California lawmakers seek to end 'personal belief' vaccine exemptions


From your article:

"The cells that were taken from the two aborted babies more than 35 years ago are much like my loved one's heart. Two innocent babies were killed. However, they were able to donate something that has been used not only to make vaccines, but in many medical research projects over the years. Thus, these cells have been saving millions of lives for almost two generations! Although the babies were clearly murdered, the fact that their cells have been saving lives is at least a silver lining in the dark cloud of their tragic murder."


I tell the truth. You lie.

Now I know how this plays out.

vaccines have been developed from aborted fetal cells

fetuses are no longer being aborted and used in vaccine development

and current vaccines are not produced from aborted fetal cells (or ground up jews - i made that up)


elohiym has provided a plethora of solid evidence on this thread that does not need to be repeated.

I am already well aware that this subject is one where Christians will side with liberals and government control, rather than to stand firm in the truth.

Either way, I will defend my family to the death against anyone who would try and force us to inject our children with toxic poisons, rather than building up our own natural immunity to diseases as God intended.


Well-known member

High MMR vaccine coverage in the United States (91% among children aged 19–35 months) limits the size of measles outbreaks

Since elimination, the highest numbers of U.S. cases were reported in 2008 (140 cases) and 2011 (220) (Figure 1) (2,3). To update measles data, CDC evaluated cases reported by 16 states during January 1–August 24, 2013. A total of 159 cases of measles were reported during this period. Most cases were in persons who were unvaccinated (131 [82%]) or had unknown vaccination status (15 [9%]).

Neither of those quotes answered my question. Are you having trouble understanding the question, or trouble following the point? See "]post#202 again. Phrase an answer in your own words and account for the entire population.