ECT madists and their gnostic gospel

God's Truth

New member
Yes, I am.

I am a Corinthian. I am a Galatian. I am a Timohty. I am a Titus. I am a Philippian. I am a Christian.

You on the other hand are a member of one of the 12 tribes of Israel scatted abroad going through tribulation.

No, you are not those people. Those cities don't exist on this earth anymore; and, you are not Timothy or Titus.

God's Truth

New member
Yeah, we know that it is ALL ABOUT YOU, gt.

Be careful of those things you have no idea the Lord consider sin and you have NOT REPENTED OF THEM.

If ALL your sins are NOT covered by the blood atonement, you will die in your sins.

Take the time to look at your life. Start with where you are right now and then go back in time and think of everything that you did and thought that was sin. Go all the way back to as far as you can remember. It will do you good.

God's Truth

New member
In the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the justification of those with faith in His blood. The Gospel of Grace....saved by grace through faith.

Believe WHAT about his death, burial, an resurrection and how does faith in his blood justify?

God's Truth

New member
No, I actually believe that Jesus died for all my sins, because my faith is in His blood, not in my own obeying.

So Jesus made a mistake when he told the Jews to obey?

You don't want to turn into a pillar of salt so you don't look back, but you looked back to Lot's wife?

Is that what selective reading and obeying means?