Making Peace With Tambora


Well-known member
Did you think this was sincere?

Obviously not since you called him out on it...

But you find humor or sincerity in this thread? What changed?

Not a thing changed. You notice I don't do it (say I'll be praying for someone's lost soul, etc.), but I certainly am quite able to point out that others are doing the same thing they are complaining about. Which was my point. Did you miss it?

I appreciate your bringing this thread forward, though. It merely proves I have no problems telling Doser when he's wrong, just as I have no problem telling Bybee when she's wrong. I have always disliked it when people claim to be praying when they clearly don't mean to do anything of the kind.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Not a thing changed. You notice I don't do it (say I'll be praying for someone's lost soul, etc.), but I certainly am quite able to point out that others are doing the same thing they are complaining about. Which was my point. Did you miss it?

I appreciate your bringing this thread forward, though. It merely proves I have no problems telling Doser when he's wrong, just as I have no problem telling Bybee when she's wrong. I have always disliked it when people claim to be praying when they clearly don't mean to do anything of the kind.

They're parodying the insincerity of the forum bridge dweller. You've already embarrassed yourself over your ignorance on that fact so don't compound it...



Well-known member
Don't worry about why others are saved. You probably hope that some people you know are not saved. IOW, you enjoy the thought of hell fire for others.

That's certainly one of your stupider statements. You need to stop projecting your own thoughts onto others. It's what Bybee keeps doing. Get off her lap and get a life, little pjammies. You're embarrassing yourself.


Well-known member
They're parodying the insincerity of the forum bridge dweller. You've already embarrassed yourself over your ignorance on that fact so don't compound it...


There's enough ignorance on this forum to go around. The only thing missing from you is to claim that you will pray for my tortured soul. I'm consistent, and you hate that. I'd have embarrassed myself if you could bring up a quote where I claimed I'd pray for your tortured soul. But you won't find it, because I don't like it when people do that....I don't care who they are.

So, suck it up (I stole that from Tam who stole it from Doser).

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
There's enough ignorance on this forum to go around. The only thing missing from you is to claim that you will pray for my tortured soul. I'm consistent, and you hate that. I'd have embarrassed myself if you could bring up a quote where I claimed I'd pray for your tortured soul. But you won't find it, because I don't like it when people do that....I don't care who they are.

So, suck it up (I stole that from Tam who stole it from Doser).

I wouldn't say such a thing so that's why it's missing. I never claimed you'd said any such thing yourself either so that's totally irrelevant in turn. What you have done is shown yourself to be utterly ignorant of both SOD's trolling little MO and why others are parodying the little gimp over it.

You do know what a parody is right?



Well-known member
Wow, if you think that tedious little troll is funny then you'll be amused by just about anything. A wallpaper commercial must be a laugh riot in your house...

I suppose you think that's funny. :nono:

Add "uninformed" then. Anna's already pointed this out but all they're doing is parodying SOD's own fake and tediously repetitive bollocks. You claim to have been up to speed on this but you so obviously weren't otherwise you'd have been aware that SOD was pulling this boring crap for years, not a few weeks or months even but years, right when he was given multiple boots for stalking TH and trolling so much. Why the hell do you think he has so many usernames GD?

I don't give a rip about what's been going on for years. Get a life, you people. I rarely posted over here in La La Land, and when I did I thought poor Town was being picked on by mean old Res. I told Res what I thought when I saw him picking on poor Town, and I still managed to read and enjoy some of his other posts.

Then, low and behold, when I happened to agree with him on a thread he started about suffering the consequences for what we do, and it quickly became a "rape thread", I was jumped on by the MOB. Suddenly I was hated and a hateful person. It wasn't long, either, before I realized that Town was a whiner and a blowhard, and deserved whatever he got. My eyes were opened but good.

No, I've seen you fools and the way you work.

I'll stick to what I believe and deal with those of you who are too ignorant to engage in any real dialogue however I need to.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I suppose you think that's funny. :nono:

Not especially no...

I don't give a rip about what's been going on for years. Get a life, you people. I rarely posted over here in La La Land, and when I did I thought poor Town was being picked on by mean old Res. I told Res what I thought when I saw him picking on poor Town, and I still managed to read and enjoy some of his other posts.

Yeah, sure you don't. That's why you're blowing a gasket here when your own ignorance has been pointed out and you're using this 'poor town' nonsense and banging on about the guy. Get a life yourself in turn GD if that's your own puerile little MO.

Then, low and behold, when I happened to agree with him on a thread he started about suffering the consequences for what we do, and it quickly became a "rape thread", I was jumped on by the MOB. Suddenly I was hated and a hateful person. It wasn't long, either, before I realized that Town was a whiner and a blowhard, and deserved whatever he got. My eyes were opened but good.

No, I've seen you fools and the way you work.

I'll stick to what I believe and deal with those of you who are too ignorant to engage in any real dialogue however I need to.


You're not hated so quit with the stupid martyr complex or you'll embarrass aCW...


Well-known member
I wouldn't say such a thing so that's why it's missing.

And I never said such a thing, and that's why it's missing.

What I did point out was the "holier than thou" club had done the exact same thing they accused Doser of doing....the "Suck it up" comment was made by him first, and now it's a mantra from his opposition. You get all offended about something that was clearly said satirically....the apology threads. Oh, not funny, you say. Hypocrites.

I never claimed you'd said any such thing yourself either so that's totally irrelevant in turn.

And totally irrelevant back at you. :nono:

What you have done is shown yourself to be utterly ignorant of both SOD's trolling little MO and why others are parodying the little gimp over it.

You do know what a parody is right?


Oh, because I don't join you in your "parodying the little gimp", I'm somehow the "ignorant" one? :doh:
Guess you'd be accusing the school teacher who refused to join the lynch mob of being ignorant, wouldn't you?

I not only know what it is, but I know these "apology" threads are funnier than your poor attempts at parody. The fact that you make excuses for your actions by trying to legitimize them to me is pathetic.


Well-known member
Not especially no...

Nor do I think I'm being funny when I chuckle. I chuckle because I can't help but laugh at you people.
But you notice when you do it, it's fine and dandy.

Yeah, sure you don't. That's why you're blowing a gasket here when your own ignorance has been pointed out and you're using this 'poor town' nonsense and banging on about the guy. Get a life yourself in turn GD if that's your own puerile little MO.

Oh, right....I'm blowing a gasket. You really are an egotistical little fool, aren't you? You don't have it in you to make me get upset. ;)

And you're wrong, too, about Town. It was quite revealing when I realized I'd felt sorry for him for so long. When he pulled the same nonsense with me, I understood why Doser enjoyed toying with him.

You're not hated so quit with the stupid martyr complex or you'll embarrass aCW...

Nice try at a turn around, Artie. Unfortunately for you, I have no problem at all being hated by you of the world. I count it all joy, in fact. If you liked me, I'd have to compromise my beliefs and pretend I was like you. No thanks. :)

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
And I never said such a thing, and that's why it's missing.

Well, never said you did anyway, as before so why bother repeating?


What I did point out was the "holier than thou" club had done the exact same thing they accused Doser of doing....the "Suck it up" comment was made by him first, and now it's a mantra from his opposition. You get all offended about something that was clearly said satirically....the apology threads. Oh, not funny, you say. Hypocrites.

Parodying insincerity isn't hypocritical in the slightest and you really are deluded if you think SOD's mantra's back then and now were meant satirically. You're surely not in any way that thick?!

And totally irrelevant back at you. :nono:

Uh, well obviously. :freak:

Oh, because I don't join you in your "parodying the little gimp", I'm somehow the "ignorant" one? :doh:
Guess you'd be accusing the school teacher who refused to join the lynch mob of being ignorant, wouldn't you?

You totally are if you think his constant stream of trolling, stalking and repetitive crap had any grounding in anything other than his being a tosspot, yes. He was banned multiple times over it and yet you're trying to pass his dumb crap off as "satire"?

I not only know what it is, but I know these "apology" threads are funnier than your poor attempts at parody. The fact that you make excuses for your actions by trying to legitimize them to me is pathetic.

Yeah, sure you do. Now why don't you go on another irrelevant rant about TH that had nothing to do with anything? Heck, kinda the thing SOD does ironically...



Well-known member
You totally are if you think his constant stream of trolling, stalking and repetitive crap had any grounding in anything other than his being a tosspot, yes. He was banned multiple times over it and yet you're trying to pass his dumb crap off as "satire"?

My goodness, Artie.....that sounds exactly like YOU. :thumb:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It was a great post....and he was right, you people aren't interested in hearing anything except your own sneers and whines.

Yeah, it was exceptional GD. Maybe you and him can start a petition going whereby it should be legal for partners to beat each other if their spouse has "earned" it...

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Nor do I think I'm being funny when I chuckle. I chuckle because I can't help but laugh at you people.
But you notice when you do it, it's fine and dandy.

Oh come off it GD. You chuckle at your own posts because you 'think' you've made a funny point. Why bother otherwise?

Oh, right....I'm blowing a gasket. You really are an egotistical little fool, aren't you? You don't have it in you to make me get upset. ;)

Well, yeah you are. Why rant on about TH when he wasn't even part of anything here? I'm not about making you upset so get a grip yeh?

And you're wrong, too, about Town. It was quite revealing when I realized I'd felt sorry for him for so long. When he pulled the same nonsense with me, I understood why Doser enjoyed toying with him.

Oh blah blah blah. You really are too darn thick if you don't realize why SOD was banned so many times. Ya gotta problem with TH? Go whine on some thread where it's applicable.

Nice try at a turn around, Artie. Unfortunately for you, I have no problem at all being hated by you of the world. I count it all joy, in fact. If you liked me, I'd have to compromise my beliefs and pretend I was like you. No thanks. :)

I don't hate you doofus. Heck, what is it with all you martyr wannabes?


Arthur Brain

Well-known member

If you don't feel as though my postings are worth answering, you should consider it no serious offense against me if you simply choose to ignore them. :idunno:

I don't really consider your feelings or any other persons where it comes to their advocating some sort of "justifiable" spousal beating Trad, so don't take it personally...