Is marital rape scripturally defensible?

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
...attempting to play your typical, tiresome, eighth grade boy's attention-seeking games

just go away, you silly tiresome bore - go seek attention from somebody who actually wants to read the crap you write

Considering how often you respond to it, and go to great lengths to invite it then yet again the joke is once again on you or just you yourself, just an incredibly unfunny one all ends up. You are the epitome of a sociopath. No empathy, no compassion, just an execrable lack of understanding where it comes to the hideous violation of another human being. That's not retarded, that's beyond that.


No ... I will not.

That's like the third time you've affirmed your liberty :chuckle:

Women will start problems just to feel equal to men- it's what feminists collectively do under the guise that it's about equality.

So carry on with your cute poison, it's a mighty way to differentiate the men with principle from the men infected :wave2:

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That is not an argument, that is an appeal to authority.

The law said something different not too long ago, as the law is relative.

You laughably base your bias on that of others whom women convinced to change. Therefore, you are basically doing nothing but affirming your own founded notion.

Learn logic, idiot :rolleyes:

Unless you think it should be legal for anyone to force sexual intercourse on another (let's face it, in your case it would be the "right" of a man) then what you advocate is rape. Simple as.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
That's like the third time you've affirmed your liberty :chuckle:

Women will start problems just to feel equal to men- it's what feminists collectively do under the guise that it's about equality.

So carry on with your cute poison, it's a mighty way to differentiate the men with principle from the men infected :wave2:

Oh...get a life you sad precocious, pompous 12 year old...


Unless you think it should be legal for anyone to force sexual intercourse on another (let's face it, in your case it would be the "right" of a man) then what you advocate is rape. Simple as.

That's like saying if you believe in tapping someone on the shoulder, you believe in tapping a city with a nuke.

The fact of the matter is that a husband forcing sex on his wife is no worse than her withholding sex for control. The sex is not assault, but an inconvenience- the victimization is utterly a creation of the woman's own damn enmity against him.

You will not understand this, because you are a brainwashed feminist idiot, but women are typically not real victims when they play victims- you have to change the entire basis of what a 'victim' is to even rationalize their crap manipulation they have on men.

Got it? Now go and think about why patriarchy was ever produced in the first place, and think about the monstrosity of the going rate being that men were just bad. It's pathetic :rolleyes:


Hall of Fame
That's like the third time you've affirmed your liberty :chuckle:

Oh, you can count to three? Well, that's a beginning ....

Women will start problems just to feel equal to men-

Cool story ... however, story time is over, and you will be allowed this once to listen as the adults converse.

Since women are already equal to men in every way that matters, your claim is nothing more than anti-woman rhetoric.

it's what feminists collectively do under the guise that it's about equality.

It's your woeful, tale of pretend ... so please continue. :D

So carry on

Like anyone needs your permission to do so. :plain:


Oh, you can count to three? Well, that's a beginning ....

That's the most creative insult I've ever heard, do another :rolleyes:

Since women are already equal to men in every way that matters, your claim is nothing more than anti-woman rhetoric.

You all aren't equal to men, you all are advantaged and privileged over men.

Like anyone needs your permission to do so. :plain:

You have my full permission to reveal the hidden enmity that idiot men think is justified because- reasons.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The fact of the matter is that a husband forcing sex on his wife is no worse than her withholding sex for control.
So in his world refusing to have sex is the same as insisting on sex against someone's will.

It's like he's writing in English until you actually put it together in your head and then you have to think, "No, that can't be it...really?"

The sex is not assault, but an inconvenience
This is what comes from basing a rule on second-hand anecdotal experience. :plain:

An assault is putting someone in reasonable fear of a battery. Sex shouldn't be that, unless you're really, really bad at it.

women are typically not real victims when they play victims
No one is a victim when they're "playing" victim.


No one is a victim when they're "playing" victim.

There's a reason why an issue exists in which women are seen as lying, or crying wolf- or whatever- when they make an accusation. It is not due to hatred of women, it is due to the fact that they so often portray a victim complex.

In other words, they've made their own bed, and instead of remedying it, society has instead decided to make the man suffer for it. Some countries, where feminism has run completely rampant, have outright proposed inquisitorial notions- and you're going to sit there and act like it doesn't happen here, when it's being proposed in other 1st World countries as an actual standard :freak:

That's the problem- you all don't want to face what's going on.

Marital rape is almost always the woman utilizing the feminist vice on society to have her way- she'll call it rape and get what she wants. This didn't happen when an illusion of victimization was not a prospect.
You do the math- nowadays, every single woman is allegedly a sexual assault victim :rolleyes:


Hall of Fame
There's a reason why an issue exists in which women are seen as lying, or crying wolf- or whatever- when they make an accusation

Certainly ... the issue lies in the mentality of those who justify any type of domestic assault, including marital rape. We KNOW why they do it. It has to do with deep seated feelings of insecurity and feeling inadequate in their own lives.

Using force and violence on another person for any reason outside of REAL self-defense is the action bullies. We all know how bullies operate. They specifically choose a victim they believe they can overpower. They live to control another person's emotions, self-worth, bodies and mindset.

We know them by their words and their defense of these actions.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
There's a reason why an issue exists in which women are seen as lying, or crying wolf- or whatever- when they make an accusation.
Usually that reason is bias. Look, there's fraud involved with any law. Someone is going to try to scam it. The FBI estimates between two to six percent of people filing for protection orders are trying that, meaning that between 94 and 98 percent are legitimate.

Meaning the overwhelming majority of people claiming to be victims are actually victims.

In other words, they've made their own bed, and instead of remedying it, society has instead decided to make the man suffer for it.
Simply not true and no objective metric backs your desire on the point.

That's the problem- you all don't want to face what's going on.
The problem is your excuse making and confusion over law and rule.

Marital rape is almost always the woman utilizing the feminist vice on society to have her way
Rather, it's demonstrably rarely that, is instead a legitimate complaint in need of addressing, according to the preeminent law enforcement agency in the nation.

You do the math-
I did. The math is against you.

nowadays, every single woman is allegedly a sexual assault victim :rolleyes:
That's not even remotely true.


Usually that reason is bias. Look, there's fraud involved with any law. Someone is going to try to scam it. The FBI estimates between two to six percent of people filing for protection orders are trying that, meaning that between 94 and 98 percent are legitimate.
Thank you for this data, this is good information.

I need to convert percentages and PPM's into ratios in order to process them correctly. Something about my neural pathways. The estimate of bogus protection order filings given by the FBI is between two and six percent. Six percent is six out of a hundred or 94-to-6 or 47-to-3 or 15+2/3-to-1*. Four percent (arithmetic mean between two and six) is 96-to-4, 48-to-2, 24-to-1. And two percent is two out of a hundred, which is 98-to-2, or 49-to-1**.

*So at worst, for every 17 filings for protection orders, one of them is bogus, and, **at actual, nonfictional, real worst, for every 50 filings, one of them is bogus.

Either way, if the FBI isn't off by an order of magnitude in the "wrong" direction, we should probably be pretty liberal about issuing or distributing them when filed for.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Thank you for this data, this is good information.

I need to convert percentages and PPM's into ratios in order to process them correctly. Something about my neural pathways. The estimate of bogus protection order filings given by the FBI is between two and six percent. Six percent is six out of a hundred or 94-to-6 or 47-to-3 or 15+2/3-to-1*. Four percent (arithmetic mean between two and six) is 96-to-4, 48-to-2, 24-to-1. And two percent is two out of a hundred, which is 98-to-2, or 49-to-1**.

*So at worst, for every 17 filings for protection orders, one of them is bogus, and, **at actual, nonfictional, real worst, for every 50 filings, one of them is bogus.

Either way, if the FBI isn't off by an order of magnitude in the "wrong" direction, we should probably be pretty liberal about issuing or distributing them when filed for.

And that's why you typically see them opening as a temporary order, subject to immediate, often in camera (judge's chambers) emergency motions where the party filing, usually a lawyer, sets out facts that determine the necessity of ex parte (the other side isn't present to dispute) ruling that is subject to a later hearing and review. Judges get to those pretty quickly.


The FBI is not the All Seeing Eye. In fact, it's because people prefer fallible estimates which rely solely on presumption that the problem is perpetuated- I've never met a women who, when the question has ever been raised 'have you ever been sexually assaulted', said 'no'.

There's always some story many woman will whip out straight from their victims complex. They were touched as a child, they were raped, or they were stalked- they all have a thriller to tell.

And you know what the most ridiculous part is? The women know it more than everybody- and they'll sit here and bald face deny it because it's all a game :rolleyes:
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