Conspiracy - Are Some Theories Accurate?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member

Skip ahead a minute or so to avoid the annoying music.

Personal anecdote on cancer:

My mom was diagnosed with a golf ball sized tumor. Who knows how long it had been growing. She had a good bodyweight and was quite active for her age.

Two years later AFTER TREATMENTS, she was cancer free. But she was a shell of herself, frail, weak, with a weak mind and very little will to live.

Who knows how long she could have lived WITH cancer and how good her quality of life may have been without treatment.

If I was diagnosed with cancer, I doubt that I would undergo the normal treatment. I would eat raw, continue to exercise, and live as long as I could, as well as I could.

patrick jane

Personal anecdote on cancer:

My mom was diagnosed with a golf ball sized tumor. Who knows how long it had been growing. She had a good bodyweight and was quite active for her age.

Two years later AFTER TREATMENTS, she was cancer free. But she was a shell of herself, frail, weak, with a weak mind and very little will to live.

Who knows how long she could have lived WITH cancer and how good her quality of life may have been without treatment.

If I was diagnosed with cancer, I doubt that I would undergo the normal treatment. I would eat raw, continue to exercise, and live as long as I could, as well as I could.
I thought the same thing. I lost an uncle, Tim, to non-hodgekins lymphoma at the age of 58. He lived ten years after diagnosis but the treatments didn't help IMO. He hated them too. If I get it I might wait or weigh my options, but prayer would be my first response. I think they have found cures but we'll never get them, only the elite get the real cures. :idunno:


Well-known member
You missed the real and obvious ones like Danica Patrick, last post on previous page.

Didn't even know who she is until the video. She doesn't have a brow ridge. I've never been nearly the manliest man - she's in better muscular shape than I am - but even I have a near-Frankenstein brow ridge and high, wide sloping forehead (gets worse as I lose hair). She doesn't. Everything else about her can be explained by fanatical exercise, and natural variations we all have...some men have wider hips than others, or narrower shoulders...some women have naturally wider shoulders or narrower than average hips...prominent or receding chins, bigger or smaller jawlines. That's just the genetic roll of the dice we all were born with.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I wasn't even going to acknowledge this, but changed my mind.
So you're indecisive? :eek:

I say it's too bad that the educational system in this country so greatly limits it's graduates ability to think independently and critically.
I'd answer that's not quite, but almost as funny as the flat earth bit. So there's that. Intelligence is a good indicator of independent and critical thinking. The better educated you are the more likely you are to be that sort of person.

Did you know there are studies out that show that college graduates show a either a decline in the ability to think critically over what they had when they entered college or no increase in that ability?
Who would have conducted those studies again? More seriously, I recall a study several years ago that came to the conclusion that around a third of undergraduates didn't significantly increase that capacity, which is a far cry from your note.

There is a good bit of speculation as to why a significant minority don't advance at the undergraduate level. Some suggest the sheer numbers of people being allowed into universities is the problem. We've created schools with lower standards that let a lot of people into the system who wouldn't have been able to gain entrance in decades prior. This, in turn, has produced an education in many state and private institutions, that isn't aimed at developing what Bloom's Taxonomy would note as a higher level questioning and consideration. A lot more rote knowledge being confused with a serious education.

Not the case in law schools or in any accredited graduate school, but it's a problem at the lower levels.

And since you're such a smart guy I won't provide the links to the studies.
One has nothing to do with the other.

You ought to be able to find them on your own.
I'm not generally in the habit of attempting to make the case for someone else absent a retainer. Or, it's up to you to substantiate your claims with reason and authority. I noted one I recalled...went back and, bless NPR, they had it online here.

You demonstrate your lack of critical thinking ability quite clearly.
Your feet are smelly. Same level of evidence, but I'm betting mine at least has a chance of being correct.

I'm a lawyer. I don't have to prove my critical thinking chops. They're established, first by entrance into a good and accredited school via the LSAT and my academic background, supported by my passing the bar and subsequent career in the field. Any of those are prima facie evidence in contravention of your goofery in chief. Anything else?

I'll show how with a few questions.
Nah, but let's see what you believe does the trick.

Are all politicians honest?
Of course not. But are dishonest politicians the rule? And are they dishonest in a more meaningful way than most of their constituency?

Are there corrupt politicians
If there are dishonest politicians wouldn't that stand to reason without the new angle? Is it your belief that a reasonable acceptance of the notion that some politicians are dishonest and/or corrupt should immediately become, without argument or reason in support, the rule?

Because if it isn't the rule it's a cautionary note, but nothing more.

Do they ever lie to the public?
If they are dishonest politicians they'd have to, or you'd be asking, "Are there dishonest people who are also politicians?"

What is the underlying main mission of an intelligence agency?
To gather intelligence, on both enemies and allies and to use that intelligence to the benefit of our nation and interests.

Is it not to understand deciet practiced by others and how to use the ability to decieve for it's own purposes?
Supra. Or, no, though it is certainly true that in collecting intelligence we seek to understand what is true and what isn't and to, where it serves our interests, mislead our enemies or competitors in ways that provide an advantage. Sometimes men have done unscrupulous things with that power. So a healthy skepticism is reasonable.

What do the answers to these questions tell you?
That you haven't made the point you mean to yet.

Is it a good idea to trust someone that you know has lied to you on multiple occassions?
Are you suggesting that as the rule for either government or politicians? If so you need to find a way to make that case. So far you've mostly managed a very badly handled Venn Diagram.

Anyone who thinks that an agency whose main mission is to deal in deceit
Which hasn't been established except as you assumption and which isn't a) a politician or b) the government.

is going to be honest about all of it's own practices when talking about them to the general public is not thinking.
Actually, I would expect an intelligence agency to be as transparent as they had to be to do their job and not much more.

Period. Anyone who thinks that politicians will not cooperate in that deciet is also not thinking.
Way too general to be meaningful. For instance, an honest politician might very well aid an intelligence agency in misleading an enemy. Nothing in that would be untoward or unethical. It could even serve the good, as has been the case in most wars.

Did you know the cia spied on US senators who were charged with overseeing it?
No, but I can't say it would surprise me to discover that some elements of the agency had done that at some point in their history. But if you know about it then they didn't do it very well.

That agency has a long history of lying to oversight committees and to the general public.
Needs context.

And to think they lied about other stuff is somehow loony?
No, each assertion should be approached on its own merits. Almost everything PJ is peddling here is rationally unsustainable. I don't know what your particular ox is in that regard.

It's loony to assume they tell the truth.
No, it would be "looney" to assume anything not established as a rational rule. Better to look at claims, arguments, and data in support on a case by case.

William Casey, head of the cia during the 1980s said the following" “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”
He said it to Reagan and the point was regarding misinformation aimed at confounding the Soviets, our chief enemy at that point in time. Not as nefarious when you understand the context.

And to disbelieve the cia is a conspiracy theory?
Not something I've written. It depends on the evidence and claims. .

To disbelieve the mainstream media who cooperate with the cia is a conspiracy theory?
To say something you haven't established to attempt a point isn't credible. To say several things that haven't been argued to do it aren't either, supra.

As to MK Ultra, here is a link to Wikipedia. You leftists love it so this ought to be at least a good intro.
Not a leftist. And the only thing I like about Wiki is found in links supporting claims. It's not a source I largely use for much more than finding other, more authoritative links.

And when was I talking about MK Ultra anyway?
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SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member

This one is interesting because about halfway through he starts showing openly tranny men to women trans formation. You get to see what a man looks like as a woman.

10 minutes

Yes, good point. I was going to mention that there's no difference between the open trannies and these Hollywood actresses. They have the same physical markers.

patrick jane




Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
On the tragedy of Gary Webb, here's a link to a really good treatment by a fellow journalist.

From the article:

Despite his facade of certainty, Webb must have known this better than anyone. In his book he took pains to distance himself from the crack claim. “I never believed, and never wrote, that there was a grand CIA conspiracy behind the crack plague,” he wrote. “. . . The CIA couldn’t even mine a harbor without getting its trench coat stuck in its fly.”

And while his suicide is open to speculation (two shot victims are rare) he wasn't shot in the back of his head. By accounts he was depressed and with good reason. Webb had to sell his home shortly before his death because he couldn't find work with a paper and his ex-wife said the suicide was consistent with how his mental state appeared to her prior to the act.

patrick jane

A Conspiracy History of the World, Andy Thomas

My Words : I find this whole thing very interesting but especially the moon landings that were obviously Fake. That starts at 52 minutes if you want to skip ahead to it.

From Video Description : Andy Thomas at the Open Mind conference 2013. Andy Thomas is one of the UK's leading researchers into unexplained mysteries and cover-ups and is the author of many books, including the acclaimed The Truth Agenda and his newest title Conspiracies: The Facts - The Theories - The Evidence, which has just been published in the UK, USA and Canada. Andy is founder of Changing Times, which holds events on mysteries and truth issues, and also runs Vital Signs Publishing, which produced Geoff Stray's influential book Beyond 2012, edited by Andy. Andy extensively writes and lectures in Britain and around the world, and has made many radio and TV appearances on both mainstream and alternative shows.

Andy Thomas explores the alternative history of humankind, as seen through the eyes of those who continually question the establishment version of events -- often with good reason. Conspiracies and secret societies with occult agendas may have been influencing our civilisation for centuries, their influence felt from as far back as the Roman Empire, the Gunpowder Plot and the World Wars, to JFK, the Moon landings, Princess Diana, 9/11 and the 'New World Order'. Andy ties it all together in a fascinating and comprehensive overview.


patrick jane

One possible theory of what brought down the three buildings all on the same several hours of 9/11.

You should research Thermite and/or Electro-hydrodynamic Gaseous Fuel device. They wouldn't use commercially available explosives as a demolition company would use.

There were military explosives available in the 90s that can change the molecular structure in a cloud created around a structure. The electrically charged cloud crushes steel to dust. | CIA's METC Explosives - 9-11 Research

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
One possible theory of what brought down the three buildings all on the same several hours of 9/11.

You should research Thermite and/or Electro-hydrodynamic Gaseous Fuel device. They wouldn't use commercially available explosives as a demolition company would use.

There were military explosives available in the 90s that can change the molecular structure in a cloud created around a structure. The electrically charged cloud crushes steel to dust. | CIA's METC Explosives - 9-11 Research

I concur

patrick jane

The Jew Conspiracy - Jesuit Vatican Lies :

From Video : Blaming the Jews is a popular "truther" theory with no evidence. The ones who enslaved Humanity are the same ones behind the Heliocentric deception. Their steps can be traced back from the Roman Empire to the Vatican, Jesuits and Black Nobility. They want us focused on endless theories, symptoms and escape-goats leading us nowhere. We cannot fight the enemy if we don't know who they are.

27 minutes