Jesus had Negro blood


New member
Is that like dark matter ?

""Dark Matter IS C-A-R-N-A-L"" MINDED"". ""There is NO """Spiritual M-I-N-D-E-D""" to The LOST - for "Dark Matter"!!! - It's JUST The L-O-S-T'S Way of Thinking ""Carnally"" About Christ / GOD!!!! Christ IS THE L-I-G-H-T, There IS NO Darkness IN Or ABOUT Christ!!!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060816


New member
Don't like women much, do ya? Women folk kinda gets on your nerves a bit, right?

IT'S ((((( """"G---O---D""""!!!!!!!!!! ))))) W-H-O -- D-O-E-S-N'-T LIKE The W-O-M-E-N; Y-O-U Stupid Lying Phony N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!!

I Showed That TO You Stupid FOOLS, But None of Y-O-U Care What GOD SAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

STAY Where You ARE, And that is NOT Heaven, BUT H-E-L-L!!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060816

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
IT'S ((((( """"G---O---D""""!!!!!!!!!! ))))) W-H-O -- D-O-E-S-N'-T LIKE The W-O-M-E-N; Y-O-U Stupid Lying Phony N-O-T-H-I-N-G!!!!!!!!!!

I Showed That TO You Stupid FOOLS, But None of Y-O-U Care What GOD SAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!

STAY Where You ARE, And that is NOT Heaven, BUT H-E-L-L!!!!!!!!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060816

I'm guessing the women folk don't find you very appealing? I mean you and that long food encrusted nasty old beard and that habitat for all sorts of Critters in your long musty, unwashed hair!


New member
Like ZZ Top used to say: "Women like a sharp-dressed man." You ain't it brother!

NEITHER Was ((((( """C-H-R-I-S-T"""!!! ))))) Y-O-U "STUPID" Lying F-O-O-L-S!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Only The Self Loving (( ""S-P-I-R-I-T-U-A-L"" - Bastards )) Dressed Like Y-O-U Phony ANTI'Christ FOOLS!!!

PAUL, DAVID -- 060816