Global Warming, Is It A Man Made Hoax?


Well-known member
Many of the GWA (Global Warming Alarmists) seem to think that the earth has always been perfectly stable and the temperatures the same for eons until man came along. Silly stuff.

Where do you get these crazy ideas from?
I have never heard or read such rubbish, ever.
Researchers know full well how sea levels have altered over time.
But a rise in sea levels of a few feet will be catastrophic for low countries and districts. And global warming will cause this.

Where I live the majority of people do understand this, we have vast wind farms as we try to reduce our carbon footprint.

You just like burning the oil, I reckon. True?

Right Divider

Body part
Where do you get these crazy ideas from?
I have never heard or read such rubbish, ever.
Researchers know full well how sea levels have altered over time.
But a rise in sea levels of a few feet will be catastrophic for low countries and districts. And global warming will cause this.

Where I live the majority of people do understand this, we have vast wind farms as we try to reduce our carbon footprint.

You just like burning the oil, I reckon. True?

Things change with or without man-made contribution. And, of course I like burning oil... it makes things happen. It makes all of our standards of living higher. It pulls people out of poverty.

Just the MAKING of the "vast wind farms" has a HUGE carbon footprint.

There is also a growing problem of "wind farm waste":

The crazy idea that "burning oil" is creating an imminent treat to all life on earth is a political idea and not a scientific one.

Bob Carabbio

New member
You'll find that's often not the case with some of the people you'll encounter here :chuckle:

UN-fortunately, my short term memory isn't as reliable as it was - I still know young's modulus for Steel, and Pi to 12 decimal points, but what I had for dinner last night - maybe not.

Bob Carabbio

New member
The atmosphere did. And now you know why it's a big mistake to confuse weather and climate. All those record high temperatures are weather. Just like you one record cold temperature. Weather over a period of years is climate.

Remember the difference; it will save you future embarrassment.

Doesn't matter. That's what keep tripping you up. Reality isn't obliged to comply with your desires.

Well, let's take a look...

Here's the data:

As you see, the last five years have been hotter than any previously recorded, 2019 was the second-hottest year on record, and 2020 is on track to be the hottest year ever. How is that a "cooling process?"

It's exactly the opposite from what the (Fraud) climate deniers are saying.

Let's take a look at that data on a graph, then...

Not what they told you, is it?

So will we now see the final excuse?

"They are lying!!!! All of them are lying!!!!"

Seems there was an identical temperature surge in 1940.

Wasn't too long ago that the "Climate Experts" were squalling about another approaching "Ice age" and "WE WERE ALL GONNA DIE"!!!

And there was the "Hole in the OZONE LAYER" and "WE WERE ALL GONNA DIE"!!!


Oh well.


Well-known member
It is called climate change which means more extreme conditions for life, not necessarily warmer in ever instance, but it is having the dominant effect. The US Military is even concerned about climate change and its affect on other countries where climate can be so adverse as to destabilize them causing wars over resources. Even Exxon Mobil accepts climate change as we learned from Rex Tillerson.

The Barbarian

Seems there was an identical temperature surge in 1940.

And years when it fell. And those who can't get the difference between weather and climate will be forever befuddled by the data. Look at the trend line over a couple of decades. Always rising. As you just learned, the last five years were hotter than any previous year since we started measuring. And 2020 is on track to be hotter than any previous year. At some point,you have to make a truce with reality.

Wasn't too long ago that the "Climate Experts" were squalling about another approaching "Ice age"

That's another denier scam. Never was such a time; even in the 1970s, most climate scientists were concerned about warming:

An enduring popular myth suggests that in the 1970s the climate science community was predicting “global cooling” and an “imminent” ice age, an observation frequently used by those who would undermine what climate scientists say today about the prospect of global warming. A review of the literature suggests that, on the contrary, greenhouse warming even then dominated scientists' thinking as being one of the most important forces shaping Earth's climate on human time scales. More importantly than showing the falsehood of the myth, this review describes how scientists of the time built the foundation on which the cohesive enterprise of modern climate science now rests.

This is from climatology literature by scientists. You'll find that the graphs and lists by deniers are based on newspapers and magazine articles by non-scientists, who noticed a brief cooling period in the 1970s, and "WE WERE ALL GONNA DIE"!!!

But as you now see, even in the 1970s, most climatologists were concerned about warming.

And there was the "Hole in the OZONE LAYER" and "WE WERE ALL GONNA DIE"!!!

That's another denier myth. Mostly, the effects would be more UV light, some more skin cancers, including melanomas, some effects on crops, but nothing likely to end civilization as we know it. The hysteria of deniers just went into overdrive over an admittedly serious concern, but not an existential one. Climate scientists had that figured out, too.

But the deniers always get overexcited about stuff that needs critical thinking, not:

Oh well. You want to avoid getting caught up in more of these scams? Read the literature,or at least get if from someone with some scientific understanding who isn't as excitable as your denier sources.

Right Divider

Body part
It is called climate change which means more extreme conditions for life, not necessarily warmer in ever instance, but it is having the dominant effect. The US Military is even concerned about climate change and its affect on other countries where climate can be so adverse as to destabilize them causing wars over resources. Even Exxon Mobil accepts climate change as we learned from Rex Tillerson.

Anyone that thinks that the climate does not change is a moron.

Anyone that thinks that man-made causes are the primary reason for the changes is also a moron.


Well-known member
Anyone that thinks that the climate does not change is a moron.

Anyone that thinks that man-made causes are the primary reason for the changes is also a moron.

You forgot: Anyone who thinks that man cannot be a big reason for climate change is additionally a moron.

Feels like we have agreement. Why not change the things we can instead of getting lost in repetitious arguing?

Right Divider

Body part
You forgot: Anyone who thinks that man cannot be a big reason for climate change is additionally a moron.

Feels like we have agreement. Why not change the things we can instead of getting lost in repetitious arguing?
I'm fine with sensible ideas. But not the shear and total lunacy of people like AOC, Bernie Sanders, etc. etc. etc.

The Barbarian

Anyone that thinks that man-made causes are the primary reason for the changes is also a moron.

Anyone who thinks man-made causes are the primary reason for the decades-long warming trend, is familiar with the evidence.

Jerry Shugart

Well-known member
Anyone who thinks man-made causes are the primary reason for the decades-long warming trend, is familiar with the evidence.

According to Sandy Cortez the "evidence" proves that if the USA doesn't take drastic action the earth will be destroyed in twelve years.

Do you believe that evidence?

Click here to see the ridiculous so-called evidence about global warming which has not come true:

The Barbarian

If man wasn't messing with climate, things would be cooling off right now. The sun is in a relatively quiet stage, and solar output is down.

While we on Earth suffer from coronavirus, our star—the Sun—is having a lockdown all of its own. reports that already there have been 100 days in 2020 when our Sun has displayed zero sunspots.

That makes 2020 the second consecutive year of a record-setting low number of sunspots— which you can see (a complete absence of)

Note: never look at the Sun with the naked eye or through binoculars or a telescope that aren’t fitted with solar filters.

So are we in an eternal sunshine of the spotless kind?

GSM’s have the potential to hold sunspots at ZERO for multiple decades. The most famous example is the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715) which brought plummeting temperatures, crop loss, famine, and the deaths of hundreds of millions of people ACROSS the planet.

In spite of the natural cooling effect, man's increase in carbon dioxide emissions has warmed the atmosphere to record highs.

There are natural and man-made forcings on climate; man is just the primary driver right now.

The Barbarian

According to Sandy Cortez the "evidence" proves that if the USA doesn't take drastic action the earth will be destroyed in twelve years.

But you couldn't find a link? I think I know why.

Do you believe that evidence?

The evidence shows that things have gotten a lot warmer in the world. But there will be winners and losers. For example, sub-saharan Africa is now benefiting as the area gets wetter. The Western United States is getting drier, and the Gulf Coast is becoming a more risky place to build homes, as the tropical storms become stronger.

Perhaps you'd do better if you read the climatology literature. Worth a try.

Bob Carabbio

New member
Oh well. You want to avoid getting caught up in more of these scams? Read the literature,or at least get if from someone with some scientific understanding who isn't as excitable as your denier sources.

Or, more sensibly, Ignore the whole sorry mess, which nobody will really do anything about anyway, and concentrate on what we're going to do for Halloween, which is infinitely more significant.


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And those who can't get the difference between weather and climate will be forever befuddled by the data.

So then, why don't you try to define what (if any) difference you imagine there is between weather and climate, Professor?

According to Google, weather is "the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc." Do you wish to tell us that climate is not the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.?

According to Google, climate is "the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period." Do you wish to tell us that [the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period] are not [the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.]?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
So then, why don't you try to define what (if any) difference you imagine there is between weather and climate, Professor?

According to Google, weather is "the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc." Do you wish to tell us that climate is not the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.?

According to Google, climate is "the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period." Do you wish to tell us that [the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period] are not [the state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc.]?

I love it when people show Barbie he is a complete tool with nothing more than an internet education in science...:chuckle: :thumb:


Well-known member
Things change with or without man-made contribution. And, of course I like burning oil... it makes things happen. It makes all of our standards of living higher. It pulls people out of poverty.
It just makes everything dirty, I'm sad to say.
Jobs lost in research, wells, shipping, refining, storing, retailing fuel oils can be made up for in clean energy technologies.

Just the MAKING of the "vast wind farms" has a HUGE carbon footprint.
Steel and some other production does have carbon footprint, but I don't expect that you've rushed to find out what a ULCC's production or use might be.
Wind Turbine towers last a long time.

No........ Much of a wind turbine is steel, and the fibreglass/polymer blades are inert..... We won't need to bury them for a thousand years. :D

The crazy idea that "burning oil" is creating an imminent treat to all life on earth is a political idea and not a scientific one.
That's a very strange idea.
The desire to keep drawing up oil and using it is more the political idea.