Does Calvinism Make God Unjust?

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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Then you agree we can choose to go against Gods will for us?

We would first have to know what God's will is for us. That requires discernment, prayer, study. God's will for us is not something we need to hear as if from a voice in the clouds, for His will is described in Scripture.

People think they can figure life out by studying their circumstances, random coincidences, rather than Scripture. They tend to substitute “signs” of God’s leading for the clear revelation thereof. Or to put it another way, people often substitute the knowledge of what God has explicitly said, for a lesser “sense” of what He may (or may not) be doing in their lives. That is not only wrong, but dangerous.

Now, does God use providence to lead us? Is it a valid form of revelation? Absolutely. God does lead us via providence, on both a macro and micro level. Nothing is left solely to us, nor to chance. God’s sovereign hand affects and informs our lives, and it would be foolish to think otherwise. So, analyzing “providential clues” in one’s life does have merit. But independent of Scripture? Not so much.

Man cannot properly filter what God is doing in his life, apart from the knowledge of who God is. Man cannot assess what God is doing, without knowing what He has previously done, and previously said. Put another way, man cannot rely solely on what God “shows,” while being willfully ignorant of what God “tells.” Yes, God does show. But He also tells, with inerrant, infallible clarity. The wise will pay attention to both.

The basic principles...
1. Where God commands, we must obey.
2. Where there is no command, God gives us freedom (and responsibility) to choose.
3. Where there is no command, God gives us wisdom to choose.
4. When we have chosen what is moral and wise, we must trust the sovereign God to work all the details together for good.

In other words, we often do not do the will of God for us, even when we have a good idea what that will is for us, else we would be sinless. This is why we should often pray, "Not my will, but yours be done, O Lord."

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patrick jane

Originally Posted by patrick jane

GT, do you love me as you love yourself?

Why don't you speak about whether or not Calvinism makes God unjust?
Because I love you !!!


New member
Do you love everybody you meet as yourself?

More so.

This may be hard for some to fathom, but given my disposition I do indeed love all at very least as much as I love myself.

I'm not being haughty or saying I am without sin. I'm simply saying that one who has loathed them self yet still has unbiased compassion towards others find that particular command quite simple to follow.


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Maybe for some people.

With this, however, Christians get tired of having to defend the Trinity against denial-based notions.
We all knew she was lost but we tried anyway cause God instructed us to do so and its time to brush the dust of the feet. Cults are cults.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
We all knew she was lost but we tried anyway cause God instructed us to do so and its time to brush the dust of the feet. Cults are cults.
I have 30 persons on my current ignore list. They comprise those that are eristic enough to vote in the TOL Trinity poll here:

The remainder are those that hide their anti-Trinitarianism until directly questioned and found to be anti-Trinitarians, for example, users God's Truth and marhig. It is best to leave all anti-Trinitarians ignored and not permit these non-Christians opportunities to bring scandal upon that which we hold dear. Our only response to them should be to remind them of their unbelieving status and thusly, their prima facie inability to interpret Scripture wisely, so as to ward off the weaker in the faith that may be led to stumble. I need to take my own advice more often than I do, too. Pray for me that I do so.

For more see:

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New member
I have 30 persons on my current ignore list. They comprise those that a brave enough to vote in the Trinity poll here:

The remainder are those that hide there anti-Trinitarianism until directly questioned and found to be anti-Trinitarians. It is best to leave them ignored and not allow them to bring scandal upon that which we hold dear. I need to take my own advice more often than I do, too. Pray for me.


AMR only started that policy after I started putting questions about Calvinism to him that he wasn't able to answer. If you look back earlier in the thread he was replying to me. Then he looked for an excuse for an out.

The poll in question was not about Trinity itself, but rather whether Trinity was biblical and taught in scripture. I asked questions of the forum before answering the poll, comparing their definition of James White. As provided by James White, Trinity was neither biblical nor taught in the Bible. In fact, his definition was rather contradictory.

Still waiting to hear AMR define what he means by "Trinity" - but apparently his application is something other than what we are told in scripture:

1Jn 2:23 KJV
(23) Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

Shame that AMR isn't brave enough to answer his questions or define his terms. But no surprise as he's more concerned with his man-made doctrines than whether one is obedient to God and his word.

Eagles Wings

New member
AMR only started that policy after I started putting questions about Calvinism to him that he wasn't able to answer. If you look back earlier in the thread he was replying to me. Then he looked for an excuse for an out.

The poll in question was not about Trinity itself, but rather whether Trinity was biblical and taught in scripture. I asked questions of the forum before answering the poll, comparing their definition of James White. As provided by James White, Trinity was neither biblical nor taught in the Bible. In fact, his definition was rather contradictory.

Still waiting to hear AMR define what he means by "Trinity" - but apparently his application is something other than what we are told in scripture:

1Jn 2:23 KJV
(23) Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.

Shame that AMR isn't brave enough to answer his questions or define his terms. But no surprise as he's more concerned with his man-made doctrines than whether one is obedient to God and his word.
Did you see AMR's post on the Athanasian Creed?.

Whether you "like" it or not, it's a historic creed, based and founded in Scripture and most Christian churches of various denominations consider it as part of their statement of faith.

You seem to be outside of historic Christianity, insisting that the doctrine of the Trinity is not provable by Scripture. So be it. Don't expect AMR to continue spoon feeding you. He has shown greater courtesy than I would have.
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