Can anyone reccomend any good christian movies?


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Sorry to spoil it if you've not seen it, but the last 20 minutes of The Wicker Man (1973) has Edward Woodward portraying a Christian martyr who goes out with an awesomely realistic attitude of prayer that I've heard unbelievers (pagans, mostly) admit they find very disturbing, as well it should be for them. The contrast between him and the ones who murder's worth seeing just for that.
Its hard to know what christian movies are good and which ones are not so great... i regularly find when trying to review a christian movie before getting it or renting one, that the reviews at first glance dont seem so hot, even for the really good ones - and upon closer inspection, there seems to be many non believers who rate them horribly so in this case a lot of times you cant trust the reviews...

I saw this one last night, i thought it was really good:

The Encounter -

Anyway does anyone know of some that are really good? Thanks in advance :)

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