MAGA Hats And The Easily-Triggered Left

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
a very interesting article (long) not so much about the ongoing controversy, but about the power of film/video, a recognition of the editing process in creating meaning and the danger of accepting that meaning as real:

Stop Trusting Viral Videos

A controversial video of Catholic students clashing with American Indians appeared to tell a simple truth. A second video called that story into question. But neither shows what truly happened.

i'll come back to this and post excerpts

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Today Show interview with Nick Sandmann:

Guthrie: "There's something aggressive about standing there" :doh:

oh, i wish this kid hadn't been so polite in his response

he does have a kind of "wait - what did you just say?" look on his face :chuckle:

what an absolutely idiotic thing to say :nono:

Sandmann "I want to thank him (Phillips) for his military service as well"

yes, that's the polite thing for a sixteen year old Catholic school boy to say about a man who has claimed to be a "recon ranger" and has allowed others, for years, to present him as having served in Vietnam

because sixteen year old Catholic school boys are taught to respect their elders, taught to assume that people are generally honorable and don't lie about themselves

would have been nice if Guthrie had mentioned that Phillips was a fraud, that his military service wasn't honorable and that he had lied about it himself and allowed others to lie about it for years
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ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Today is planning to interview Phillips tomorrow

i sure hope they don't lob softballs at him

will they bring up his service record?

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond


ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I believe I may have found a key to this puzzle, an explanation for Phillips innocent confusion

at 0:54 they begin chanting "Build that wall!"

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
back to the OP and more insane leftist follies!

And while Sandmann and co. did not yell back slurs at the Black Israelites, they did show up to the Indigenous People’s March wearing a symbol of bigotry; You don’t have to yell an epithet when your MAGA hat announces it for you. That smug smirk on Sandmann’s face as he stood before Nathan Phillips wearing that hat is a testament to the reality that some expressions of bigotry are more acceptable than others.

totally insane and should be institutionalized :(


Well-known member
Being purposefully ignorant is not a good quality to have. Seems to me like you all just want to dance to your own narrative no matter what is presented to you.
I knew what it was from the start- too bad the Right has decided to passionately lie about the reality of it the same as the Left.

Then simply make up your mind to stop being "purposefully ignorant", and you can join the rest of us who see quite clearly. :)

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Then simply make up your mind to stop being "purposefully ignorant", and you can join the rest of us who see quite clearly. :)

some idiot leftist (yes i know - redundancy) posted today about the boys doing a "sumo" cheer, because apparently she was too lazy to do a wee bit of research to discover that it was, in fact, a "haka" dance, very common in modern high school pep rallies

it makes me wonder if any of these idiot leftists actually attended high school, or if they were all so miserable and angst-ridden, devastated by the "sneers" of eighth grade boys they had crushes on that they spent all four years locked in their bedrooms at home

just one of many, many, many

i can clearly hear them chanting "build that wall, build that wall!" :chuckle:

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Yep, he was on a real roll, wasn't he? :chuckle:

it'd be nice to see Savannah mention that tomorrow in the interview - i hope they interview him as a normal adult, caught in several lies, and not as a "revered native elder Vietnam War veteran"


Then simply make up your mind to stop being "purposefully ignorant", and you can join the rest of us who see quite clearly. :)

There's two sides to it, and they both veer around the truth to furbish their biases. That's how it usually always goes when the Left and Right start bickering about something, and with this matter it got really stupid, really quick. You aren't seeing clearly- I've yet to see any real sufficing argument against anything I've said of the matter on here.


Well-known member
some idiot leftist (yes i know - redundancy) posted today about the boys doing a "sumo" cheer, because apparently she was too lazy to do a wee bit of research to discover that it was, in fact, a "haka" dance, very common in modern high school pep rallies

it makes me wonder if any of these idiot leftists actually attended high school, or if they were all so miserable and angst-ridden, devastated by the "sneers" of eighth grade boys they had crushes on that they spent all four years locked in their bedrooms at home

just one of many, many, many

i can clearly hear them chanting "build that wall, build that wall!" :chuckle:

I don't know, Doser. But they didn't do stuff like that when I was in high school. They do now, and that's what matters.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
there's an ongoing discussion at stolen valor that i'll ask over here -

how much respect is deserved for a veteran whose service was less than honorable and who has mischaracterized it as well?

some are arguing that respect is deserved because he served - period

i disagree


Well-known member
There's two sides to it, and they both veer around the truth to furbish their biases. That's how it usually always goes when the Left and Right start bickering about something, and with this matter it got really stupid, really quick. You aren't seeing clearly- I've yet to see any real sufficing argument against anything I've said of the matter on here.

Being American Indian, myself, I was ready to jump on the "smirker". Then after reviewing all the tapes, I realized my error. So, please, don't tell me there are two sides.

Later the same American Indian tried to drum his way into a Catholic Church and they had to lock the doors.

This is political activism, plain and simple.


Well-known member
there's an ongoing discussion at stolen valor that i'll ask over here -

how much respect is deserved for a veteran whose service was less than honorable and who has mischaracterized it as well?

some are arguing that respect is deserved because he served - period

i disagree

He lost whatever respect he had earned when he accosted a bunch of high school boys for his political agenda.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
I don't know, Doser. But they didn't do stuff like that when I was in high school. They do now, and that's what matters.

this particular thing is new - as Stripe's shown, it's been popularized fairly recently by the New Zealand national rugby union team, the "All Blacks" - i had to look it up too

but the form is definitely familiar - one guy out in front leading the rest of the crowd in a sychronized movement - instantly recognizable to anyone who remembers pep rallies from high school imo

heck, in a couple years they'll all be doing synchronized "take a knee" along to chants of "hands up don't shoot!" :chuckle: