

Well-known member
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this is
A Memo
for Roberts. Prove the judges are not biased. We will then stop calling them Obama judges. Aren't you tired of correcting the 9th circuit? We are.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
this is
A Memo
for Roberts. Prove the judges are not biased. We will then stop calling them Obama judges. Aren't you tired of correcting the 9th circuit? We are.

i would argue that since the obama presidency was an illegitimate presidency, any judicial appointments made by the affirmative action wunderkind be declared null and void

iow, remove from the bench every single one of the "Obama judges"

to my mind, that's the best way of avoiding having to call them "Obama judges"


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A Shutdown
is necessary, let's have it. Whether it be the border or the government itself, there is a time for everything. You have to have the courage to do it. Trump has it. Go ahead, make my day.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
works for me :thumb:

but we should really get back to that "firing all the obama judicial appointees" idea :)


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there is
A Time
for every purpose. I am not here for politics. I am here for the Apocalypse. The time is at hand. Do not seal the words of the prophecy of this book. Blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.


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Thou must prophesy again
A Prophecy
to many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. The Internet makes all this possible. Just Google the Gospel. The good news. Thou might be saved.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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Take it, and eat it up
A Little Book
of prophecy. Did John eat his own book? Why would you have to eat your own book? Why would you have to introduce yourself three times. These are easy questions. The answer is easy. There is more than one John. Three to be exact.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Take it, and eat it up
A Little Book
of prophecy. Did John eat his own book? Why would you have to eat your own book? Why would you have to introduce yourself three times. These are easy questions. The answer is easy. There is more than one John. Three to be exact.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.
I think there was only one John. He wrote the Gospel, the three epistles, and Revelation. He was the Apostle, one of the 'sons of thunder,' brother of James, the first Apostle who was martyred, and a son of Zebedee.


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I think there was only one John. He wrote the Gospel, the three epistles, and Revelation. He was the Apostle, one of the 'sons of thunder,' brother of James, the first Apostle who was martyred, and a son of Zebedee.

where does john the apostle introduce himself besides in the apocalypse?
he introduces another john who bare record in his gospel and in the apocalypse
think about that


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the why
A First Question
that should be asked and answered before considering the who, the when, and the what. Why was the Apocalypse written in the first place? To shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass. So why after 2000 years are we still looking into the future? Why do we refer to it as the end times? Also, please note that 'servants' means more than one. More than one John.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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just search for
A Bare Record
in the KJV of the bible. Who bare record? John the Baptist according to John the Apostle. Just search "bare record". So the original purpose of the Apocalypse was to prepare the way for the first coming and not the second. This is the why. John the Baptist was preparing the way.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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just search for
A Lamb
of God. John the Baptist didn't know Jesus was the Lamb until John saw the Spirit descending, and remaining on him. That is why you will find the word 'lamb' (29) more times than the word 'Jesus' (14). Jesus was added along with the churches and Antipas by John the Apostle when he was told to eat the little book and prophesy again. Acts 19 confirms followers of John the Baptist in Ephesus and John the Apostle would have to deal with them.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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it takes time but
A Careful Reading
of Eusebius and Victorinus will show that they were not aware of Antipas or the churches in the Apocalypse. Eusebius spends a lot of time on martyrs and even mentions two from Pergamus but does not mention Antipas. He mentions all but one of the churches in the Apocalypse but never associates them with the Apocalypse. Victorinus has the same problem. He mentions all the churches Paul wrote to but never mentions the churches John wrote to and doesn't mention Antipas. So what were they looking at? The first version of the Apocalypse written by John the Baptist. It didn't have Antipas, the churches, or Jesus.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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history is
A Reliable Method
to verify the fulfillment of prophecy. It may be the only way. If your interpretation relies on the future, how can it be any better than any other interpretation that relies on the future? We have history. Let's use it. So how do you use history without some kind of interpretation? Some words like numbers and colors do not require any interpretation. That is where you start. You don't have to interpret history even though many are trying to rewrite it.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


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the biggest number
A Thousand Years
is where you start. It is not where I started. I just assumed it didn't exist. So I started with 666 like everyone else and it led me to the thousand years. How? I searched Daniel for the word number and it referred to years. That led to Constantinople, a city with seven hills, and the capital of a Christian empire that lasted a thousand years. Really? Am I the first one to stumble across this?

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
it takes time but
A Careful Reading
of Eusebius and Victorinus will show that they were not aware of Antipas or the churches in the Apocalypse. Eusebius spends a lot of time on martyrs and even mentions two from Pergamus but does not mention Antipas. He mentions all but one of the churches in the Apocalypse but never associates them with the Apocalypse. Victorinus has the same problem. He mentions all the churches Paul wrote to but never mentions the churches John wrote to and doesn't mention Antipas. So what were they looking at? The first version of the Apocalypse written by John the Baptist. It didn't have Antipas, the churches, or Jesus.

Watch for more pieces that fit. Blessed is the one who looks.
Eusebius mentions John the Apostle, and 'John the Presbyter,' both of whom were interred in Ephesus. He suggests that John the Presbyter may have written Revelation.