Is the doctrine of Eternal Conscious Torment biblical or not?


New member
The scripture says the smoke from their torment will rise for ever and ever.

Yes, and it doesn't say that their torment will last forever. It says the smoke from their torment will ascend forever. The SMOKE will ascend forever. The SMOKE, not the torment. The smoke. Do you understand this? It doesn't say the torment will last forever. Understand?

Also, recall the Bible says that the wicked will be completely destroyed. Please don't ignore that. Remember that Jesus said that the body and soul would be destroyed in hell. Remember that Jesus said the way is wide that leads to DESTRUCTIOn (Not torture in hell).

And Remember that your verse (the one YOU said I ignored) doesn't SAY their torment lasts forever, it says the SMOKE ascends forever. Maybe this means the torture lasts forever and maybe it doesn't, BUT IT DOES NOT SAY THAT THE TORTURE LASTS FOREVER!


Well-known member
Could you explain some things to me?

If the soul cannot be killed, then how do those not saved just stop existing?

In Matt 10:28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Can you explain why you posted a verse that proves the soul can be destroyed when you are trying to say the opposite? :chuckle:

Could you explain to me how eternal life is in fact eternal, but eternal punishment is not really eternal punishment, since the dead will not know they are dead?

Matthew 25:46 "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."
Do you believe death is a punishment? I do. I believe death, after the second death for people who receive it, will be eternal.

Can you explain this to me...

Matthew 25:46 "Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life."

Mark 9:48 where "'the worms that eat them do not die, and the fire is not quenched.'

When in hell, if the worms do not die, how is it that the unsaved will die?
I'm no expert on worms in hell. Are you really basing your theology on the behavior of worms in hell?

Can you explain this to me? How does anyone die if death is thrown in the lake of fire?

Revelation 20:14 Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. The lake of fire is the second death.
After that maybe nobody can die? Is there a problem with that?

The plain reading of so many verses is that the two options for us after life is death or eternal life. You guys have to use verses for which you stretch the meanings to support your view. I'll take the plain meaning of many verses over the stretched, contorted, interpolated meaning of a few (really only one) verses.


Well-known member
Do you realize that It actually says that?
No, and I'm glad you showed up because it's not too late to stop me from adopting this.

Revelation 13:5-8
And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him? And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months. And he opened his mouth in blasphemy against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations. And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Great verses! What does it have to do with the topic? I need some commentary here.

Revelation 14:11
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.
This I think is the single strongest verse in favor of ECT. It is, I think, the only verse even appearing to support ECT. It's all alone, trying to support ECT. And its a stretch to read it that way, making the belief of ECT very weak in my mind. However many verses when read plainly and taken at face value support annihilationism.

I don't change my mind on these matters lightly, but this seems to be a slam dunk so far.


we're talking about those whom God is determined to utterly destroy

what's the point in limited torture if it's followed by annihilation?

seems more twisted than eternal torture

if you're gonna kill a bug, do you pull its wings and legs off first or do you just squish it?
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God's Truth

New member
Yes, and it doesn't say that their torment will last forever. It says the smoke from their torment will ascend forever. The SMOKE will ascend forever. The SMOKE, not the torment. The smoke. Do you understand this? It doesn't say the torment will last forever. Understand?
And Remember that your verse (the one YOU said I ignored) doesn't SAY their torment lasts forever, it says the SMOKE ascends forever. Maybe this means the torture lasts forever and maybe it doesn't, BUT IT DOES NOT SAY THAT THE TORTURE LASTS FOREVER!
I understand what you are saying but you are wrong.
The scripture says the smoke of their torment. If they are not tormented any longer, how is it there will be smoke of their torment rising up for ever and ever?
Also, recall the Bible says that the wicked will be completely destroyed. Please don't ignore that. Remember that Jesus said that the body and soul would be destroyed in hell. Remember that Jesus said the way is wide that leads to DESTRUCTIOn (Not torture in hell).
It is hell being separated from the love of God.
Destroy does not always mean cease to exist anywhere.


why does it matter to you that others accept your particular interpretation of this obscure aspect of God's plan?

Well, because it speaks about the good character of God.

ECT (Eternal Conscious Torment) goes against the idea that the Lord our God is a good God and a fair and just Judge. For punishing somebody for an infinite amount of time for a finite amount of sin or crimes does not sound like fair justice. Also, torturing people in flames forever does not sound like it is consistent with a God who is supposed to be the very embodiment of love itself (1 John 4:8), too.

Side Note:

For usually all bad theology attempts to attack God or His goodness in some way.

God's Truth

New member
Can you explain why you posted a verse that proves the soul can be destroyed when you are trying to say the opposite?
Timotheos says we do not live on after the death of our physical bodies. I showed him a scripture that tells us the spirit could not be killed by humans.
Again, however, destroy does not always been to no longer exist anywhere.
Do you believe death is a punishment? I do. I believe death, after the second death for people who receive it, will be eternal.
You did not answer my question. Could you explain how being punished is eternal if it results in death.
I'm no expert on worms in hell. Are you really basing your theology on the behavior of worms in hell?
So then, you have no answer for your belief concerning this scripture.
After that maybe nobody can die? Is there a problem with that?
Why do you say after that? The scripture has people being put into the lake of fire after death is put there.

The plain reading of so many verses is that the two options for us after life is death or eternal life. You guys have to use verses for which you stretch the meanings to support your view. I'll take the plain meaning of many verses over the stretched, contorted, interpolated meaning of a few (really only one) verses.
With that argument, it sounds as if you are merely denying what the scriptures say.

Thanks for trying to answer my questions. I am not convinced that anyone ceases to exist ever.


but a God who punishes before annihlilation does?

I believe in,

"The Real Hell (Torment not Torture) Conditionalism View"
Which is the belief that the Rich-Man was not actually being tortured inside any flames; Instead, he was being tormented (not tortured) by the heat of the flame in front of him within the gulf that separated him and Abraham. This view of course is followed by the belief that the Lake of Fire is Conditional whereby Jesus will eventually destroy both body and soul within Gehenna (i.e. the Lake of Fire).

Matthew 10:28 ABPE (Aramaic Bible in Plain English)
“And you shall not be afraid of those who kill the body that are not able to kill the soul; rather be afraid of him who can destroy soul and body in Gehenna.”

In other words, the Rich-Man was merely being tormented (not tortured) for his crimes against God and man. When his unrepentant sin or crimes are done being paid for, he will then perish both body and soul in the Lake of Fire.


In fact, the key is to always look at cross references so as to best understand Scripture. The cross reference for Luke 16:19-31 is Genesis 18:22-33 and Genesis 19:27-28.

Anyways, if you were to read these chapters, you would discover in Genesis 19 that Abraham looked at the billowing smoke from Sodom. When looking at all of Scripture, one can easily conclude that Abraham simply wanted to know what happened to this city because he was worried that Lot might have perished there. For Abraham might have learned later about how Lot made it to safety, but we get no indication within the text that Abraham knew that Lot was okay or safe. So I imagine it tormented Abraham a little in seeing that smoke. For he pleaded with God to spare the city (no doubt for Lot's sake). In fact, I imagine he pictured a fire in his mind where the smoke was coming from the city. But now in the New Testament, Abraham had knowledge as to why he and a righteous man named Lazarus was in Paradise (a Heaven like compartment in the realm of the dead) and he had knowledge as to why the Rich-man was in Hades or Torments. Abraham now looked at an actual real flame and had the understanding. Whereas the Rich-man looked at the flame on the other side and was tormented by it's heat and by the fact that it reminded him of the upcoming Lake of Fire. Both men (Abraham and the Rich-man were tormented by a fire) but each of them had two entirely different experiences concerning that fire which was in front of them.

In addition, another parallel I recently noticed between Lazarus and the Rich Man account (Luke 16:19-31) and Genesis 18 is that both Abraham's story in Genesis 18-19 and the Rich Man's story begin with their eyes being lifted up.


"And the LORD appeared unto him in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day; And he lift up his eyes and looked, ..." (Genesis 18:1-2)​

Rich Man:

"...the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lift up his eyes, ..." (Luke 16:22-23)​
In other words, this above example is trying to tell us that the two stories are tied together in order to give us an important message. What is that message? Well, I believe both stories are trying to tell us that God is fair and just in His Judgments. For "Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" (Genesis 18:25) (cf. Luke 16:25).


Well-known member
Timotheos says we do not live on after the death of our physical bodies. I showed him a scripture that tells us the spirit could not be killed by humans.
Again, however, destroy does not always been to no longer exist anywhere.
You have to believe destroy, death, perish, turn to ashes, consume, all mean the opposite of what they seem to mean to believe ECT. On the other hand I get to just believe they mean what they mean.

You did not answer my question. Could you explain how being punished is eternal if it results in death.
Death is a punishment. Death is eternal. Death is an eternal punishment. Not sure what else to say to make it more clear.

So then, you have no answer for your belief concerning this scripture.
Yes I do. My answer is that the worms are eternal. I am unconvinced that you can extrapolate ECT from this verse, it just doesn't say that.

Why do you say after that? The scripture has people being put into the lake of fire after death is put there.
Interesting, Ill look at it.

With that argument, it sounds as if you are merely denying what the scriptures say.
If words don't mean things to you that they mean to me, there's not much point in talking to you. I could say the same about you. But you responded to me saying the exact opposite of what I said. You cant just build strawmen like that. I specifically said that I believe the plain and face value meaning of many verses. How do you get that I'm denying what scripture says? Are we speaking the same language? I have a feeling we wont be talking much in the future.
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Another point I want to bring up is the popularity of Hell in light of Near Death Experiences.

For no doubt there are those who had visions of Hell with them seeing people burning there.

But I have one word for these types of people (who had near death experiences).


For without faith, it is impossible to please Him (Hebrews 11:6).
And how do we get faith?
From visions or the Word of God? (Romans 10:17).

In fact, in my experience: I have discovered that most near death experiences are false. Even from people who you might like, or consider their teaching to be helpful to you in some way. First, most of the time these near death experiences are refuted with Scripture by other believers. Second, does God want us to place our faith in what is popular such as near death experiences? See the popularity of books like "Heaven is for Real" and "Embraced by the Light." Is it possible that maybe the devil is trying to deceive people with these near death experiences? Third, divination or trying to contact the spirit world is forbidden within Scripture. In other words, seeing people in Hell is a divination of the dead. Saul had looked to a witch in trying to bring up Samuel from the dead. But no doubt, this was not the real Samuel but a demon. Also, the book of Revelation closes the book on any more words that should be added to His holy Word. In other words, a vision with new information are words that are an addition to God's Word. So when I hear about a person's vision about Heaven or Hell, I have to ask two questions: Are these not new words (in the form of a story) that adds to God's Word? What will happen to a person if they add to His Word? (Revelation 22:18).