Creation vs. Evolution

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Well-known member
I didn't ask the question, see link.

I sincerely believe you have no understanding of what it means to be sincere.

Genesis, not me, has an accurate understanding of why man did not evolve from an ancient ancestor with apes.


Despite your protests to the contrary, I have a very good understanding of Genesis. And it is not a scientific treatise about biodiversity. If you understood reality you would understand, well, reality.
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New member
Throwing softballs now?
Eyes appeared on earth on day 5

Why did God make all vertebrate eyes have the retina behind the ganglion, amacrine, blood vessels, bipolar cells, whereas invertebrates have the retina in front? Did he want them having a harder time finding their prey and predators?


Well-known member
Why did God make all vertebrate eyes have the retina behind the ganglion, amacrine, blood vessels, bipolar cells, whereas invertebrates have the retina in front? Did he want them having a harder time finding their prey and predators?

In my opinion we need to stop asking ourselves "Why did God do it this way? Why did God do it that way?", and learn how to accept from all the empirical evidence how He actually did things. If God did it in another way than can be ascertained from every evidence we have at our disposal, then I think he will understand our misunderstanding. Anyone one telling me how they think God did it ought to have a pretty thorough and rigorous analysis of all things pertinent, and not just some flimsy excuse as to why I should just take their word for it.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Why did God make all vertebrate eyes have the retina behind the ganglion, amacrine, blood vessels, bipolar cells, whereas invertebrates have the retina in front? Did he want them having a harder time finding their prey and predators?

* RSR Prediction #1: Dawkins and Eye Wiring: Real Science Radio makes a prediction that Richard Dawkins will never again repeat his discredited claim that the human eye was poorly designed in that it is "wired backwards." It turns out that the "backwards" wiring of the human eye has extraordinary design advantages including that it enables the rapid replacement of cells destroyed by bright light. Fred makes an ancillary prediction that evolutionists generally will keep referring to this discredited claim.



New member
Your claim doesn't do anything to show that mutational load isn't caused by entropy. My quote was accurate.
Neither did your quote do anything to show it does. Just because you think they are the same does not mean everyone else has to. Need I repeat myself in saying "It doesn't mean you can substitute mutation load and entropy where ever you find it whenever you want to" - that means that when you see I or any scientist saying "mutational load" you can't just substitute in "entropy" just because they didn't pre-emptively post a treatise against your stupid assumptions each time.

You are a liar plain and simple and have been caught using pathetic quote mining. You're not even smart about it, most quote miners aren't dumb enough to quote mine someone who can reply to them.


Despite your protests to the contrary, I have a very good understanding of Genesis. And it is not a scientific treatise about biodiversity. If you understood reality you would understand, well, reality.

What you mean is Genesis is not about evolution because if it was then you would be saying it was about science.

--Dave :cheers:


Well-known member
What you mean is that Genesis is not about evolution because if it was then you would be saying it was about science.

--Dave :cheers:

No, despite your attempts to misrepresent what I said, I stick to my original comment.

Genesis is not a scientific treatise on biodiversity.

Biodiversity is not necessarily evolution. Evolution is the human attempt to understand biodiversity through the empirical evidence. If you think that Genesis is a scientific treatise on biodiversity, it is up to you to support that claim with evidence. Not just your unsubstantiated opinion.


No, despite your attempts to misrepresent what I said, I stick to my original comment.

Biodiversity is not necessarily evolution. Evolution is the human attempt to understand biodiversity through the empirical evidence. If you think that Genesis is a scientific treatise on biodiversity, it is up to you to support that claim with evidence. Not just your unsubstantiated opinion.

Already gave 4 evidences. That they are unsubstantiated is your opinion.



Well-known member
Already gave 4 evidences. That they are unsubstantiated is your opinion.




OK, captain obvious strikes again. And it is only your opinion that your 4 evidence are substantiated. You have completely ignored all accurate criticisms of you "so-called" evidences. This is why you are a joke. Your ego is so over bloated that you are incapable of seeing over it. The funny thing is that you think labeling yourself "Christian" will blind everyone from the fraud you are trying to perpetuate.

One Eyed Jack

New member
Why did God make all vertebrate eyes have the retina behind the ganglion, amacrine, blood vessels, bipolar cells, whereas invertebrates have the retina in front? Did he want them having a harder time finding their prey and predators?

Do you have any evidence to suggest that vertebrates have a harder time finding prey than invertebrates, other than your own doubts about how the eye is designed?


New member
Do you have any evidence to suggest that vertebrates have a harder time finding their prey than invertebrates, other than your own doubts about how the eye is designed?

If it is strictly up to eyesight, vertebrates have much poorer vision than non vertebrates who do not have a blindspot.


New member
Who exactly is "adonizedek" the apparent owner of this blog Dave?
Is peer review involved in any of this or is this just an opinion of a creationist?
"Overview of the ERV Controversy"
What controversy?
Mainstream genetic science doesn't seem to think so, or is this supposedly another part of the global scientific conspiracy by "evolutionists" as imagined by creationists?

It matters little what DNA chi[m]ps have in common with humans, we are vastly different, not because of DNA, but because we are more than physical beings. If there was not something more, something supernatural about us, we would not be so vastly different given we have so much DNA in common.

Are we really so vastly different Dave? A few small changes to variables in a computer program can make a huge difference to appearance and the way it functions. But we have basically got all the same parts as chimps that work in the same way that only a few tweaks in DNA could change the parameters substantially.
You otoh simply seem to rush to conclude a supernatural based on the very specific supernatural that you have already pre-concluded from Biblical scripture.
I'd say rather that your religious end is attempting to justify the somewhat emotional supernatural means you propose instead of secular rigorous scientific conclusions founded in cold facts, evidence and peer review, all of which rather rains on your parade Dave.
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