Ebenezer Scrooge: Conservative or Liberal?


New member
No, to society. It's not as though the government hoards all of the money they collect in tax. Taxpayers' money that goes into welfare programmes is (whether you believe it to be being used efficiently or not) going back to society.
As soon as you started talking about taxpayers and welfare programmes, you stopped talking about society and started talking about government.

You need to find out what the difference is between the two.


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Because I believe in the goodness of people. I believe that, when those safety nets are removed, people will saddle up and go to work. They will take a step out of their comfortable surroundings into the darkness and find the way lit before them. Many already do.

Because it's always just that easy.


New member
Because it's always just that easy.
There is no reason to think it will be easy.

Genesis 3:19
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.​



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There is no reason to think it will be easy.

Genesis 3:19
In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.​

That makes vegas's comment fairly flippant.


New member
That makes vegas's comment fairly flippant.
Lets find out....
Because I believe in the goodness of people. I believe that, when those safety nets are removed, people will saddle up and go to work. They will take a step out of their comfortable surroundings into the darkness and find the way lit before them. Many already do.
Nope. It is not a flippant remark.

He is saying that when the artificial comfort provided by the welfare programs is removed, then people will take responsibility for their lives and will labor to improve them.

But, as long as there are people willing to provide handouts to keep the poor out of sight, then the poor will remain in bondage to those handouts.


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Lets find out....

Nope. It is not a flippant remark.

He is saying that when the artificial comfort provided by the welfare programs is removed, then people will take responsibility for their lives and will labor to improve them.

But, as long as there are people willing to provide handouts to keep the poor out of sight, then the poor will remain in bondage to those handouts.

I read vegas's comments, thanks. And I still disagree with them. I think they're naive, and completely unrealistic. There's a real heartless undercurrent to this dismissal of the harsh realities the poor and impoverish face that's of course quite ironic considering vegas's original intention with this thread. "Go out and just get a job"? Yeah, if only it was that simple. Not everyone on welfare is some kind of freeloader.


New member
Granite said:
"Go out and just get a job"? Yeah, if only it was that simple.

Especially given the number of EMPLOYED people who are impoverished because their employers refuse to pay them enough to actually live on.

There are thousands of Americans who are employed (sometimes in multiple jobs) yet can't earn enough for basic necessities every month.


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I read vegas's comments, thanks. And I still disagree with them. I think they're naive, and completely unrealistic. There's a real heartless undercurrent to this dismissal of the harsh realities the poor and impoverish face that's of course quite ironic considering vegas's original intention with this thread. "Go out and just get a job"? Yeah, if only it was that simple. Not everyone on welfare is some kind of freeloader.

As for me, I never said that. In fact, I indicated the opposite. It is a matter of proportion in my mind. There are far too many people that use the welfare system as a crutch. This will ever be the case as long as they exist. They are not the answer. Like all goverment programs - that may or may not be well-intentioned - once the are implemented THEY NEVER END. They become big, ugly monsters demanding more and more resources from people who have no choice but to give them.

So many liberals love to play the BOO HOO card. Conservatives dare to suggest that immigrants come into this country by the front door and suddenly we hate Mexicans. Conservatives dare to suggest that public handouts from the goverment paid through tax dollars are not the sollution to poverty and suddently we hate children and poor people. Conservatives dare to suggest that adoption or abstinence is a viable alternative to abortion and suddenly we hate women.

I am not suggesting that we get rid of poor people. I am not suggesting that we ignore the unemployeed. I just believe that there are different - and better - ways of dealing with what is obviously an tragic problem.

The Barbarian

Reducing the "surplus" population is a liberal agenda. See below:

Nope. That's the conservative way. Notice Buzzword, who is more left than right, is suggesting that such reduction is an unpleasant consequence, whereas traditional conservatives have endorsed the idea of the "natural consequences" of unrestricted population growth. The argument is that population will stabilize at a sustainable level, as it will be impossible for everyone to survive above a certain population level.

The left, when it recognized the Malthusian argument at all, has favored an aggressive birth control program, e.g. India or China.

Buzzword says:
Do you not agree that much of the suffering going on in the world today would be alleviated by a reduction in the number of people competing for a very finite amount of resources?

Overpopulation is already happening in many areas of the planet, and in the U.S. it's really only a matter of time before some type of winnowing, whether more abortions, more contraceptives, or outright sterilizations, starts occurring because we simply can't feed and house everybody.

In that, Scrooge (pre-ghost) was a classic conservative.


The Dark Knight
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One does not simply walk into a new job, especially when you're a poor working-class man in Victorian London with a family to feed, no access to public transport, insufficient income to save up a reserve, aren't in a union because they're illegal, and there's no such thing as a minimum wage.
Unions are socialist and minimum wage is one of the worst ideas to ever be implemented.

And no transportation? Really? He didn't have two feet and a heartbeat?

I understand that it was winter at the time of the story but it wasn't always winter in the Victorian era.

Well, to begin with that's not an inherently left- or right-wing issue, especially as at this point in history there was no such thing as environmentalism and therefore concerns about 'the surplus population' weren't tied with worries about the depletion of natural resources. Importantly, Scrooge advocates inaction on the part of the government with regard to this issue.
No he doesn't. He suggests imprisoning them or putting them in workhouses.

I see very little evidence to support this, especially given many people's propensity for irrational prejudice. I'd rather some people were able to 'work the system' than have people who aren't cared for at all.
You really think there would be a single person for whom no one would care? You're stupid.

Again, paying a pittance to a few able-bodied 'lazy' people is better than not paying anything at all to people who're unable to work.
If there is anyone in your family who is truly unable to work you should be participating in helping them and the government should keep its hand out of my pocket regarding your family.

As I've said before, unemployment benefits and the like also allow workers to be somewhat more selective when choosing work, which helps reduce brutal exploitation by Scrooge-esque employers who know that their employees must work for ludicrously low salaries or be evicted and starve.
If you save your money then you don't need "benefits" if you lose your job.

If Bob had found another job Scrooge would have had to hire someone else and if no one would have been willing to accept his pittance he would have gone out of business as he had no one to help him.

He claimed that prisons and workhouses were sufficient provision for the poor ("they cost enough") in spite of the Left at the time calling for significant expansion of state welfare, education and the like. And the 'population control' he called for came in the form of wanting people to suffer the consequences of having too many children without enough money to provide for them; a classic argument the anti-welfare lobby uses against awarding child benefits to poor families. As The Barbarian pointed out, it's the same logic that lies behind opposing state healthcare.
None of these are right-wing arguments.:nono:

I'll just leave with this quote...
Liberal wasn't always a bad word.