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Literal lunatic
If you weren't so busy talking trash about Heir, you might notice that her response to Zeke was about as honest a response as he could hope for. That was one "far out" there post if I've ever seen one.

That tells a lot about you and Heir.

You're simply being a contentious dweeb, Danoh, and you're making a complete fool of yourself.

Hey, I thought MADS don't get to inspect fruit.

Pot, kettle?


New member
If you weren't so busy talking trash about Heir, you might notice that her response to Zeke was about as honest a response as he could hope for. That was one "far out" there post if I've ever seen one.

You're simply being a contentious dweeb, Danoh, and you're making a complete fool of yourself.

Nonsense. I always give credit where credit is due - be it towards a MAD or a non MAD.

I'm not part of your little "our way or the highway" cult-like club some of you are so enmeshed in.

You guys are simply duplicitous...through and through...

You relate some thing you did; and expect it be received as you merely relating an experience.

When anyone your little cult-like club looks down your collective nose at does; you each point your duplicitous finger accusing them of grandstanding.

Recently, when I gave you, heir, and Tam credit where it was due, GM, Musterion, and Tam herself concluded it was anything but.

Your double standard has you blind.

Every one knows heir every so often loudly and obnoxiously spits on Bob Enyart and his assembly as being "enemies of the gospel of Christ."

And Enyart is not KJV. Another issue she every so often makes a stink of.

Never mind Tam's ongoing feud with PJ and vice versa.

More grace-less grace...on both their parts.

You'll note; you hypocrites, that there are some MADs I never accuse of any of this nonsense.

You guys are just like those supporting Hillary and Trump.

They too take a very cult-like issue with anyone who calls them on their double-standards.

Fact is, you each absolutely love these posts - you each absolutely love strife.

You get nothing of their intent - all you see is what you all project - what you all live for - strife.

Your own MAD forum comes alive only when there is strife.

Otherwise it lays practically dead, but for PJ's posts - which you all post not a word about in each your hypocrisy.

Know that I and others on TOL are regretabbly having a great laugh at your expense by your own hand.

Humour being the result of tragedy reflected on over time.

And that is what this grace-less grace of your little cult-like club is...a tragedy.

For one would think that as a collective who professes being MADs and your grace-less "gospel of GRACE" - "ye have not so learned Christ."

Try your delusion on yourselves - you're the only ones buying it :chuckle:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
That's why I ask questions.

Maybe she should make a septic tank sale as STP would say.

I've lately gleaned from your posts that you are in the service.

Maybe even the base's comedic barber, lol.

So let's get down to some seriousness as jesting is not expedient.

We all know words have more than one meaning.

The other day Nick said I didn't believe Jesus about those born of the Spirit.

In doing so he did just what you did with this post.

He flashed the back off card.

You know, the one the army started giving out a few years ago during boot camp for those who were feeling intimidated by the drill instructor?

So don't answer questions that nail you down and take your ability away to say I could have meant something else.

But realize that everything is manifested in the Light.

Witty inventions can be found out.

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