lets talk about hypocrisy of religion, mainly about christian community

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New member
I need to stop beating a dead horse.
[MENTION=13959]meshak[/MENTION] it was nice talking with you. It doesn't seem we are ever going to come to a common ground, and that's ok.



This is my thread. My thread is not to get ideas from anyone. I simply state my observation and convictions.

If I want everyone's ideas, I say so.


She and a few other of the unorthodox/heresy folks admit this. They are not here to learn but to preach at us. Meshak admits this, so no revelation here, she just hasn't said it this thread or likely to you yet. -Lon

I don't preach, I just pointing out your disregard of Jesus' word.


New member
I agree with you. But this is what the general public see. And unfortunately it makes us all look bad.
This is why it took me a long time to be open to Christianity, because the thought I had in my mind was "Christians" yelling mean hateful things to people and judging their behavior and insulting everyone who doesn't agree with them.
And when we talk about hypocrisy... many non Christians have this same imagine in their head.

I have been reading your messages on here and I am greatful for the things you are saying. You seem like a very sweet genuinely loving Christian woman (I am sorry I am assuming you are a woman for some reason please correct me if I am wrong) and it is very refreshing to hear you speak about love the way you do. It has made me realize I need to do better and get back to the basics and live in love in every situation because I don't know who is watching. I want to be the kind of Christian woman that is worthy of the name and you have refreshed that in me thank you. I am sorry that you expirienced such anger and trauma to your spirituality when you where young and I am so overwhelmingly greatful that the Holy Spirit showed you Himself and the true heart (yes I am anthropomorhising) of God and that He swept you up into the truth. And I am greatful for the sweet way that you have been speaking the message of God and telling your story with a gentleness that we need to get back to.


New member
Please ask me questions [MENTION=13959]meshak[/MENTION] and I will try to answer them the best I can.

Something tells me that how I answer these questions is how you are going to judge and perceive me forever.

This is very true and very sad and I am sorry. Keep up your genuine happy outgoing faith it is wonderful. She somehow hates me now because I posted on someone else's thread and she didn't like it so she attacked me and told me "i don't write good" and "i need to take writing class." Girl you cannot win even if you do not speak directly to her. She will try to beat you down and kill your spirit I think because someone has hurt her in the past she wants to hurt everyone she can... althouh I cannot be sure of it because I don't know her. I asked her if she was ok one day and if she wanted to talk about it because I was trying to reach out and be kind .... then she attacked me for my kindness because... well I have absolutely no idea. Save yourself a lot of time and just do not talk to her because you can tell her she is a lovely beautiful person and she will find some fault in your compliment... don't throw your precious pearls to the swine love. You have a wonderful heart and a great message so don't be discouraged. Just try to share it with people who can see your light and who do not want to try to snuff out every good light of God :)
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