How do you defend yourself against people who will blow themselves up to kill you?

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Your Pro-life without exceptions, so we all know that you're just chanting with the pro-bombers because you imagine that you look 'right' to them.
But you don't believe in any of that because you don't believe in ending unborn life.

Either that.......... or you're a fraud.
I think I will put you down as a cheap fraud, a hypopcrite.

Guys a troll. He started a "gem" of a thread once where he tried to argue that the victims of the Colorado shootings were cowards:

He gets off on stirring the pot, so this is the type of 'mentality' you have with okdoser...


Well-known member
I'd give em' two days before the air raid sirens went off...:eek:

Yep, political machinations know no bounds. The UK isn't bereft of it...

Surely. My mother drove an ambulance in London during the Blitz. Nobody understood about how a civilian could be subjected to shellshock back then. Nobody supports random bombing of cities if they've ever actually been below, in one, during continuous bombing, and pulling bodies from wreckage each morning.

Yep. We've got a lousy record. I remember Haig pushing, pushing hard, for action above Libya to keep Gadaffi's planes down or wrecked, and look at what happened in that de-stabilised country. We've got a bad dreadful record of manipulation, coercion and unlawful behavior abroad and we need leaders who can at least try to put things right...... if we can actually afford to put things right anymore.

But this thread....... imagine a young Muslim reading some of these posts, possibly believing that the West thinks like those posts?

I would outright apologise to the whole Muslim World for our actions, right back to our manipulation of Iran through the Shah of Persia, and then forward.....


Well-known member

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Surely. My mother drove an ambulance in London during the Blitz. Nobody understood about how a civilian could be subjected to shellshock back then. Nobody supports random bombing of cities if they've ever actually been below, in one, during continuous bombing, and pulling bodies from wreckage each morning.

The zealots you see here are no more than 'armchair warriors' for the most part. Kudos to your mother, and to you for adding some sanity to a thread that was badly in need of it.

Yep. We've got a lousy record. I remember Haig pushing, pushing hard, for action above Libya to keep Gadaffi's planes down or wrecked, and look at what happened in that de-stabilised country. We've got a bad dreadful record of manipulation, coercion and unlawful behavior abroad and we need leaders who can at least try to put things right...... if we can actually afford to put things right anymore.

We do. The West is far from flawless where it comes to these things. Heck, oils at the core of most of 'legitimate political concern' I'd wager.

But this thread....... imagine a young Muslim reading some of these posts, possibly believing that the West thinks like those posts?

I would outright apologise to the whole Muslim World for our actions, right back to our manipulation of Iran through the Shah of Persia, and then forward.....

Extremism eh? It's okay as long as it's "Christian"...



Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Cratering preceded by 24 hours of air leaflets and around the clock TV/radio/social media warnings to evacuate and not be within 1 mile of ground zero. Ample early warning. Just like the U.S. did with Japan.

Yeh, no civilian casualties happened at all there did they?

You nasty little piece of pompous work. You could almost have been designed...



But this thread....... imagine a young Muslim reading some of these posts, possibly believing that the West thinks like those posts?
I really hope that they see " KAMIKAZE " a lot of times, and look it up ! Just in case they don't know that word !
I would outright apologise to the whole Muslim World for our actions, right back to our manipulation of Iran through the Shah of Persia, and then forward.....


Judaism doesnt believe the same thing that islam does. They are not idolotors, there is no idol to smootch, etc- as God is Spirit.

Islam directly believes that Allah would never ever allow anything to happen to their black worship rock, and if it did, there is no allah.
I'm doubtful that it would work. It could, but then it could just change Islam, like the smashing into bits of the Jewish temple changed Judaism. Like trying to squeeze a watermelon seed.

Either the Church wins, and there are no more Muslims, and those holy sites just degrade and wear away and erode from neglect, or, maybe more likely, they are preserved and administrated as tourist sites, the best preserved holy sites of another Church-extincted false religion that we have.

The Church will win, that's not in question.


Well-known member
The zealots you see here are no more than 'armchair warriors' for the most part. Kudos to your mother, and to you for adding some sanity to a thread that was badly in need of it.

We do. The West is far from flawless where it comes to these things. Heck, oils at the core of most of 'legitimate political concern' I'd wager.

Extremism eh? It's okay as long as it's "Christian"...



Thankyou for your kind words, much appreciated.


Well-known member
Eh, crack on with stuff then ya daft sod. You've used the Lisbon earthquake as an example of something that didn't actually destroy a belief or faith whatsoever. You sad, dozy prat.


He he!
I've been laughing out loud at the above post. Woke the Missus and the hounds up!
I'm still not used to what can be written on this forum, and since I'll bet that you are a very strong and proper Christian, you must be intensely irritated to call anybody a SDP. Ha ha! More laughs, look at the initials!!

Oh...... it's good to have a laugh.

Last edited:


Well-known member
Guys a troll. He started a "gem" of a thread once where he tried to argue that the victims of the Colorado shootings were cowards:

He gets off on stirring the pot, so this is the type of 'mentality' you have with okdoser...

Ever 'done' Madam Tusaud's 'Chamber ofHorrors'? ...... must have, you being a Brit!
I particularly remember the scene of a tortured man hanging upside down with a hook through his stomach.... can't remember the context of the work.

I keep seeing it when I read certain member's posts........ they are actually like a virtual chamber of horrors. And they insist that they follow Jesus Christ's mission and wishes, even somehow manipulating the bible to fit themselves into heaven.


Well-known member
Cratering preceded by 24 hours of air leaflets and around the clock TV/radio/social media warnings to evacuate and not be within 1 mile of ground zero. Ample early warning. Just like the U.S. did with Japan.

Oh you would be a brilliant subject for anybody studying for a medical degree and specialising in psychiatry! Wonderful!
You obviously support others in the tenet that Pro-Life should only apply to certain sections of humanity, and certainly excluding Muslims.

This having been established you sit back, gulp, drag your crazy belief system here and there until you can fit in some kind of fraudulent answer........ and then come up with the above 'humane' post! He he! :D

And to make it even funnier, you get the idea 'thanked' by other quasi-Christians!

What you don't realise is that you are slowly scratching away at the tenuous foundations of your idea of what a real Christian is.

Keep on Scratchin'!!!!!


Well-known member
I really hope that they see " KAMIKAZE " a lot of times, and look it up ! Just in case they don't know that word !

You're just petrified of what has been happening.
That is understandable and I feel empathy for you.

But you need to realise that a suicide bomber doesn't make a whole billion hearts.
These very few bombers and their supporters are just misguided Muslims, maddened by a Western World that they perceive to be utterly totally evil. Christians have felt this way before, you know, and thrown their lives down for their beliefs. It's true.

We need to reach out and stand by our lawful Muslim neighbours and protect them from any racist, religionist, secularist backlashes. And I know you would as well, because you're not an extremist who has lost sight of his true objectives.

You would do the right thing.


Well-known member
Oh you would be a brilliant subject for anybody studying for a medical degree and specialising in psychiatry! Wonderful!
You obviously support others in the tenet that Pro-Life should only apply to certain sections of humanity, and certainly excluding Muslims.

This having been established you sit back, gulp, drag your crazy belief system here and there until you can fit in some kind of fraudulent answer........ and then come up with the above 'humane' post! He he! :D

And to make it even funnier, you get the idea 'thanked' by other quasi-Christians!

What you don't realise is that you are slowly scratching away at the tenuous foundations of your idea of what a real Christian is.

Keep on Scratchin'!!!!!

I have posted on cratering Mecca before. At those times I also said there should be advanced warning so that anybody with a brain can evacuate. Of course we know many die-hard jihadists will run TO the site, and that's fine too. But this is not the first time I suggested giving warning.

But this particular subtopic is all academic. I'm not the one whowe dissipated she'll of a nation is being conquered in slow motion by imported invaders.

What you people need is a new honest man who will save you from the fire, who you can then thanklessly disregard as soon as his work of saving you is done.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I have posted on cratering Mecca before. At those times I also said there should be advanced warning so that anybody with a brain can evacuate. Of course we know many die-hard jihadists will run TO the site, and that's fine too. But this is not the first time I suggested giving warning.

Oh, I'll bet you have. Would have been just as dumb and ill thought out then back then as well I'll wager...

But this particular subtopic is all academic. I'm not the one whowe dissipated she'll of a nation is being conquered in slow motion by imported invaders.

Uh, you might wanna check your posts before sending doofus.


What you people need is a new honest man who will save you from the fire, who you can then thanklessly disregard as soon as his work of saving you is done.

You think Churchill would support your lunacy?

You really are a dope.


Arthur Brain

Well-known member
He he!
I've been laughing out loud at the above post. Woke the Missus and the hounds up!
I'm still not used to what can be written on this forum, and since I'll bet that you are a very strong and proper Christian, you must be intensely irritated to call anybody a SDP. Ha ha! More laughs, look at the initials!!

Oh...... it's good to have a laugh.


Well, I don't ascribe to any particular label to be honest although I'm not an atheist. It sure is good to laugh though and with some of the lunacy around here you need to...:D

Oh dear, did I call okdoser the social democratic party? :shocked:


Well-known member
You think Churchill would support your lunacy?

It isn't lunacy, and yes he would.

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.

Churchill would be even more depressed than he was given to being, to know you and Eider are modern British counterfeits of what once was called Men.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
It isn't lunacy, and yes he would.

If you think Churchill would nuke Mecca then you are flat out nuts. Unlike you, he was intelligent and wouldn't blunder the West into a bloody third world war you extremist crackpot.

Churchill would be even more depressed than he was given to being, to know you and Eider are modern British counterfeits of what once was called Men.

Pfft, like you're any authority on what it means to be a "man".
