arthur,

I am very appreciative of your wonderful words!! Musty thinks that he does no wrong. He acts to me like a holier-than-thou type of person. I wish it weren't so, but he cuts people off who are sinners. If God or Jesus did this to adulterers or even homosexuals, how would these adulterers or homos, even have a chance of repenting?? Musterion and his friends need to get off of their high horses and start spreading a lot more love like our Great Lord Jesus showed us how to be. Forgive your brethren seventy times seven, but God has forgiven me seven hundred times seven thousand. He has been so very good to me as I've been learning to be a prophet and share the testimony that He and the angels, gave to me. I am extremely humbled by it all, and don't know why I was picked for this job, but I have little choice except to complete my work and be glad for the extreme blessing to Serve Him, and Love Him so Dearly!!

No one understands me or my life. They have no idea what is all involved. Being a witness is the hardest thing that I have EVER done, and I quit smoking cigarettes from over 40 years of smoking. ONLY for GOD could I do it, just as I changed everything in my life to be pleasing to Him, not just me! I have not drank any alcohol for years now and I do miss it, but God needs me to not partake of it. Same with homosexual sex or heterosexual sex. It doesn't matter. And I can't have a cigarette, though they calmed my nerves for years indeed. I have decreased my sugar intake dramatically, because He asked me to. I also do not eat crab, or clams, or oysters, etc., because they do not have a fin. I also try to not eat pork because it is suppose to be an abomination, just like homosexuality. But God forgives us of eating ham, bacon, chops, or gay sex, just fine. It's a good thing that God is not like musterion, or else we'd all be condemned to the Lake of Fire! It is the Lord God's Will that none should perish, but instead learn to overcome Satan's accusations and wiles!

Only the religious headaches of people can't seem to forgive those things and they won't have anything to do with someone who is gay. Well, how in the hell is that gay person or bacon-eating person going to see your "BETTER" ways if you don't love them and grow to love each other as brethren then? Those who think like musterion are like the Pharisees and snide, haughty people. I don't know what else to compare this lack of love to. Jesus ate with the sinners. He did not call the Good People, but instead those who needed Him! Jesus loves the little children & PEOPLE, whether they are sinners or not! Musterion builds up a wall between those he doesn't want to be loving or caring to. It's quite a shame, but there are more like him in the world.



No, I only told him (privately)he will get his head cut off.

You like to add to things, and you also claimed I prophecied it in the name of the Lord.

You just like lying to make yourself seem right.

You fool no one except your fellow madists.


Dear LA,

I have pondered long and hard, and I see you as one of the very best people we have on TOL, and especially, on Threads regarding how to serve and Love God and Jesus, and the Holy Ghost correctly. And you know God and Jesus, as if you were with Them already, etc. You are very close to your God, the Father, and Jesus, your Older Brother, Savior, and Teacher. You're doing wonderfully! Thanks for really being there for me every time and knowing just what to say!

Don't change, except to keep on learning about God and Jesus, and what they want of you, which is, in turn, something better for you! LA, I'm ready to drop like a fly, I am so tired now, but I want you to know that I greatly appreciate someone as spirit-filled as you by my side.

I don't need to use many words here to convince you of a sin, for your sins are not very frequent and not an issue. This is instead about Thanks and Overcoming Lies and Unbelievers Without Faith!

God's Best To The Very Most Wise Person Here So Far!!



This is all a bit much, sure he has falsely prophesied but it was obvious. He needs our understanding more than anything. The Bible is full of false prophets, and a few like Balaam were actually used by God so you never know.

Prophesy and the setting of dates to any particular future event is a complex discipline and can be a very confusing position for those who sincerely believe they are prophets or called by God to foretell the future.

Being a real prophet is not as simple or straight forward as you may think. It is the most difficult of all the offices in God's Kingdom. Many of the real prophets in the Bible made many mistakes and did things that seemed unholy. Isaiah went around striped naked for some years just to prove a point for example.

This short clip may help you see what I'm talking about.


Dear Watchman,

Thank you so very much for your input and the kind, wise words in your post!! You are very knowledgeable and you seem to know what is going on during these latter days. So many just bristle instead of trying to come to grips when they don't want Jesus to come and thus, destroy their plans for a job after they are done from college or their planned marriage, or job promotion. Isn't Jesus' Return much more important. I guess it isn't for those who don't believe in Him or His Return.

No, NO MAN KNOWS THE Day and Hour Yet! This will be made known when it happens. But man can see the signs that preclude the return of Jesus, as He directed us in the Gospels. Jesus said 'when you see these things, know that the time is near.' So we can see things in the Earth and Heaven, and know how to respond to that. But of the day or hour, I don't even know yet. I won't know until it's time for it to happen. Regardless of how blessed and cursed I've been to undergo being a prophet or witness to the Lord God, I do not know the Day or Hour of Jesus' Return. Only the Father knows such a thing. Will chat more later. Got to get to bed.

Much Love & Respect, In Christ Jesus,

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Well-known member
This is all a bit much, sure he has falsely prophesied but it was obvious. He needs our understanding more than anything. The Bible is full of false prophets, and a few like Balaam were actually used by God so you never know.

Prophesy and the setting of dates to any particular future event is a complex discipline and can be a very confusing position for those who sincerely believe they are prophets or called by God to foretell the future.

Being a real prophet is not as simple or straight forward as you may think. It is the most difficult of all the offices in God's Kingdom. Many of the real prophets in the Bible made many mistakes and did things that seemed unholy. Isaiah went around striped naked for some years just to prove a point for example.

This short clip may help you see what I'm talking about.


Do not try to overcomplicate, mitigate or obfuscate what happened here.

A real prophet -- one through whom God is speaking -- cannot err because God cannot err.

Cadry repeatedly claimed to quote the God who cannot lie and repeatedly made Him into a liar by being WRONG.

That slanders and blasphemes God because it says HE was wrong.

God Himself said through Moses that anyone who claims to speak for Him and makes a prediction that does not come to pass exactly as spoken, is false and not His. Under Moses, that one would have been put to death. We're under grace today and not law...but one who makes God out to be a liar is STILL a presumptuous false prophet and STILL none of His.


No lie. Truth. You despise the death, burial and resurrection of Christ as payment for your sin, and Cadry, who repeatedly makes God a liar, you love enough to defend. It's quite clear.

You just lied with this statement. You don't know her faith. Just because one does not state the way you want them to does not make it so.

You also false witnessed about my faith too.
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