Koban/Resurrected Is One of the Funniest People On This Forum


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then do you care to explain your vile claim about "prey(ing) sexually on the young"?

We'll I don't know how old you are but I am 34, so half my age would be 17.. If I was with a 17 year old would that be ok? But yes whatever your age is I think if you date or have relations with a woman half your age you are taking advantage of a younger person by mental means for physical pleasure, there was a few threads about this that you posted in a lot is where I get this info and from which I make my statement .

Posted from the TOL App!


We'll I don't know how old you are but I am 34, so half my age would be 17.. If I was with a 17 year old would that be ok? But yes whatever your age is I think if you date or have relations with a woman half your age you are taking advantage of a younger person by mental means for physical pleasure, there was a few threads about this that you posted in a lot is where I get this info and from which I make my statement .

do you consider a 27 year old woman to be "the young"?

do you consider it "preying" if my intention is marriage and a family?

can you explain why the sexual practices of my wife and i would be any of your business?


New member
do you consider a 27 year old woman to be "the young"?

do you consider it "preying" if my intention is marriage and a family?

can you explain why the sexual practices of my wife and i would be any of your business?

Well, you posted it for all us to see and made it our, not just my business. So are you saying you married the woman? If so congrats I hope you well and happiness, I don't agree but she is legal and a woman, I can't use the same standards as you, not for two more years anyway, but I won't even then.

Posted from the TOL App!


Well, you posted it for all us to see and made it our, not just my business.

i don't believe i made any mention of sexual activity

just noted that i intend to marry and start another family and one of the young women i have met is 27

So are you saying you married the woman?

nope, that's down the road. haven't even started dating yet. just making plans


Hall of Fame
just noted that i intend to marry and start another family and one of the young women i have met is 27

nope, that's down the road. haven't even started dating yet. just making plans

Is your CURRENT wife aware of these plans?


Hall of Fame
do you consider a 27 year old woman to be "the young"?

do you consider it "preying" if my intention is marriage and a family?

can you explain why the sexual practices of my wife and i would be any of your business?

Well, since judging IS the standard you have set forth, how would the fact that you are very much married to your current wife and yet seeking another relationship not be everyone's business?


IF I were to believe in the reality of the Christian God...

Proverbs 1:24 Because I have called and you refused, I have stretched out my hand and no one regarded, 25 Because you disdained all my counsel, And would have none of my rebuke, 26 I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your terror comes, 27 When your terror comes like a storm, And your destruction comes like a whirlwind, When distress and anguish come upon you.


Hall of Fame
Proverbs 1:27 When your terror comes like a storm, And your destruction comes like a whirlwind, When distress and anguish come upon you.

If you truly believe and value that verse, then this one should leave you trembling ...

Exodus 20:14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.


New member
... But yes whatever your age is I think if you date or have relations with a woman half your age you are taking advantage of a younger person by mental means for physical pleasure,

Do you really believe that's the universal reason? Because that's not why Abraham took Hagar. He took her because his wife advised him that he could get a son, his desire being to open himself to God's blessing of a heritage. Not even just a son, but a whole lineage of children.

In light of this, I find it to be presumptuous to assume what other people's motives are in the choice of a spouse. But, I am not picking a fight with you.

I spent my teen years listening, talking to and learning from adults rather than socializing easily with other teens, although I did dabble in a homeschool culture and made a few friends. I was gravitating constantly towards a type of environment and thought process that made finding a mate seem like an impossible task - especially when looking at the minds of younger men.

At 18 I was painfully lonely. I needed someone to love and I had to draw on an older pool of males to even find a man who could relate to me and deal with me. I needed someone who was at least 30. The men younger than that seemed like children to me.

But I'm different than most women and that's not a brag. (it would be a pretty sad brag) It's a socially isolating fact. I think like men, and not any men, like older men. Even moreso now. In the past 15 years of marriage I found myself geeking out on tons of scholarly articles. It's more fun than reading the news and everyday I have more questions leading to more research.

Thankfully my husband can tolerate doing the research with me and talking about it with me ad nausium.

It helps me feel connected with someone mentally.

The perk is he gets an "old man" in a young woman's body, capable of bearing many children and loving being a companion who stays home, too.


In light of this, I find it to be presumptuous to assume what other people's motives are in the choice of a spouse.

it's called projection :idunno:

i'm looking forward to finding a soulmate to start a second family 'cause i had so much fun raising my first litter :)


New member
If you truly believe and value that verse, then this one should leave you trembling ...

Exodus 20:14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Adultery - don't you mean polygamy? I didn't think he was already married. But I bet he wouldn't dare do it without his wife's approval. :sibbie: How do you know she isn't the one doing the pushing? Maybe she wants more babies running around the house and a woman to hang out with while Res goes out and works his fingers to the bone? :D

I don't know how men handle the demands of multiple spouses. That's really not for everybody. Same for women. How some do it is beyond me.

Also, you'd really have to avoid angering multiple wives... if the wrath of one frightens a man, imagine igniting the ire of two or three at once! I think it's enough to permanently reform any man with a temper. :dizzy:


I'm not getting into a polygamy debate today. Infact, I don't feel like debating at all. I just wanted to drop a little food for thought and go gestate in socks. (too many kids with their traffic on the floor to go barefoot. Ewww... ;) )


Hall of Fame
Adultery - don't you mean polygamy? I didn't think he was already married.

Nope ... he is CURRENTLY married. Until such a time when he is legally divorced, he has no business even looking at a woman (romantically speaking) other than his wife.

While I don't believe anything he says, IF she did cheat, he would have a valid reason to divorce her ... not cheat back.


Adultery - don't you mean polygamy? I didn't think he was already married.

rusha's just channelling her father, satan

my wife and i stood before God and spoke our vows almost thirty years ago

ten years ago she broke those vows, moved out and filed for divorce

in God's eyes, our marriage ended

for the sake of the children, we put the civil action on hold with no intent of reconciliation

my youngest set out on his own last year so i'm making plans to move forward

i intend to finalize the divorce next month and move forward

God willing, i will find another soulmate, marry her and start a second family :)

i look forward to it, but some here object :idunno:


New member
People will object. Unbelievers will try to expound on theology without understanding Exodus 20:14 in light of Matthew 7:12. :)

So it goes. :idunno:


New member
Nope ... he is CURRENTLY married. Until such a time when he is legally divorced, he has no business even looking at a woman (romantically speaking) other than his wife.

While I don't believe anything he says, IF she did cheat, he would have a valid reason to divorce her ... not cheat back.

I guess you think the state is responsible for the marriage status? In God's eyes?

If you were a believer your theology would not be a jumble. As it is, it's best to leave the theology to the ones with faith.


Hall of Fame
I guess you think the state is responsible for the marriage status?

IF you don't believe that state should have any part of or responsibility in a person's marriage, then why participate in marriage at all?

I gave the Bible verse that addresses adultery. Apparently you disagree. With what the Bible says. That's your issue.


New member
All unbelievers are fools, and I hope they don't take offense, it's just a fact.

Not all Christians are really believers either. In some sense they seem to be, and so I do think those who make the claim are in a better position to talk. But we all need to believe to the saving of the soul.

In that sense, I can't say I know you to be a believer but I can always hope and you seeking may get your the kind of finding that leads to eternal life.