Jesus is God

Jesus is God

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Mark SeaSigh

I do agree that Jehovah should be in there. But they did use the all caps LORD to denote that that is what it is. The KJV does the same in many many places. It has LORD where it should say Jehovah.

Right, and I agree, and also note that they Changed the Name Jehovah into the Title the LORD, when they Translated the KJV; and then Much Later On, when they made the NKJV they Excluded the Name Completely.

In fact, that's pretty much my problem with the NKJV translation as apposed to the KJV.


Don't you realize that it was a Process of Removing a Name from the Book, first they removed 99% of the Times it was used; Now, in the New Translation, it seems they removed the last four times it says it Directly.

Odd, Don't you think?

patrick jane

God expressed Himself as His son Jesus. The Word made flesh. all together in the beginning, all expressions of God. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. all one, able to seperate as it is God's Will:king:



Well, Yes I do; Do you?

Do you really want to continue on this venture to ask me more Physiological Questions on that Level; Again...?

You make me completely bonkers with your logic, and make me want to stay out of church.

Mark, when and if God sends the Holy Ghost or Comforter to you, you will then know for sure and you won't wonder either way. You'll surely know. A lot of people think that simply God's Spirit in a person is the same as being visited by the Holy Ghost or Comforter. When you are visited by the Holy Spirit, you will already have had God's Spirit in you, and you will then also have the Holy Spirit in you too. It's tricky, but you've got to experience it. Don't worry, you are just fine indeed, and a wonderful example of a beloved child of God. Some think they have the Holy Ghost in them, when they've never been visited by the Holy Ghost yet, in fact.

I believe in a Trinity, but I believe that the Holy Spirit is God's Spirit, which Jesus also Shares.
I also realize that the Word Trinity is not in the Bible, but the Concept for one is; the Term Godhead is Also Used, which I believe refers tho the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You believe that the Father is the Son, but Jesus Prays to the Father, not the Holy Spirit; Plus to mention that there are two on the Throne of God, God the Father, and the Lamb of God (Jesus).
Which is Obvious to me you and Everybody else, that the Lamb of God is Jesus, Right?

I don't believe that Jesus Is Equal to Jehovah, I think Jesus is the Son of God.
I do believe that Jesus is on the Throne of God, and thereby part of the "Godhead", so Jesus is also God...

I wanted to state my Belief more Clearly, before you go and put a bunch of words in my mouth; cause, I know you.


There is no 'Godhead' per se, but instead a Trinity, and why? Because Jesus made it so, saying, "Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." (See Matt. 28:19). This is why there is a Trinity. Once again, Jesus made it so. And to the rest of you who will come arguing, spare yourself, for I know your arguments already, having been there a number of times, and I will not entertain you. Mark, if Jesus forgave the thief on the cross next to Him, how much more will He save you also??!!"

God Has Blessed You Much, Mark!!






God expressed Himself as His son Jesus. The Word made flesh. all together in the beginning, all expressions of God. Father, Son, Holy Spirit. all one, able to seperate as it is God's Will:king:

Dear patrick jane,

You're close enough to understanding. I can tell, by what you say, that you've been meandering out there. Be careful.




Mark SeaSigh

Well, I hate to disagree by agreeing that Jesus is God and all; so I agree that Jesus is also Worshipful and is seated with God on the Throne of God. Isn't agreeing Fun?

: D

You guys are really fun, you know?


I guess now you are going to have to work on those other 21 People that think you are half right, other than me of course.
: P

A Horse is a Horse, of Course Of course!!!


It's time for me to go to bed, night all.
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Well, I hate to disagree by agreeing that Jesus is God and all; so I agree that Jesus is also Worshipful and is seated with God on the Throne of God. Isn't agreeing Fun?

: D

You guys are really fun, you know?


I guess now you are going to have to work on those other 21 People that think you are half Wrong, other than me of course.
: P

A Horse is a Horse, of Course Of course!!!


It's time for me to go to bed, night all.

If we say Jesus is God and Jesus is not God then we're missing the point.

What does being one with Christ mean?

Isn't one the same as one?

If God moves me then what I'm I?


Well-known member

Well, Yes I do; Do you?

Do you really want to continue on this venture to ask me more Physiological Questions on that Level; Again...?

You make me completely bonkers with your logic, and make me want to stay out of church.

I believe in a Trinity, but I believe that the Holy Spirit is God's Spirit, which Jesus also Shares.
I also realize that the Word Trinity is not in the Bible, but the Concept for one is; the Term Godhead is Also Used, which I believe refers tho the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You believe that the Father is the Son, but Jesus Prays to the Father, not the Holy Spirit; Plus to mention that there are two on the Throne of God, God the Father, and the Lamb of God (Jesus).
Which is Obvious to me you and Everybody else, that the Lamb of God is Jesus, Right?

I don't believe that Jesus Is Equal to Jehovah, I think Jesus is the Son of God.
I do believe that Jesus is on the Throne of God, and thereby part of the "Godhead", so Jesus is also God...

I wanted to state my Belief more Clearly, before you go and put a bunch of words in my mouth; cause, I know you.


Your on the right road friend.


Well-known member
If we say Jesus is God and Jesus is not God then we're missing the point.

What does being one with Christ mean?

Isn't one the same as one?

If God moves me then what I'm I?

Being one with Christ means letting Christ run your life. Do as he teaches and express his love to all. We all can be one with Christ by the power of love given to us. It is very important to listen to his words about his God and our God. Christ was sent to give his life for our sins, he did that for us.


God's Truth

New member

Well, Yes I do; Do you?

Do you really want to continue on this venture to ask me more Physiological Questions on that Level; Again...?

You make me completely bonkers with your logic, and make me want to stay out of church.

I believe in a Trinity, but I believe that the Holy Spirit is God's Spirit, which Jesus also Shares.
I also realize that the Word Trinity is not in the Bible, but the Concept for one is; the Term Godhead is Also Used, which I believe refers tho the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit.

You believe that the Father is the Son, but Jesus Prays to the Father, not the Holy Spirit; Plus to mention that there are two on the Throne of God, God the Father, and the Lamb of God (Jesus).
Which is Obvious to me you and Everybody else, that the Lamb of God is Jesus, Right?

I don't believe that Jesus Is Equal to Jehovah, I think Jesus is the Son of God.
I do believe that Jesus is on the Throne of God, and thereby part of the "Godhead", so Jesus is also God...

I wanted to state my Belief more Clearly, before you go and put a bunch of words in my mouth; cause, I know you.


You do not know me. You are an accuser of the brethren.

Answer the question.

Do you have the Holy Spirit in you or not?

God's Truth

New member
Right, and I agree, and also note that they Changed the Name Jehovah into the Title the LORD, when they Translated the KJV; and then Much Later On, when they made the NKJV they Excluded the Name Completely.

In fact, that's pretty much my problem with the NKJV translation as apposed to the KJV.


Don't you realize that it was a Process of Removing a Name from the Book, first they removed 99% of the Times it was used; Now, in the New Translation, it seems they removed the last four times it says it Directly.

Odd, Don't you think?

No one knows for sure how to exactly pronounce God's name.

It does not matter. There is only One God.

Those saved will be given God's new name.

God's Truth

New member
Mark, when and if God sends the Holy Ghost or Comforter to you, you will then know for sure and you won't wonder either way. You'll surely know. A lot of people think that simply God's Spirit in a person is the same as being visited by the Holy Ghost or Comforter. When you are visited by the Holy Spirit, you will already have had God's Spirit in you, and you will then also have the Holy Spirit in you too. It's tricky, but you've got to experience it. Don't worry, you are just fine indeed, and a wonderful example of a beloved child of God. Some think they have the Holy Ghost in them, when they've never been visited by the Holy Ghost yet, in fact.

There is no 'Godhead' per se, but instead a Trinity, and why? Because Jesus made it so, saying, "Go therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." (See Matt. 28:19). This is why there is a Trinity. Once again, Jesus made it so. And to the rest of you who will come arguing, spare yourself, for I know your arguments already, having been there a number of times, and I will not entertain you. Mark, if Jesus forgave the thief on the cross next to Him, how much more will He save you also??!!"

God Has Blessed You Much, Mark!!





Even after a person receives the Holy Spirit, they must watch their life and their doctrine closely.

1 Timothy 4:16 Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Jesus is God and the Holy Spirit.

If you do not believe it, then tell me what these scriptures mean:

Jesus is the Father.

Jesus is the Rock, and the Rock Fathered us. See Deuteronomy 32:18.

1 Corinthians 10:4
and drank the same spiritual drink; for they drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ.

Jesus says those who overcome will be his CHILDREN. See Revelation 21:7.

Jesus says when you SEE him, you have SEEN the Father. See
John 14:7 If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."

John 14:9 Jesus answered: "Don't you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'?

You need to;

2 Timothy 2:15King James Version (KJV)

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. :poly:


Dear God's Truth and Bright Raven,

Thanks for your wonderful posts. I really appreciate them. Bright Raven, they are not whacked out thoughts. They are true experiences that I've witnessed and they are my testimony. The Lord God said I am one of the two witnesses, and candlesticks, and olive trees standing before the God of the whole Earth. (See Rev. 11:4). If I were not one of the witnesses, how would I know so much about the Lord and other things. The Bible says two witnesses shall come. I don't know who the other witness is, because that is God's Trump Card. He knows who it is. I have my ideas. So I share my testimony as I've witnessed all of the experiences that have happened to me, I share them with all of you and the world. I get emails from different countries, not just the U.S. I wrote a book, as God told me, and it contains my testimony of the things I have witnessed. God sent 7 inches of snow for me on the Daily Newspaper Bldg. when He told me to write to them and tell the reporter that He would send the snow. It happened and the reporter was scared to death and asked me what did I want. I told him a 3-hour interview. Well, he said I would have to take it up with the owner of the paper, his boss, to print anything. So I dropped it. I should have shown him a copy of my letter to this reporter predicting 7 inches of snow would fall. God also gives me help by raining or not raining. Many, many times so far. Other occurrences also, like hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, etc. have happened for me from God. Well, I'm going to close for now.


Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Dear God's Truth and Bright Raven,

Thanks for your wonderful posts. I really appreciate them. Bright Raven, they are not whacked out thoughts. They are true experiences that I've witnessed and they are my testimony. The Lord God said I am one of the two witnesses, and candlesticks, and olive trees standing before the God of the whole Earth. (See Rev. 11:4). If I were not one of the witnesses, how would I know so much about the Lord and other things. The Bible says two witnesses shall come. I don't know who the other witness is, because that is God's Trump Card. He knows who it is. I have my ideas. So I share my testimony as I've witnessed all of the experiences that have happened to me, I share them with all of you and the world. I get emails from different countries, not just the U.S. I wrote a book, as God told me, and it contains my testimony of the things I have witnessed. God sent 7 inches of snow for me on the Daily Newspaper Bldg. when He told me to write to them and tell the reporter that He would send the snow. It happened and the reporter was scared to death and asked me what did I want. I told him a 3-hour interview. Well, he said I would have to take it up with the owner of the paper, his boss, to print anything. So I dropped it. I should have shown him a copy of my letter to this reporter predicting 7 inches of snow would fall. God also gives me help by raining or not raining. Many, many times so far. Other occurrences also, like hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, etc. have happened for me from God. Well, I'm going to close for now.


Michael, I was not speaking of you but of God's Truth and her definition of God. God's Truth interpretation that the Father is the Son and the Holy Spirit, that the Son is the Father and the Spirit and that the Spirit is the Father and the Son is totally unscriptural. The Father is God but not the the Son or the Spirit. The Son is God but not the Father or the Spirit. The Spirit is God but not Father or the Son. BTW, I would really like to hear more about your testimony.