ISP blocking Bob Enyart Live?


New member
Why wait on hold to speak to a customer service representative in India to ask a question to which the answer is so obvious?

Our CS and TS reps are all in house. I don't know who your provider is, but there's only one way to get your problem fixed, and that's to call them.


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
I have heard that we will receive in the same manner we give. Have you ever censored anyone Del? What happened to Noguru? How many people have you banned since you became a mod? oh excuse me, I meant Super Moderator.

If you want to boast about exercising your bias here on TOL you have no room to complain about the bias of network owners.

Just so you know, I am fully expecting to be banned for this post. Go for it!

P.S. BTW, are you the pot or are you the kettle in this instance?
Stop being a crybaby.