Killer Whale


"...[T]he killer whale did what killer whales are programmed to do..."
No argument here.

"Using an ox to plow a field is a much different scenario from kissing a killer whale to wow a crowd..."
The whale had killed before. In the other cases, I don't know if it was the whale's "fault" so to speak. Nevertheless, had they put the whale to death as God commands, the woman would likely be alive today. This animal crossed the line before and people let it do it again.

"It's just like training a lion or bear, or those dudes you see who put their head in an alligator's mouth. I'm not really offended by the animal when the man gets hurt."
Right, like the Siegfried and Roy tiger attack. You can't trust any wild animal.

"Is there a "stupidity" exception to the rule?"
I think people get a false confidence around these animals.

"I don't really care if they destroy it or not. Probably should, to save stupid people from themselves."
Good point. God gives us laws for a reason (Ex 21:28-29). When God says do (put to death) or don't do (murder, fornicate, kidnap, etc.) --he means don't hurt yourself or others. God's laws lead to life and well-being (Jn 10:10). He is not the cosmic killjoy that others make him out to be.
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New member
There will be a day when we can swim with the whales [1] (Isa 11:6), but that is not now. We are going to have to wait for our new heaven and new earth (Re 21:1).

[1] "...The chief characteristic of the new earth, as we have suggested, is the absence of the sea...



New member
No matter how you try to spin it, stoning an ox to death is as cruel as it is ridiculous.

Stoning a killer whale to death, even more so. There's really no getting around the futile viciousness of it. It's not like its fellow oxen are going to learn from example, so why stone it?

I know, I know, because it says so in the bible. But the law of the bible is just, not cruel, right? How do you reconcile this?

The Barbarian

Maybe releasing it isn't a good idea. In the wild, orcas don't bother humans at all (never has been a confirmed attack on humans by wild orcs).

This one isn't afraid of humans, and is comfortable grabbing them.

I'd rather have in in confinement now, but I think it's probably a bad idea to capture and confine them at all.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Well the Orca was a full grown female while the shark was a juvenile threatening momma's baby. Most experts I've ready agree in a one-on-one encounter between a full grown great white and Orca the Great White has a huge advantage.

Orcas have been known to kill great whites in order to eat their livers.


TOL Subscriber
We ( supposedly, the thinking creatures of our world) set in judgment of an animal (of a lower class of intelligence) that would normally be able to freely swim the oceans of the world!

We confine it, study it, make it do tricks (actually its own behaviors that it has been trained to demonstrate on command) within the confines of a tank?

Then we get upset when one plays rough (12,000 lbs. of playfulness is difficult to deal with by such a fragile animal known as Man!) and one of our tribe is killed or injured?

What do you expect to happen? That the large animals we confine are supposed to understand that if they step on us we break?

Get real people, the Bible does not pertain to these animals, all the guides within it are designed to insure that the owners of said animals are held accountable for their property and any damage said animal may cause due to the neglectful attitude of the owner.

Besides, this Orca has been a captive (prisoner) for all or most of its life, how would you react in its situation?

We (the people) are responsible for that trainers life, we (the people) did not insure that the trainer was following all the safety guides, we (the people) would rather the trainer put herself in dangers way in order for our (the people) entertainment/animal research?

Sounds like we (the people) are the true danger to the animal kingdom, including the higher life forms (the people) as well as the lower (animals)!

It is sad that this woman has lost her life, but when working with anything that is inherently as dangerous as 12,000 lbs. of animal what would you really expect?
It was a terrible accident, one that may have been averted as well as predicted as a real and present danger, but an accident none the less.

The Barbarian

Well the Orca was a full grown female while the shark was a juvenile threatening momma's baby. Most experts I've ready agree in a one-on-one encounter between a full grown great white and Orca the Great White has a huge advantage.

Orcas have been known to kill great whites in order to eat their livers.

Quite so. Great whites are slower and smaller than orcas. And there is even one orca known to specialize in feeding on great whites.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why the need to qualify "whale," with "killer?" Should we say, "wet water?" Perhaps "killer humans?" We kill cows..................................................

I "kill me!"

The Barbarian

An orca might be able to transition to the wild, although it would be a cruel ordeal for it.

Confined for years, and then released, it would be disoriented, and possibly even a threat to humans. I'm not aware of any human death from orca attacks in the wild.

It's just not their habit to go after people, although in the Pacific Northwest, they must have had numerous opportunities for a very long time.