Creation vs. Evolution

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New member
No - what you are discussing is that speculative and untested theories will change continually until one is found that outperforms the rest in experiment.

Established science is just that - established and proven beyond all reaonable doubt. That is where most science is, and no-one is changing their minds about that at all. Newtonian physics is still used and accepted, alongside Relativity and Quantum physics. String theory and some cosmological theories are still up for grabs, but that is not a marker for all science.

Multiple universes (in the cosmological sense) are not demonstrated to be true, and no physicist discusses tham as such. Kaku certainly only talks about them as a possibility, although experimental evidence strongly indicating their existence could be published inside the next few months.

In regards to THIS thread, the science changes all the time and has over the past 100 years. That was my point. It certainly has since I was in high school over 50 years ago. What I am saying is mankind still doesn't KNOW, but my God does. We don't need to know as Christians, because we trust in him to take care of his creation and do what we know and can do. We don't need to know because our destination is not on this earth in this universe so we're not too concerned about it.


Well-known member
In regards to THIS thread, the science changes all the time and has over the past 100 years. That was my point. It certainly has since I was in high school over 50 years ago. What I am saying is mankind still doesn't KNOW, but my God does. We don't need to know as Christians, because we trust in him to take care of his creation and do what we know and can do. We don't need to know because our destination is not on this earth in this universe so we're not too concerned about it.

And therein lies the source of it all folks. Stanj has just admitted to a poor understanding of how science works and also admitted to the reasoning behind that poor understanding, willful ignorance.


New member
How about ships looking as though they are getting lower in the water – only the upper parts remain visible – as they get farther away on the sea?

Things appear to be smaller the farther away they are? Groundbreaking.

Look down a very long hallway. It will appear that the floor and ceiling meet at the end. Its just how things appear at a distance.


New member
So far for "proofs", I've gotten the same things people always say:

NASA cgi images, and
Things appear smaller from a distance.

Its common sense that its a spinning ball, right? But what do you have to back it up? Pictures, most of which NASA admits are not actual photographs. That's what your paradigm rests on: a few pictures, that you don't even know are real because you can't actually see earth from that vantage point.

But you have an emotionally charged, fanatical reaction if someone challenges your little picture . this " globalism" is so important to you that you cannot fathom the concept that you don't know that its a ball. You probably never thought about it much, but once its pointed out that all you have to prove it is a little painting, you have a conniption.

We have to be an insignificant ball, flying around an insignificant star in an insignificant galaxy in an infinitely vast universe. We can't be stationary because it ruins the whole paradigm. Right?

But really, all you have to prove it is some paintings and CGI images. All you have is a little religious symbol that has been forced on you. And anyone who questions the image is a crazy person. Don't question the symbol!!! Don't question the leader!!!


Well-known member
So far for "proofs", I've gotten the same things people always say:

NASA cgi images, and
Things appear smaller from a distance.

Its common sense that its a spinning ball, right? But what do you have to back it up? Pictures, most of which NASA admits are not actual photographs. That's what your paradigm rests on: a few pictures, that you don't even know are real because you can't actually see earth from that vantage point.

But you have an emotionally charged, fanatical reaction if someone challenges your little picture . this " globalism" is so important to you that you cannot fathom the concept that you don't know that its a ball. You probably never thought about it much, but once its pointed out that all you have to prove it is a little painting, you have a conniption.

We have to be an insignificant ball, flying around an insignificant star in an insignificant galaxy in an infinitely vast universe. We can't be stationary because it ruins the whole paradigm. Right?

But really, all you have to prove it is some paintings and CGI images. All you have is a little religious symbol that has been forced on you. And anyone who questions the image is a crazy person. Don't question the symbol!!! Don't question the leader!!!



You don't feel yourself moving. You feel yourself standing upright. The horizon appears to be flat. All your senses tell you that you are on a flat stationary object. It should take monumental proofs to accept that your senses are wrong. A few composite pictures that NASA drew are no incontrovertible proof, IMO.

Dear Daniel1611,

This won't be easy, but then, a lot of things aren't. I had an angel visit me and said that the Earth's center was the 'bottomless pit'. Also that it is very hot there, hence the magma and lava. The angel said that all of us humans think we are on top of the world because of gravity, so there is a top, and a center, but no bottom. That is the symbolism that the Lord used to also explain hell --- bottomless pit. It is where the devil will be chained up and dragged back to hell soon. {See Rev. 20:1KJV}. The Lake of Fire where the devil/Satan will be sent in the end is our Sun, and I believe it's hotter than hell there. I also know that a lightning bolt is hotter than the Sun by many times over. Can you understand this stuff? I've had a number of angels visit me, but you don't need to believe me, so don't. Whatever you want to dish out, I can take it. I've been in this business for over 40 years now. No problem!

God Give You The Wisdom To Believe In His Plan,


:rapture: :guitar: :angel: :angel: :angel: :cloud9: :singer:


New member
Things appear to be smaller the farther away they are? Groundbreaking.

Look down a very long hallway. It will appear that the floor and ceiling meet at the end. Its just how things appear at a distance.
I said nothing about size. The lower parts of the ship disappear below the visible horizon, yet the upper parts remain visible above the horizon. Is that too complicated for you to understand?


(Barbarian, noting that Darwin predicted what we have learned about the appendix)
Darwin noted that vestigial organs can often evolve a different function. As you see, Darwin had it right. Look up his book and go to the section on "rudimentary organs." You'll be surprised.

We call them "vestigial" to day. And as you just saw, he got it exactly right. The appendix in humans no longer has the original function of digesting plant matter, but it has at least two others that are not found in the structure in other animals.

Darwin thought God created the first living things.

Dear The Barbarian,

How are you today?? Well, I tackled this and only got to read 1/2 of it. It is an extremely long piece of work. I am hoping to read the other half 2nite or 2morrow, if I can get to it. Well, just letting you know that I'll be back later in a couple hours or so. I didn't quote your whole post here because it would take too much room. Thanks!!

God Give Us The Ability To Read Novels!! Heehehhee!!


:jessilu: :TomO: :CleverDan: :cloud9: :cloud9: :angel:
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New member
Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

How about patterns of weather circulation that are mathematically predicted by Coriolis forces acting on a spherical surface?


New member
Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

How about over-the-horizon artillery aiming tables being based on both a spherical (or WGS-84) shape of the earth and shell-flight time Coriolis drift?


New member
Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

How about the Moslems knowing enough about the spherical geometry of the earth to develop the qibla well over a thousand years ago (much to Reverend Bob Enyart’s chagrin?)


New member
Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

How about the technique employed anciently of two people who have a north-south separation of many miles measuring and comparing the length of the shadows of standard length vertical sticks on a particular day?


New member
Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

How about observing the shape of the shadow of the earth as it crosses the moon during a lunar eclipse?


New member
Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

How about applying Newton’s law of gravity to an extended flat surface of the earth with limited rock strength and see what shape the earth (or any large planetary body) would assume?


New member
Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

Re Daniel1611’s Spherical Earth issue

How about the need to include spherical geometry in direct triangulation measurements of the distance from the earth to the moon?


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Gee, Davis. You sure know how to put flat-Earthers in their place. :chuckle:


Academia is filled with trekkie freaks now. "God? Ridiculous. Life after death? Preposterous. Angels? Insane. ...the universe is a giant cylindrical hologram with infinite dimensions and life on earth was seeded by aliens? Hard science.".


Dear Daniel 1611,

I know what you mean. This world is so busy with other cares and principalities than God. Satan wants us to believe we were seeded by aliens. God allowed him to cause 'flying saucers' to be seen in the air (but never landing or finding out who was inside) so that man might believe in other gods/aliens instead of Him, just as He allowed Satan to let 'flying chariots' appear in the sky for the Greeks and Romans before the 1st coming of Jesus on the Earth, which caused them to believe in other gods, like Zeus and Hera, Poseidon, etc., instead of the true God. God is separating the chaff from the wheat, or in other words, the people who truly believe in Him and those who don't stand by Him.

I have seen a UFO also, and it was quite close. I was innocent and wondered whether angels were flying it or not. Two friends were with me in my Cougar XR7 and we chased it, right past a couple were standing outside of their car watching it. Suddenly, it took off at a great speed, like one second it was right above us, and the next second, it was a pinpoint in the far reaches of the horizon. Initially, I wasn't afraid of it at all, but before it ended, my friend in the back seat was scared to death, while me and my best friend were intrigued and watching it. It seemed to be shaped in a triangle with a blue light, a red light, and a yellow light on each corner of it. One blue, one red, and one yellow total. Does that explain it correctly to you. Anyway, soon even Rick and I were scared also, and we took off in my Cougar quite fast in the other direction. Well, that's all I have to say. I don't believe in aliens. The Lord told me that it was something He was allowing to Satan, to try to lead people away from Him, if he could. In other words, God gives us free choice, and Satan didn't have many ways to mislead us, so God let him have the UFOs and ghosts, or poltergeists, psychics or mediums, etc. The witches are also deceived by Satan. They should not even be allowed to live. But we have them anyway and they call themselves Wiccans now. Ridiculous. They get a cult following though, influencing others, just like the Israeli psychic Uri Geller got some people to receive power in their right hands and minds/foreheads, to believe in a god of force, instead of the real God. Uri told others that they could have powers like him if they would just believe and concentrate. He influenced a number of people, including a young girl. Just disgusting. And God allowed 666 other persons to acquire the same abilities/powers as him, and God allowed no more than that number and it is the number of a man, and it is like the number of a captain and his soldiers; and like the number of a leader and his followers. That is the number of the man. Do you understand? Most of the people thought Uri was doing his tricks by magic and didn't believe they were real, and that was his deadly wound. For more about this, I would have to go into it at great length, so I'll leave it for another time. It is written in my book. This is what the angel taught me, then he left me. This is getting lengthy, so I'll close. Thanks for listening.

Praise God!!



The fire produces heated air (which also heats up the minute ash particles) around the smoke particles which makes it all rise, you moron. Hot air is lighter than cooler air. And the ash particles rise within the heated column of air because of they are suspended in the air like dust gets lifted from a movement of air. You must have missed that day in science class.

This is exactly why you guys cant do science.


Dear noguru,

I knew it all the time, but I just read it 2 seconds ago, and I figured why write since one of you all would tell him anyway, so I waited a tad and there you were. Cool, eh? Hope you are doing very well!! Been a bit since I've heard from you.

God Be With You And Your Loved Ones!!


:rapture: :cheers: :angel: :angel: :guitar: :cloud9:


New member
I said nothing about size. The lower parts of the ship disappear below the visible horizon, yet the upper parts remain visible above the horizon. Is that too complicated for you to understand?

If its going down a curve, why aren't you seeing the back end,? If a truck is going over s hill, you see the back end rising up as it goes over the curve if the hill. If s ship is going down over the curve, you should see the back end. You either oy see the top because the highest part is visible at a distance, or it is sinking if you don't see the back end.
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