ECT Can the Great Tribulation be far off?? Wake Up Christian!!


And no on the nearness of the Great Trib - Israel's Prophetic clock and its' wrath having been stopped, temporarily, Rom. 11:25-29.

Wrong again.

Paul said the following just 5 chapters later:

(Rom 16:20) The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

What does "soon" mean Danoh?


New member
Wrong again.

Paul said the following just 5 chapters later:

(Rom 16:20) The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.

What does "soon" mean Danoh?

Try someone else Jerry Shugart twin.


Given Romans, when it was written, "Soon" could mean after the thousand year reign of Jesus. . .

This is why it's almost impossible dealing with you Darby followers.

You guys change the definition of words.

"soon" doesn't mean soon, and "near" doesn't mean near, and "shortly" doesn't mean shortly when dealing with you guys.

(Phil 2:24) And I am confident in the Lord that I myself will come soon.

In the above verse, Paul didn't mean over 2,000 years later.

(1 Cor 4:19) But I will come to you very soon, if the Lord is willing, and then I will find out not only how these arrogant people are talking, but what power they have.

In the above verse, Paul didn't mean over 2,000 years later.

Paul also said he and his audience were living during the culmination of the ages:

(1 Cor 10:11) These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come.

What does "the culmination of the ages" mean?


New member
This is why it's almost impossible dealing with you Darby followers.

You guys change the definition of words.

"soon" doesn't mean soon, and "near" doesn't mean near, and "shortly" doesn't mean shortly when dealing with you guys.

(Phil 2:24) And I am confident in the Lord that I myself will come soon.

In the above verse, Paul didn't mean over 2,000 years later.

(1 Cor 4:19) But I will come to you very soon, if the Lord is willing, and then I will find out not only how these arrogant people are talking, but what power they have.

In the above verse, Paul didn't mean over 2,000 years later.

Paul also said he and his audience were living during the culmination of the ages:

(1 Cor 10:11) These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come.

What does "the culmination of the ages" mean?

Lol - Tet asserts that the Apostle Paul expected the Lord's return.

His fellow Preterist: Interplanner asserts the Apostle did not not.


Lol - Tet asserts that the Apostle Paul expected the Lord's return.

His fellow Preterist: Interplanner asserts the Apostle did not not.

I don't consider IP a Preterist.

STP, who is a MADist believes the destruction of the temple in 70AD with not one stone left upon another was fulfilled in 70AD, as does steko. That doesn't make either of them a Preterist. Most Covenantals believe the events in 70AD fulfilled the Olivet Discourse and Luke 19, but they are not Preterists.

My understanding of Preterism is that all Preterists believe Christ Jesus returned in 70AD. What separates the partial from the full, is whether or not the events in Rev 20 took place in 70AD.


New member
I don't consider IP a Preterist.

STP, who is a MADist believes the destruction of the temple in 70AD with not one stone left upon another was fulfilled in 70AD, as does steko. That doesn't make either of them a Preterist. Most Covenantals believe the events in 70AD fulfilled the Olivet Discourse and Luke 19, but they are not Preterists.

My understanding of Preterism is that all Preterists believe Christ Jesus returned in 70AD. What separates the partial from the full, is whether or not the events in Rev 20 took place in 70AD.

I know you are both Partial. Him more than you.

It is you and he who think you are dealing with dummies.

And...the implication that you and he are Full Preterist bothers you even as you both malign all Dispies as one and the same, o ever duplicitous ones.

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New member
I don't consider IP a Preterist.

STP, who is a MADist believes the destruction of the temple in 70AD with not one stone left upon another was fulfilled in 70AD, as does steko. That doesn't make either of them a Preterist. Most Covenantals believe the events in 70AD fulfilled the Olivet Discourse and Luke 19, but they are not Preterists.

My understanding of Preterism is that all Preterists believe Christ Jesus returned in 70AD. What separates the partial from the full, is whether or not the events in Rev 20 took place in 70AD.

Well, the events in Rev 12 and 13 certainly didn't!


I know you are both Partial. Him more than you.

Ok, but I wouldn't consider him a preterist any more than STP or steko.

It is you and he who think you are dealing with dummies.

Dealing with Darby followers is a lot like dealing with dummies. What is your point?

And...the implication that you and he are Full Preterist bothers you even as you both malign all Dispies as one and the same, o ever duplicitous ones.

Neither of us are full Preterists. Full Preterists claim the thousand years was from 30AD to 70AD.

Like I said earlier, all Dispensationalism has the same roots, so whether the Dispy is A2D, MAD, or Acts 28, they are all based on the same lies that originate from John Nelson Darby.

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New member
This is why it's almost impossible dealing with you Darby followers.

You guys change the definition of words.

"soon" doesn't mean soon, and "near" doesn't mean near, and "shortly" doesn't mean shortly when dealing with you guys.

(Phil 2:24) And I am confident in the Lord that I myself will come soon.

In the above verse, Paul didn't mean over 2,000 years later.

(1 Cor 4:19) But I will come to you very soon, if the Lord is willing, and then I will find out not only how these arrogant people are talking, but what power they have.

In the above verse, Paul didn't mean over 2,000 years later.

Paul also said he and his audience were living during the culmination of the ages:

(1 Cor 10:11) These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come.

What does "the culmination of the ages" mean?

Hey, go back to sleep. <good greif>


Lol - what's a day for you with out STP crossing your mind o nuerotic one :crackup:

STP and I both joined TOL in 2007, we've got a long history on TOL together.

You on the other hand have been here a very short time.


New member
STP and I both joined TOL in 2007, we've got a long history on TOL together.

You on the other hand have been here a very short time.

Nine years of your wrong to his right.

Yep, looks like his history and mine is older than yours and his :chuckle:


Nine years of your wrong to his right.

I was a Dispy the first 4 or 5 years on TOL. STP and all the other Dispies used to really like me. I used to get all kinds of reputation points from them.

Now they despise me, and never give me rep.

That's why I find it funny when people tell me my mind is made up, and I will never change.


New member
I was a Dispy the first 4 or 5 years on TOL. STP and all the other Dispies used to really like me. I used to get all kinds of reputation points from them.

Now they despise me, and never give me rep.

That's why I find it funny when people tell me my mind is made up, and I will never change.

Problem is I read through many of those posts, as the new TOL forum that wiped out so much, was still the dispensation, lol

And it was you who gradually revealed your actual agenda: hostility and the setting off of strife.

The Hilston debate remains though.

There, your hostility is clear - up it arose out of you whenever Hil had you cornered by your own fool assertions.

Shugart (MAD's Tet) did the exact same thing to Randy (Chickenman) no matter how often Randy asked him to please refrain from said nonsense.

That too is there for both you and your twin Shugart to nevertheless deny.

The Hilston Debate, or Tet's Actual Agenda:

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New member
Do you really think a society with microchips placed under their skin is going to fight a war on horseback with swords?

And in the book of Revelations it speaks of locust the size of horses with stingers in their tails. Lets not forget about them. Don't you believe that either?