Brian Rohrbough's CBS Appearance Gets Huge Response

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Brian Rohrbough's CBS Appearance Gets Huge Response

Tuesday October 3rd, 2006. This is show #197.


* Katie Couric Follows Up: News anchorwoman quotes from the positive and negative responses she received after airing Brian Rohrbough's comments on the CBS Evening News. Brian said:

I'm saddened and shaken by the shooting at an Amish school today, and last week’s school murders. When my son Dan was murdered on the sidewalk at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, I hoped that would be the last school shooting. Since that day, I’ve tried to answer the question, "Why did this happen?" This country is in a moral free-fall. For over two generations, the public school system has taught in a moral vacuum, expelling God from the school and from the government, replacing him with evolution, where the strong kill the weak, without moral consequences and life has no inherent value. We teach there are no absolutes, no right or wrong. And I assure you the murder of innocent children is always wrong, including by abortion. Abortion has diminished the value of children. Suicide has become an acceptable action and has further emboldened these criminals. And we are seeing an epidemic increase in murder-suicide attacks on our children. Sadly, our schools are not safe. In fact, we now witness that within our schools. Our children have become a target of terrorists from within the United States.

Today's Resource: For help convincing yourself (or someone else) to pull the kids out of public school, read The Harsh Truth About Public Schools by BEL friend Bruce Shortt!


TOL Subscriber
Gosh, I wish we could get all those morons to come over to TOL so we could set em straight!

Bob Enyart

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Brian will appear tonight on Fox News with O'Reilly!

Brian will appear tonight on Fox News with O'Reilly!

You're cordially invited to tune in tonight, October 4, to see Brian Rohrbough on Fox News Channel's O'Reilly Factor. At the start of his program, Bill O'Reilly discussed Brian's CBS News appearance in his Talking Points segment, criticizing the liberal outrage over Brian's comments, and then went right to Brian to discuss the influence of evolutionary teaching on school violence!

-Bob Enyart


Blessed beyond measure
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I just watched the interview with O'Reilly and was so blessed.

Thank you, Mr. Rohrbough, for your willingess to be so effective at this time, in light of such horrifice events. Your sharing of your very own tragic experience as part of a witness to boldly proclaim the truth is obviously making a huge impact on so many in our nation right now.


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Poly said:
I just watched the interview with O'Reilly and was so blessed.

Thank you, Mr. Rohrbough, for your willingess to be so effective at this time, in light of such horrifice events. Your sharing of your very own tragic experience as part of a witness to boldly proclaim the truth is obviously making a huge impact on so many in our nation right now.
Yeah, it takes a ton of courage to attack a strawman of evolution and claim that it's the reason America is in a 'moral free-fall'. Give Dawkins 2 minutes with this obviously ignorant clown being championed by you fundies and it would be a bloodbath.


Formerly Shimei!
Poly said:
I just watched the interview with O'Reilly and was so blessed.

Thank you, Mr. Rohrbough, for your willingess to be so effective at this time, in light of such horrifice events. Your sharing of your very own tragic experience as part of a witness to boldly proclaim the truth is obviously making a huge impact on so many in our nation right now.

The "Talking Points" link is still up:,2933,217953,00.html

The link to the video is on the right side of the screen and down a little.

"Father Under Fire!", Brian's segment, is linked right below that.


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eisenreich said:
Yeah, it takes a ton of courage to attack a strawman of evolution and claim that it's the reason America is in a 'moral free-fall'.
Are you aware that Klebold and Harris wore t-shirst that said "Natural Selection" on the day of their murders at Columbine?


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Jefferson said:
Are you aware that Klebold and Harris wore t-shirst that said "Natural Selection" on the day of their murders at Columbine?

Proving what?

While we're at it do you want to know what the German army in both world wars had stamped on their belt buckles?


New member
Jefferson said:
Are you aware that Klebold and Harris wore t-shirst that said "Natural Selection" on the day of their murders at Columbine?
Yes, I am aware of the t-shirts they were wearing. Doctrines are easily susceptible to perversion; whether it's the Qur'an and suicide bombers or the bible and Fred Phelps.. Did they have posters of Darwin hanging on their walls? Did they have signed first editions of "Voyage of the H.M.S. Beagle" tucked under their pillows? Perhaps if Colorado had some better science standards, the kids would have at least known what the theory purports to explain.. Klebold and Harris were outcasts pushed to the breaking point by bullies and fueled with delusions by violent video games like Quake.

Why did the shooter in Pennsylvania attempt to execute a dozen innocent Amish girls? He had a delusion that God had taken his young daughter away from him.

Why do I think this country is in a moral free-fall? Reason and Reality are being pushed aside and need to be brought to the front lines. It doesn't help the children of this country when adults are attempting to put fairy tales like 'men and dinosaurs lived peacefully together 6,000 years ago' in science classrooms.

If they had been wearing a shirt with Rage Against the Machine on the front, would Rorhbough have blamed Rock music and abortion as the primary reasons why our country is in a 'moral free-fall'?


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The link shows Bill O'Reilly talk about the liberal bias at CBS but it does not contain his interview with Brian. Does anyone have that link or a transcript of thier interview?


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I just listened to the O'Reilly interview. Brian R stated that "evolution was the basis for the attack on Columbine".
I have 4 kids and feel for him. But he is simply wrong.

Nathon Detroit

Jukia said:
I just listened to the O'Reilly interview. Brian R stated that "evolution was the basis for the attack on Columbine".
I have 4 kids and feel for him. But he is simply wrong.
He might know a bit more about the case than you do. :)

All the parents of the Columbine massacre were able to view the evidence that none of us have seen.

Because of that, (combined with the evidence we HAVE seen) I tend to trust his opinion more than yours.


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Knight said:
All the parents of the Columbine massacre were able to view the evidence that none of us have seen.

Because of that, (combined with the evidence we HAVE seen) I tend to trust his opinion more than yours.
What sort of evidence..?

Did Klebold and Harris kill their victims with transitional fossils..? I don't see how you can claim Rohrbough's strawman definition of evolution was responsible for those killings..


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Saying evolution was responsible for what happened at Columbine absolves the murderers whether anyone realizes it or not.
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