Indiana Pizza Shop 1st to Publicly Say It Would Deny Same-Sex Service


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Hall of Fame
Well, fortunately, the law has been revised, making it illegal for businesses to turn away folks based on religion or sexual orientation or their US military service or whatnot...


So the whole reason for the law is out the window now. :eek:


Ok, so, what if I contact a Muslim owned bakery and agree to give them 90% of the take if I record a phone call wherein I ask them to bake me a cake that says "Mohamed the great child molester" wrapped in bacon, they refuse of coarse and I claim some sort of special-case-ness angle. Post it on YouTube, the bakery shuts down, 4 billion Muslims world wide send in cash.....


Well-known member
So the whole reason for the law is out the window now. :eek:

Well, it depends. If the reason for the law was for Christians to discriminate against homosexuals, yes, that's mostly out the window (although it's actually still legal in Indiana to discriminate against homosexuals). If it was really to protect small Christian businesses from lawsuits, no.

You know how advocates of the law have been saying "well they have this same law in 19 other states, and Clinton signed it, so what's the problem!?" Now the Indiana law is (pretty much) the same as the laws in the other states.

Here's a good and interesting explanation of it:

Indiana's 'Religious Freedom' Law Differs From Other States


Well, it depends. If the reason for the law was for Christians to discriminate against homosexuals, yes, that's mostly out the window (although it's actually still legal in Indiana to discriminate against homosexuals). If it was really to protect small Christian businesses from lawsuits, no.

You know how advocates of the law have been saying "well they have this same law in 19 other states, and Clinton signed it, so what's the problem!?" Now the Indiana law is (pretty much) the same as the laws in the other states.

Here's a good and interesting explanation of it:

Indiana's 'Religious Freedom' Law Differs From Other States

The state laws don't mean anything if someone can prove their civil rights were violated.

A Civil Rights violation means a Federal court.


New member
The state laws don't mean anything if someone can prove their civil rights were violated.

A Civil Rights violation means a Federal court.

That's my take. This was an uproar over nothing.

Just a lot of people playing the victim when there were never victimized to begin with. :allsmile:


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Hall of Fame
Has anyone specifically ever explained what "freedoms" were being "restored" by this legislation?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Struck you as a real media savvy individual, did she?
If by media savvy you mean she owns a tv and likely saw the localized responses to Chick fil A a while back then yeah, is familiar with the people who tend to eat there and the community, sure. I don't think you even have to really be cynical or suspect her motives.

For instance, in most parts of the rural South Chick fil A had tremendous sales after the owner's public comments. Completely predictable response if you know (and anyone around here watching local broadcasts would) that seventy percent of the population is opposed to gay marriage.

:think: Gofundme is pushing half-a-million.
And the "damage" continues. Anybody actually harm anyone on the anti homosexual bandwagon? And the people who make bandwagons have to be raking it in...what? :plain:


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Hall of Fame
If they want to fleece the rubes and make half a mil doing it, fine. (Ain't that the American way?) But anyone who thinks these people are being "persecuted" is as big a sucker as the chumps throwing them free money.

What a joke.


New member
What these businesses need to do is become "specialty" businesses. For example, a wedding cake store should say that they specialize in heterosexual wedding cakes. It's not that gays can't buy them, but they are buying a hetero-style cake. Every cake comes with a man and a woman on top, but gays are more than welcome to buy two cakes and rearrange the men and women themselves if they want two men on a cake.

This is done all the time with hair products. There are companies that make products specifically for African-American hair. White people are welcome to buy it, but the company isn't going to change their product for a white customer. You either want what they sell or you don't.

The Barbarian

Or sell wedding cakes with individual bride and groom figures sold separately. If you want two of one kind, that's your business. But no one involved with this wants an equitable solution. They want to win and force someone else to agree with them.


New member
Or sell wedding cakes with individual bride and groom figures sold separately. If you want two of one kind, that's your business. But no one involved with this wants an equitable solution. They want to win and force someone else to agree with them.

Then you agree that the African-American hair product companies must be forced to make product for my hair too, right?


New member
Hall of Fame
How about we do the smart thing and take other people's money when they want to spend it? Just a thought.