Hunting Thread


i've shot five porcupines in the last year

handy hint - if you shoot one out of a tree so that it falls on your lawn, plan on spending an hour on your hands and knees picking the quills out of the grass


Well-known member
How is the salmon fishing for the common man? Meaning not a fishing vessel. I wonder if it is as easy as bass and cat here in the lower 48. Because salmon (my opinion) is much better eating.
Even better. Alaska is a state the size of the Louisiana Purchase with only 700k people! Because of that, you throw in a line, out comes a fish (nearly so). The best tasting fish are reds (sockeye), Kings, and silvers (coho). Mostly, the fish the lower 48 gets from Alaska are pinks. And just for perspective, those are fed by locals to their sled dogs :plain:

In addition, there are trout, grayling, artic char, and Dolly Varden (the list is long). If my wife could stand the cold, I'd move back there in a heartbeat :)
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Well-known member
What stirred my interest...

What stirred my interest...

I was smelling the distinct odor of 'skunk' last night but don't believe we have them around. That idea, could be completely mistaken, I've just never seen them and am pretty good at spotting whatever comes around. We've had deer and hawks around this part of the city.

What we do have, in abundance, is raccoons. Doing a bit of research, if someone can confirm, it seems they have scent glands that smell a lot like skunk at times.

Oddly it took me about 10 sites to find that information because all the others were about how to prepare and cook raccoon. Virtually all of them called for parboil and baking soda soaking after removing 22 scent glands.